Kaiju (3.5e Template)
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Short (Titanic Magical Beast) description.
Monstrous beasts that destroy everything in their path reducing all civilization to ruins, the most famous of these monsters in the movies is Godzila or Kingkong, for its representation in the dungeon and dragons games the most famous beast of these characteristics would be the Tarrasque.
Creating a Kaiju[edit]
Kaiju is a template that can be added to any animal, magical beast, plant or vermin (referred to hereafter as the "base creature") of Tiny to Huge size. The base creature's type changes to "magical beast". Thus, vermin that become kaiju do not possess the standard vermin qualities. The kaiju uses the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted below.
Size and Type[edit]
The creature's size becomes Titanic (colosal +) Its Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, natural armor, size modifier, Armor Class size modifier, space, reach, and damage dice all change according to the Size Increases table. AC/Attack mod -16, Hide mod -20, Grapple mod +20, Dimension aprox 128-256 ft. Weight aprox 1-8 KT.
Hit Dice[edit]
The base creature's Hit Die type remains the same (remember, however, that creatures of the animal and vermin types become magical beasts and therefore use a d10)*, and it gains an additional +40 Hit Dice over and above the base creature's total**.
- This applies to a variant sidebar that allows other monster types to become kaiju(constructs, abberations). They do NOT become magical beasts, and keep their old die type.
- If you wish to advance your kaiju, advance the base creature's Hit Dice BEFORE applying the kaiju template.
Because of their immense size, kaiju are slow and ungainly; their speed does not change much from the base creature's. If the base creature has a speed of less than 20 feet, it increases to 20 feet. Otherwise the creature's speeds remain the same. Kaiju with the ability to fly are always Poor fliers.
Armor Class[edit]
The template adds to the base natural armor bonus a creature has based on the Size Increase table, all kaiju are exceptionally well-armored, and they gain an additional +15 to their natural armor bonus. Increasing the creasture's size to (Colossal +) also modifies the creature's Dexterity score, which in turn modifies the kaiju's final AC.
A kaiju's base attack bonus is dictated by its type and Hit Dice. Because the kaiju template changes a creature's type to magical beast, they all progress at a good Base Attack Bonus progression, thus a kaiju has a Base Attack Bonus equal to its Hit Dice. Apart from this, the kaiju retains all of the attacks possessed by the base creature.
Full Attack[edit]
(If a Kaiju uses a weapon to attack, it has a maximum of four attacks when using the full attack action. Feats, spells, and other effects can increase the number of attacks the creature receives, but the maximum it can derive from its base attack bonus is four attacks. This does not apply to the natural attack routine of a kaiju with more than four natural weapons, only for those using a weapon-style attack routine.) The base creature's damage dice are adjusted according to the changes in the creature's size, as detailed in Chapter 4 of the Monster Manual. Note that the changes are cumulative. For example, if the base creature's attack deals 2d6 damage and it increases three size categories when the kaiju template is applied, the attack now deals 4d8 damage.
Space/Reach: The space of the creature becomes 60ft. It is possible for very large kaiju to have a larger space. The reach of a kaiju is greater than that of the base creature. Double the base creature's reach, to a minimum of 20 feet.
Special Attacks[edit]
A kaiju keeps any special attacks possessed by the base creature, but certain factors of special attacks are modified. The DC to resist or avoid special attacks is increased according to the creature's Hit Dice and the relevant ability modifier, the base formula for saves is 10+1/2 monster HD+ability bonus, so you must recalculate this value for all of the monster's attacks.
Improved Grab (Ex): If a kaiju hits a or smaller opponent with bite attacks, it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. They can make only one grapple attack per round. If it gets a hold, it has the option to conduct the grapple normally, or simply use its to hold the opponent each successful grapple check it makes during successive rounds automatically deals damage for bite to hold the opponent.
Swallow Whole (Ex): A kaiju can swallow a single creature that is at least two size categories smaller than itself by making a successful grapple check, provided it already has that opponent in its mouth (see Improved Grab, above). Once inside the kaiju, the opponent takes 3d6+Str points of crushing damage and 2d8+Con points of acid damage per round from the monster’s stomach. A successful grapple check allows the swallowed creature to climb out of the stomach and return to the kaiju’s mouth, where another successful grapple check is needed to get free. Alternatively, a swallowed creature can try to cut its way out with either claws or a light piercing or slashing weapon. Dealing at least 50 points of damage to the stomach (AC flat-footed) in this way creates an opening large enough to permit escape. Once a single swallowed creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; thus, another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out. A Titanic kaiju’s stomach can hold 1 Gargantua, 2 Huge, 8 Large, 32 Medium-size, 128 Small opponents.
Trample (Ex): As a standard action during its turn each round, can trample opponents at least one size category smaller than itself by making a running away. This attack deals 8d8 damage base, add Strength for 3+ legs, 1/2 Strength for 1-2 legs, No Str for legless, points of bludgeoning damage. A trampled opponent can attempt either an attack of opportunity at a –4 penalty or a Reflex save (DC 10+1/2 HD+Str) for half damage.
Area Attacks (Ex): A titanic creature’s area attacks (such as a spider’s ability to generate webs) increase in size to gigantic proportions. Multiply the height, width, and length of the base creature’s area attack by the area modifier given on the Titanic Modifiers table. Fine ×12, Diminutive ×10, Tiny ×8, Small ×6, Medium-size ×4.
Windstorm(Ex): As a standard action, the kaiju can blast an area with powerful gusts of wind by flapping its wings if have. The blast of wind creates a 100-foot cone of hurricane force wind. (See the DMG for wind effects. I ain't typing all that.) "only if the kaiju must have wings to have this special attack".
In addition a kaiju gains one additional special attack, plus one for every 3 Hit Dice over 40, chosen from the list below:
- Augmented Criticals(Ex): Using its natural attacks, the kaiju threatens a critical hit on a natural attack roll of 18-20, dealing x3 damage on a successful critical hit.
- Battle Frenzy(Ex): When the kaiju is reduced to 25% of its maximum hit points, it gains a +4 bonus to Strength and can make an additional melee attack each round at a -5 penalty. These benefits cease if the kaiju is healed above 25% of its maximum hit point total or is reduced to 0 hit points or less.
- Breath Weapon(Su): The kaiju possesses a powerful breath weapon. It can use this breath weapon once every 1d4 rounds. The type of damage done by the breath weapon is the same as one of the energy resistances granted by the kaiju template (see Special Qualities). The breath weapon takes the form of a line (ten feet wide and ten feet tall) with a length of 100 feet, and does 10d8 points of damage. Creatures can make Reflex saving throws (DC 10+1/2 the kaiju's Hit Dice+the kaiju's Constitution modifier) for half damage.
- Energized Attack(Su): As a standard action once per minute, the kaiju can infuse its natural attacks with energy of the type of one of the energy resistances granted by the kaiju template (see Special Qualities). The ype must be chosen when the kaiju is created. This lasts for 1d4+1 rounds, during this time all of the kaiju's melee attacks do an extra 3d6 damage of the appropriate energy type. This damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.
- Ranged Attack(Ex): The kaiju possess some form of physical ranged attack; this might be the ability to fire spines from its torso, spit boulders from its mouth, shoot bony discs from its hands, or any other physical attack. The kaiju can make one ranged attack in this manner as a standard action using its ranged attack bonus. Projectiles fired in this manner preplenish their supply in one round, allowing the kaiju to make these ranged attacks at the rate of once per round. This attack has 200-foot range increment and causes 4d6 points of damage plus the kaiju's Strength modifier on a successful hit.
- Ray Attack(Su): Once every 1d4 rounds, the kaiju can generate a beam of energy from its mouth, eyes, horns, or some other body part. The kaiju must make a ranged touch attack to hit the target with its ray: all kaiju rays have a range of 300 feet. If the ray hits, it causes 15d6 points of energy damage of the same type as one of the energy resistances granted by the kaiju template (see Special Qualities).
- Shockwave(Ex): As a standard action, the kaiju can rear up and come crashing to the earth. This causes a severe localized earth tremor, affecting all creatures standing on the ground within 100 feet of the kaiju. Creatures in this region must make Reflex saving throws (DC 10+half the kaiju's Hit Dice+Strength modifier) or fall prone. Structures in this area suffer 4d8 points of damage.
- Increased Damage (Ex): Damage from a special attack other than poison or trample is tripled, if the attack deals hit point damage.
- Poison Increase (Ex): If the base creature has a poison attack, increase the initial and secondary damage to double. The save DC to avoid a titanic creature’s poison is 10+ HD kaiju+ the creature’s Constitution modifier.
Special Qualities[edit]
A kaiju keeps any special qualities possessed by the base creature. Special qualities that affect an area are enlarged in the same manner as a kaiju's special attacks. In addition, a kaiju gains all of the following special qualities:
Damage Reduction(Ex): Kaiju possess damage reduction 25/+5. If the base creature already has damage reduction, this special quality replaces it.*(*Myself, I edit this to 25/epic, and as per the normal rules, you keep all damage reductions, and apply the single most beneficial one. So, if you also have, say, DR 10/silver, you can still apply that to a +6 adamantine warhammer blow. Makes more sense according to the new system.)
Darkvision(Ex): Kaiju possess darkvision to a range of 120 feet.
Energy Resistance(Ex): Kaiju are highly resistant to one form of energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire or sonic) and possess energy resistance 50 against that element. If the base creature already has energy resistance of the type chosen, use the better value.
Immune to Mind-Influencing Effects(Ex): Kaiju are immune to mind-influencing effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns and morale effects). Certain powerful artifacts might be able to control kaiju, but for the most part such powerful magic is beyond the ken of mortals.
Spell Resistance(Su): The kaiju gains spell resistance equal to 10+its CR.
In addition to these standard kaiju special qualities, a kaiju gains one additional special quality, plus one for every 3 Hit Dice over 40, chosen from the list below:
- Absorb Energy(Su): The kaiju can absorb energy attacks(of the same energy type as one of the energy resistances granted by the kaiju template) that strike it. Any damage from this energy type that penetrates the kaiju's energy resistance is absorbed and converted to temporary hit points that last for ten minutes before vanishing.
- Additional Energy Resistance(Ex): The kaiju possesses energy resistance 50 to two additional forms of energy. This ability can be chosen twice, granting the kaiju resistance to all five types of energy.*(*If you use nuclear and radiation damage in your game, such as Dragonstar or d20 Modern, make this an option. Helps when making the kaiju for sure.)
- Additional Movement Type(Ex): The kaiju gains a land, climb, fly, swim or burrow speed. New fly and swim speeds granted by this special quality are equal to the kaiju's base speed, and the kaiju's new burrow or climb speed is always half the kaiju's base speed. (If the creature has no land speed, it cannot burrow.) If the base creature did not possess a land speed, the kaiju can gain a land speed of 20 feet. The kaiju's body cosmetically changes to aid in its new movement mode; it gains wings, flippers, stubby legs, or burrowing claws. The ability can be chosen multiple times, granting the kaiju a new form of movement each time.
- Death Throes(Su): When killed, the kaiju explodes in a burst of energy (of the same energy type as one of the energy resistances granted by the kaiju template) that deals 20d6 points of damage to everything withing 100 feet. Creatures in this region must make Reflex saving throws (DC 10+1/2 Hit Dice+Con modifier) to take half damage.
- Fast Healing(Ex): The kaiju heals very quickly and has fast healing 20.
- Immunity(Ex): The kaiju gains complete immunity to one of the following: acid, cold, electricity, fire, sonic attacks, or poison and disease. This ability can be chosen multiple times.
- No Breath(Ex): The kaiju does not breathe and is immune to inhaled poisons and gas-based attacks that require a Fortitude saving throw. It can also exist buried in the earth, underwater, or in other airless environments with ease.
- Reflect Spells(Su): Targetted spells and spell-like effects that fail to penetrate the kaiju's spell resistance are reflected back at the caster.
- See Invisibility(Su): The kaiju can continuously see invisiblity as the spell cast by a 20th-level sorcerer. It can supress or resume this ability as a free action.
Spell-like Abilities[edit]
The kaiju can use one of the following spells as a spell-like ability:
5/day spells: blur, darkness.
3/day spells: call lightning, cloudkill, dimension door, fireball, fly, gaseous form, ice storm, invisibility, minute form*, vulnerability*.
1/day spells: control weather, earthquake, haste, whirlwind.
(* Oriental Adventure setting spells.)
These spell-like abilities function as if cast by a 20th-level sorcerer. The DC to resist these spell-like abilities is 10+spell level+Charisma mod. This ability can be taken more than once, allowing a kaiu to have several different spell like abilities.
In addition to the previous modification to their status due to the change in size, it adds +20 Strength, +20 Constitution, +20 Charisma. Change the Intelligence to 2.
The monster gains skills as per any other magical beast. At their 2 Intelligence, that's 4 points at their first Hit Die, and 1 point per additional Hit Die. keeping their previous bonuses if they had them.
They gain feats at a rate of 1 at 1st level, and +1 at 3rd and every 3 HD after that. Keep all the base creature's bonus feats, to determine how many feats the kaiju has. Also, as epic monsters, kaiju can select their feats from this template from the Epic Level rules. Example, 42 HD kaiju wolf. That's 15 feats, and it keeps its bonus Track feat
same as base creature.
solitary, since it is considered a unique creature, and if it finds another kaiju a fierce battle start for territory breaks out
Challenge Rating[edit]
same as base creature
same as base creature
Level Adjustment[edit]
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