Kamen Rider Build (5e Class)

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Class Features

As a Kamen Rider Build you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Kamen Rider Build level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Kamen Rider Build level after 1st


Armor: light armor, medium armor, and heavy armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Martial weapons
Tools: Tinker Tools (or similar, at the player's discretion)
Saving Throws: Strength and Intelligence
Skills: Athletics and Acrobatics, then choose one more: Perception, Investigation, Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion, or Religion


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Tinker Tools or (b) Kitchen utensils (or other tools, free choice)
  • A Build Driver, a set of common clothes, and a martial weapon
  • (a) Dungeoneer’s Pack or (b) Explorer’s Pack
  • An important personal item (could be a letter, photo, keepsake)
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 5d4 x 10 gp in funds.

Table: The Kamen Rider Build

Level Proficiency
Rider's Fist Features
1st +2 1d6 Rider DC, Driver, Kamen Rider Build Archetype
2nd +2 1d6 Quick Instinct, Rider Punch
3rd +2 1d6 Full Bottles, Best Match (Rider Kick)
4th +2 1d6 Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 1d8 Extra Attack, Sparkling Upgrade (Optional)
6th +3 1d8 Archetype feature
7th +3 1d8
8th +3 1d8 Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 1d8 Archetype feature
10th +4 1d10 Hazard Trigger
11th +4 1d10 Additional Attack (3x)
12th +4 1d10 Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 1d10 Archetype feature
14th +5 1d10
15th +5 1d10 Archetype feature
16th +5 1d12 Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 1d12
18th +6 1d12
19th +6 1d12 Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 2d6 Genius Form

Kamen Rider Build[edit]

Kamen Riders are warriors who, in their civilian form, appear no different from ordinary people. However, when they transform using a Driver, they channel extraordinary powers. In **Kamen Rider Build**, that power comes from **Full Bottles** — small containers that hold “essences” that can be combined to create unique forms. Each Rider can also follow a path (an archetype) that defines their combat style.

Rider DC[edit]

Your Save DC for abilities that require a saving throw is:

Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier


At 1st level, you possess a the Driver System, a remarkable device that, when activated with your Full Bottles, allows you to undergo a spectacular transformation (or reverse it) as a bonus action. The exact form of your transformation depends on which Bottles you use, but it always alters your appearance with science-meets-heroic flair and grants you powerful abilities. While in your transformed state, you gain the following benefits:

  • Unless a creature has truesight or watches you transform, you can’t be recognized as your true identity
  • While transformed, you don the Rider Armor, which grants AC equal to 10 + your Strength modifier + your Intelligence modifier.
  • You also gains a weapon corresponding to the **Full Bottles** used in transformation.
  • As bonus action, you can change the **Full Bottles** to change your weapon and appeaerance, but this does not reset the first tranfomation countdown

Rider Punch[edit]

Even though the armor provides enhanced strength, Kamen Rider Build can channel extra power through unarmed strikes:

  • Your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage + your Strength modifier. This die increases according to your progression table (for example, 1d8 at 5th level, 1d10 at 10th, 1d12 at 16th, 2d6 at 20th, etc.).
  • If you have free hands (no weapon), you may make one additional unarmed strike as a bonus action on your turn (once per turn).

Kamen Rider Build Archetype[edit]

Starting at 1st level, you choose an Archetype among **Build**, **Cross-Z**, **Grease**, **Rogue**, and **Evol**, described at the end of this class. Your choice grants additional features at levels 1, 6, 9, 13, and 15.

Full Bottles[edit]

At 2nd level, you gain **Full Bottles**. You start with **2** of them and may reach up to **10** by 10th level, if your campaign allows.

  • **Combination**: When you activate the Driver, choose **2** Bottles to form your armor. Each pair may provide thematic effects (Best Match, elemental damage, etc.).
  • **Best Match**: Certain pairs are “perfect,” granting extra bonuses on your Rider Kick (see below).

Vortec Finish (Finish)[edit]

At 2nd level, you unlock your iconic finishing move.

  • **Use**: Once per combat (recharges on a Short or Long Rest).
  • **Action**: Choose one target within 15 feet; you leap forward and make a special melee attack. On a hit, it deals **+2 dice** of your Rider Punch as extra damage.
  • If it reduces the target to 0 HP, you regain the use of the Rider Kick immediately (reproducing the classic “epic moment”).
  • If the pair of Bottles is a “Best Match,” this Rider Kick can have additional effects (e.g., extra elemental damage or pushing the target).

Quick Instinct[edit]

At 2nd level, you may add **1d4** to your Initiative roll. That die becomes **1d6** at 6th level, **1d8** at 10th, and **1d10** at 14th. You can use this benefit a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1), regaining all uses after a Long Rest.

Rider Weapon[edit]

At 3rd level, you may designate a martial weapon as your **Rider Weapon**, gaining a +1 magic bonus to attack and damage rolls. You can summon this Rider Weapon to your hand as a bonus action if it is on the same plane of existence. The bonus improves to +2 at 5th level and +3 at 11th level.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or two ability scores by 1 each (no score can exceed 20).

Extra Attack[edit]

At 5th level, you can attack twice instead of once whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. At 11th level, you can make three attacks instead of one whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Sparkling Upgrade (Optional)[edit]

Also at 5th level, if you find/produce a special item (e.g., “Sparkling Can”), you can use it **once per Short Rest** as a bonus action. Your armor gains extra effects until the end of the fight (e.g., +10 ft. movement, +1 AC). Be creative.

Hazard Trigger (10th Level)[edit]

You gain a device that unleashes your maximum, yet risky, power: **Hazard Form**. As a bonus action, activate it for **1 minute**:

  • **Benefits**: +2 on attack and damage rolls, and advantage on Strength checks.
  • **Risk**: At the **start** of each of your turns, make a Wisdom saving throw (DC = your Rider DC). On a failure, you enter a frenzy until the end of that turn, attacking whoever is closest (ally or foe).
  • This form ends if you drop to 0 HP or if you choose to end it. It can be used **once** per Long Rest.

Final Form (20th Level)[edit]

Upon reaching 20th level, you unlock your **Final Form** (such as “Genius Form” or equivalent). As a bonus action, you can activate it for **1 minute**:

  • **+2** to Str (or Dex) and Cha (to a maximum of 24).
  • Base AC = 15 + Str (or Dex) + Cha.
  • Resistance against magical damage (or advantage on saving throws against spells).

When the effect ends, you cannot transform again until you finish a Long Rest.

Subclasses (Archetypes)[edit]

Below are the 5 Subclasses inspired by *Kamen Rider Build*. You choose one at 1st level, gaining additional features at levels 1, 6, 9, 13, and 15.

Archetype: Build[edit]

You embody the classic Build, a genius at combining Bottles.

Level 1 – Best Match Specialist[edit]

Designate 1 pair of Bottles as a “Best Match” (e.g., Rabbit + Tank). When you use that pair, your Rider Kick deals +1 extra die (for a total of +3 instead of +2) and you gain +5 ft. movement. As you discover more relevant Bottles, you may designate up to 3 Best Match pairs (up to level 10).

Level 6 – Hazard Safe[edit]

When using the Hazard Trigger (10th level of the base class), you get +1 on Wisdom saving throws to avoid frenzy. If you fail, you may retry at the end of the same turn to end the frenzy early on a success.

Level 9 – Sparkling Mastery[edit]

When you use the Sparkling Upgrade (5th level), you gain +2 AC instead of +1, and your bonus movement increases to +15 ft.

Level 13 – RabbitRabbit & TankTank[edit]

You create the FullFull Bottle, granting two advanced forms:


  • +2 to Acrobatics checks; you may Disengage as a bonus action.


  • +2 to Constitution checks; you may Dodge as a bonus action.

Level 15 – Genius Form Protocol[edit]

A “preview” of the Genius Form: once per Long Rest, for 3 rounds, you gain +1 Str (or Dex), +1 Cha (up to 20), and +1 AC. You can purify 1 negative condition on yourself or on an ally. If you already have the Final Form at 20th level, this feature becomes even better (lasts 5 rounds, can purify 2 conditions, etc.).

Archetype: Cross-Z[edit]

You follow the Dragon path, with destructive power and intense flames.

Level 1 – Dragon Essence[edit]

You receive the Dragon Full Bottle. If you use it in your transformation, you gain +1 on melee damage, and once per turn, your Rider Punch adds fire damage equal to your Cha modifier.

Level 6 – Cross-Z Charge[edit]

In the “Cross-Z Charge” form: your melee attacks (Punch/Kick) deal fire damage (instead of bludgeoning). When you score a critical hit, you gain 5 temporary HP (does not stack).

Level 9 – Burning Heart[edit]

If you are at half or fewer HP, you deal +1d6 fire damage once per turn on melee attacks, and you have advantage on saving throws against the frightened condition.

Level 13 – Cross-Z Magma[edit]

As a bonus action, you acquire the “Magma” form: +2 on all attack damage, and your Rider Kick gains +1 extra die of fire damage. It lasts until you drop to 0 HP or the fight ends.

Level 15 – Unbreakable Will[edit]

Once per Long Rest, if you drop to 0 HP, roll a DC 10 Constitution check. If successful, you remain at 1 HP instead of 0. Your attacks ignore enemy resistance to fire damage (but not immunity).

Archetype: Grease[edit]

The mercenary of Hokuto, focused on teamwork and sturdiness, using Robot Jelly.

Level 1 – Robot Heart[edit]

You receive the Robot Bottle/Jelly. Using it in your transformation grants +1 on melee attacks if an ally is within 5 ft. If an ally drops to 0 HP within 10 ft. of you, you can use your reaction to grant them temporary HP equal to your level + Cha mod (once per Short Rest).

Level 6 – Grease Mode[edit]

Your “Grease” form grants a base AC = 12 + Str + Cha. You also have advantage on Constitution checks to resist exhaustion or maintain concentration.

Level 9 – Team Support[edit]

As a bonus action, choose up to 2 allies within 30 ft.; each gains +1 on attacks or AC until the start of your next turn. If you are in Grease Mode, you can give +2 to one ally instead of +1.

Level 13 – Grease Blizzard[edit]

Once per Long Rest, activate the “Blizzard” form: your attacks gain +1d6 (cold) damage, and you have resistance to cold and lightning. When the form ends, you suffer 1 level of exhaustion.

Level 15 – Self-Sacrifice[edit]

If an ally within 5 ft. would take lethal damage, you can take that damage in their place. If this brings you to 0 HP, you remain at 1 HP until the end of your next turn (you do not make death saves during that interval).

Archetype: Rogue[edit]

Gentoku Himuro, the dark Rider who wields the Crocodile Crack Bottle.

Level 1 – Crocodile Maw[edit]

When using the Crocodile Bottle, your unarmed/light-weapon attacks deal +1 piercing damage. If you score a critical hit with a melee attack, the target must make a Constitution save (DC = Rider DC). On a failure, it becomes frightened until the end of its next turn.

Level 6 – Kamen Rider Rogue[edit]

You ignore half cover and three-quarters cover when making ranged attacks. If you use melee weapons, any critical hit deals an extra 1d6 necrotic (or psychic) damage.

Level 9 – Ruthless Strike[edit]

If you attack a target that has no nearby allies, your first melee attack of the turn against it has advantage. On a hit, deal extra damage equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Level 13 – Dark Storm[edit]

As a bonus action, create a 10-foot aura that lasts until the end of your next turn. Enemies in the area have disadvantage on saving throws against fear and can become frightened if they fail a Wisdom save (DC = Rider DC). Once per Short Rest.

Level 15 – Path of Atonement[edit]

Once per Long Rest, if you drop to 0 HP, you can immediately rise with half your maximum HP but gain 1 level of exhaustion. While you have that exhaustion, your attacks deal +1d4 damage (channeled anger).

Archetype: Evol[edit]

A cosmic manipulator who masters Cobra, Rabbit, Dragon, and Black Hole forms.

Level 1 – Cosmic Entity[edit]

You receive the Evol Bottle (Cobra). Once per turn, your attacks deal +1d4 poison damage. You understand and can speak any common language (cosmic power).

Level 6 – Phase Forms (Rabbit & Dragon)[edit]

As a bonus action, switch to:

Evol Rabbit

  • +10 ft. speed, +1 to Athletics checks

Evol Dragon

  • +1d4 fire damage once per turn, +1 on Strength checks

Switching from Rabbit to Dragon (or vice versa) costs another bonus action.

Level 9 – Blood Stalk Legacy[edit]

Your ranged attacks deal +1d6 extra damage if you are at least 20 ft. away from the target. As a bonus action, taunt one enemy that can hear you; on a failed Wisdom save (DC = Rider DC), it has disadvantage on its next attack against you.

Level 13 – Black Hole Form[edit]

Once per Long Rest, as a bonus action, activate “Black Hole” form for up to 1 minute:

  • You gain a 30 ft. fly speed.
  • Every time you hit with an attack, you pull the enemy 5 ft. closer (no save).

Level 15 – Destroyer of Worlds[edit]

Once per combat, you gain 1 additional action immediately after an enemy’s turn (it can be a simple Attack or Movement). Whenever you reduce an enemy to 0 HP, all enemies within 10 ft. of that one must make a Wisdom save. On a failure, they become frightened until the end of their next turn.

Full Bottles[edit]

Below, Bottles are divided into Organic (animals, creatures, etc.) and Inorganic (objects, elements, etc.). Each entry has a brief theme and Effect.

Rabbit (Organic)[edit]

  • Effect: Gain +10 ft. to your movement speed.

Weapon:Rabbit Boots

  • Unarmed strikes deal +1d6 if you moved at least 20 ft. before attacking.

Gorilla (Organic)[edit]

  • Effect: Gain a +2 bonus on Strength checks or advantage on climbing and grappling actions.

Gorilla Arms

  • Once per transformation, you can perform a “Gorilla Smash”, add +3 damage dice to an unarmed strike

Hawk (Organic)[edit]

  • Effect: Gains flying speed equal to your move speed.

Ninnin (Ninja) (Organic)[edit]

  • Effect: Gains ninja vanish, as bonus action,teleport up to 10 ft.

Lion (Organic)[edit]

  • Effect: Once per transformation, roar to impose disadvantage in the next attack of enemies at 20ft of you.

Dragon (Organic)[edit]

  • Effect: Deal +1d4 fire damage on melee hits.

Wolf (Organic)[edit]

  • Effect: Advantage on scent-based Perception checks.

Tiger (Organic)[edit]

  • Effect: Gain +2 to initiative.

Phoenix (Organic)[edit]

  • Effect: Fire resistance, and once per transformation, you can heal yourself for 1d8 multiplied by your proeficiency bonus.

Whale (Organic)[edit]

  • Effect: Breathe underwater and Swin speed equal to your move speed, and, once per transformetio, emit a “sonar ping” in a 60 ft. radius that locates hidden creatures/objects.

Tank (Inorganic)[edit]

  • Effect: +1 to AC and advantage on saving throws to resist being shoved/pushed.

Diamond (Inorganic)[edit]

  • Effect: Resistance to piercing damage.

Weapon: Diamond Shield

  • 2 AC. When you were hit buy a attack, you can use your reaction to reflect damage back to a melee attacker equal to your damage die roll.

Gatling (Inorganic)[edit]

  • Effect: Gain a “burst shot” once per turn with ranged weapons, Once you make an attack with this weapon, you can’t make any attacks until the start of your next turn. If you would be able to attack more than once when you take the Attack action on your turn, you deal an extra two dice of damage for each attack you forgo when using this weapon. You can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Comic (Inorganic)[edit]

  • Effect: Create an illusory “comic effect” once per transformation, distracting or imposing disadvantage on an enemy’s Perception check.

Rocket (Inorganic)[edit]

  • Effect: Gain a rocket jump (triple jump distance).
  • Weapon: Rocket Booster Arm

You can “rocket punch” up to 10 ft. away, dealing 1d8 bludgeoning if you have line of sight.

Panda (Inorganic)[edit]

  • Effect: Advantage on grapple checks and immune to frightned condition.
  • Weapon: Panda Mace

Deals 1d6 bludgeoning. On a hit, you can choose to shove the target 5 ft.

Ressha (Train) (Inorganic)[edit]

  • Effect: Once per transformation, perform a “train rush” in a straight line for a special slam attack.
  • Weapon: Ressha Bow

Propreties of a shorbow, If your attacks move in a straight line at least 30 ft., deals +1d6 damage and the target has to make a Dexteriy Saving Throw against your Rider DC, in fail, the target is knocked prone.

Vacuum (Cleaner) (Inorganic)[edit]

  • Effect: Pull an enemy 5 ft. closer once per round.

Lock (Inorganic)[edit]

  • Effect: Once per transformation, “lock” an enemy in place (contested Strength or Dexterity check) for 1 round.

Robo (Inorganic)[edit]

  • Effect: +2 on checks for history/religion.

Best Match Combinations[edit]

When two Bottles form a Best Match, they grant stronger combined effects than using them separately. Below are some of the most iconic pairs:

Rabbit + Tank (RabbiTank)[edit]

  • Combined Effect

Gain +5 ft. speed and +1 AC. Your Vortex Finish deals +1 additional damage die if you use this combo.

Gorilla + Diamond (GorillaMond)[edit]

  • Combined Effect: gain resistance to bludgeoning.

Once per transformation, add +2 to a Strength-based attack and treat your target’s AC as 2 lower (because Diamond smashes through).

Weapon: Gorilla Diamond Puncher On a successful melee hit, you can shatter an object or break a piece of enemy armor, reducing his AC in 3. You can use this once per day.

Hawk + Gatling (HawkGatling)[edit]

  • Combined Effect

Weapon: Hawk Gattling

  • A firearms (20ft/60ft), that deals damage equal to double your unarmed strike dice, but don't add you attack modifier.

Gain short bursts of flight (e.g., 20 ft. flying speed for 1 round) Once per turn, you may make an additional ranged attack as part of your Attack action.

Ninnin (Ninja) + Comic (NinninComic)[edit]

  • Combined Effect: Once per transformation, turn invisible for 1 round (or until you attack).

Weapon: NinNin Comic Sword This sword apply slashing damage equal to your Rider Punch's damage die. You can create illusions that impose disadvantage on up to 2 enemies’ checks or saves once per transformation. Once per day, you can cast Fireball.

Rocket + Panda (RocketPanda)[edit]

  • Combined Effect

Perform a “rocket lunge” once per transformation, moving up to 30 ft. in a straight line (ignoring difficult terrain) and making a melee attack at the end with advantage.

Weapon: Rocket Panda Launcher Once per day, you can launch yourself + strike, dealing +1d6 force and trying to grappling the target in the "rocket lunge". If you successfully grapple the target after this hit, it takes an additional 1d6 per 5ft. of bludgeoning.

Kaizoku (Pirate) + Ressha (Train) (KaizokuRessha)[edit]

  • Combined Effect

Ignore difficult terrain during movement. Once per fight, unleash a “pirate rail charge”: move in a straight line, forcing each creature in your path to succeed on a Dexterity save or be knocked prone.

Weapon: Pirate Rail Bow A stroke of light forming a line 60 feet long and 5 feet wide blasts out from you in a direction you choose. Each creature in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 4 Rider's punch damage die of lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. For each 30ft that this attack travels, add one Rider's Punch damage die

Lion + Vacuum (LionCleaner)[edit]

  • Combined Effect

Once per fight, you can “roar” in a 15 ft. cone. Creatures that fail a Strength save are pulled 10 ft. toward you (Vacuum synergy) and frightened for 1 round (Lion synergy). Gain advantage on Intimidation checks.

Weapon: Lion Suction Cannon

Fire + Hedgehog (FireHedgehog)[edit]

  • Combined Effects

Flaming quills: deal +1d6 fire damage to any creature that hits you with a melee attack (once per turn). Once per transformation, create a “fire burst” around you, forcing creatures within 5 ft. to succeed on a Dexterity save or take minor fire damage.


Dragon + Lock (DragonLock)[edit]

  • Combined Effect

After dealing fire damage, you can attempt to “lock” the target’s movement (contested Strength or Dex check). If successful, it can’t move until the start of your next turn. Gain advantage on checks to break free from grapples (dragon’s might).

Weapon: Dragon Lock Key"

Phoenix + Robo (PhoenixRobo)[edit]

  • Combined Effect

Once per transformation, if you drop to 0 HP, you can revive at 1 HP (Phoenix synergy) but this ends your transformation immediately. Your unarmed attacks (or Rider Punch) gain a “mechanical fiery” property that deals +1d4 extra fire damage once per turn.

Weapon: Phoenix Robo Arms"

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