Kaldor (Iolis Setting)

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Map of Kaldor


Kaldor is the southern government in Zamonia. Populated by the devout, Kaldor has seen a period of relative peace with Alcet. The northern provinces have snowy winters and warm summers. The southern provinces have rainy winter and warm summers.


Kaldor is an Archdukedom, ruled by Archduke Kaldor after the Winter Rebellion in Kaldor. Each province is run by a duke, and a count at the head of every city. There are nine dukedoms each with its own natural resources. Wilderbestira has the largest farmland, Ventus has wind that powers windmills to make flour, South Kaldor has rivers to power factories, Budo has grapes and bogs for rarer plants, Uma has live stock, Hoseki has gemstone deposits, Yaki is a desolate wilderness, and The Shinsei Forest is sacred to the Kaldorians. The Kaldor family has one of their members as Duke of South Kaldor and one as the Arch Duke. The common languages are Common and Elvish. The capitol is the city of Rislend, and holds the Glass Throne.

South Kaldor[edit]

South Kaldor is in the Northern region of the country. There are many rivers that led to the increase in industrial production. South Kaldor isn't as strong a producer as the Recs of Wolfenfeniria, but the two groups work together in times of peace. The capitol city of South Kaldor is Risgard, and has Wolfenfeniris influences in the architecture. The Duchess Kaldor the younger is strong supporters of the Kal-Wolf alliance, and rummurs circulate that she is married to the High King Snow of Wolfenfeniria. The other dukedoms loyal to South Kaldor are Ventus and Kozan.


Ventus is in the Northern region of the country. Ventus is in the foot hills of the Skyridge Mountains, and has huge windmills that generate electricity for the country. The country mainlt uses electricity for lighting and household appliances, but Ventus is one of the poorest dukedomes in Kaldor. The capitol city is Boreas, and is designed to withstand massive typhoons. The duke Cole is strongly protective of his people and is a strong supporter of Duke Kaldor.


Wilderbesteria was combined from Wilderlands and Bestal, and is the only fief with a dual-dukedom. It has the most farms out of all of Kaldor and lies at the foothills of the Skyridge mountains. The Wilder forest is in the northern part and is controlled by the Wildcount Arten. The fields are controlled by the Duke Euros. The capitol is Beslands, and is home to the Dual Throne for house Arten and Euros. Wilderbesteria prefers to hold little ties to the other Dukes.


Kozan is in the central region of Kaldor and has the largest iron mines in the country. They are the second poorest dukedom even though they transport to all other fiefs. Duke Ferris is in charge of the area and works hard to ensure that every citizen has food and shelter. The capitol city of Kozan is Mal Rosla, and ancient Dwarven city that is sunk into the hills. Duke Ferris is in communications with the Slab of Wolfenfeniria and supports the Kal-Wolf alliance. He stands next to Duke Kaldor in most decisions.


Budo is located in the central region of Kaldor and is right on the coast. Unfortunately, most of the coast is covered in swamps and there are almost no harbors. Budo mainly grows grapes that are then turned into wine. Budo's capitol is Ions, and the Duke who controls the lands is Duchess Io. Budo is one of the richest nations because so many people drink the wine because the water in some places is questionable. Budo sides with Hoseki in many affairs.


Uma is in the Central region and was once home of the Horselords. Now it is responsible for the outfitting of the Kaldorian Cavalry, and ranching. Uma's capitol is Dynos, and is made entirely of tents, and is based off of the old Horselord cities. The Duke who controls the lads is Duchess Demit. As the center of the cavalry, Uma is most prosperous during wars. As such, Duchess Demit is often willing to go to war for her own gains. The counts of Uma often side with Hoseki in political affairs.


Hoseki is the gemstone capitol of Kaldor, and is the only inhabited province in the south regions. It is also the richest and is home to the Crystal Palace, the home of Archduke Kaldor. The capitol city is Jem, and is carved out of quartz. Many peasants of the other dukedoms resent the extravagance of the population of Hoseki. The Duke Ligh is the brother of the wife of Archduke Kaldor and often will act as a political puppet, doing the Archduke's biddings and making it sound as if it is from a Duke. Hoseki is often opposed to South Kaldor in all decisions.

Yake and Shinsei Forest[edit]

  • The province of Yake is said to be the place where St. Dresden defeated one of the Demon Lords. The landscape is twisted into horrible tendrils of obsidian and glass and there are many fissures that open into oblivion. Many people in Kaldor believe that it is cursed.
  • The Shinsei Forest is the forest that sprung up after the battle in Yake. St. Dresden's staff is said to have been planted on the top of the Mountain in the middle and it made the entire forest spring up. The people of Kaldor hold this forest sacred, and none of the trees can be cut down.


Kaldorians worship Pelor and The New Saints. Each capitol has its own temple to the New Saints. Each Kaldorian is strongly devoted to any god that they choose, and gain certain benefits from their choice.* The current Archduke has made it law that all religions are tolerated. There are smaller shrines to other gods.


The main races of Kaldor are Half-Elves, Elves and Humans. Half-Elves and Humans tend to live in the more populated areas like South Kaldor. Elves tend to live in the fief of Wilderbesteria or Budo. The races live in harmony and there is little fighting between them.


Each Class of Kaldor belongs to a school. These schools provide food and lodgings for their members and parties, and offer different jobs for the members. The Schools and classes are as follows...

Psionic the psionic school focuses on mental magic. They have towers throughout the country side. The Psionic school contains the following classes...

  • Ardent
  • Monk
  • Psion

Ancient the ancient school uses magic from the beginning of time. They can draw upon the creating forces of the universe and the most powerful runes. The Ancient school contains the following classes...

  • Invoker
  • Runepriest
  • Sorcerer

Divine the divine school uses magic from their gods. They are the most common school in Kaldor and have temples around the country. The Divine school contains the following classes...

  • Avenger
  • Paladin
  • Paragon

Background Bonus[edit]

If your character is from Kaldor, you can read and speak Kaldorian, and gain a +2 to religion and heal.*

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