Ke Kī (5e Deity)

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Ke Kī[edit]

Alignment. Neutral good
Domains. Lightning, Storms, Knowledge
Divine Rank. Greater Deity

Ke Kī was created by Barensu to keep peace in the world of An'evor. Ke Kī although typically relaxed or deep in a book will often have outbursts which appear on the mortal world as storms. one day during a particularly nasty fight between Aquora and Ke Kī a bolt of lightning went astray and hit one of Ke Kī's largest libraries to which he immediately promised the one to save the books a reward of his power in the form of a spear.

Ke Kī finds a frendship with Oakider and Pyr'in often going to the mortal realm with them to either party or adventure as mortals. his temple is a giant library with lightning rods to protect it from himself.

Ke Kī is depicted as a young male with glasses constanly carrying a new book.

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