Jing Ling Elf (5e Subrace)

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Jing Ling Elf[edit]

In the snowy arctic far beyond the machinations of most mortal beings, a small city exists, called Jing Ling. This city, carved from the heart of the ice cap atop the world, is home to a unique breed of Elf, who are so rarely seen that most dismiss them as myths. These Elfs work constantly, whether as a job, as a hobby, and even as they sleep. Why they labour is unknown, perhaps they are forced by higher powers to work off an unknowable debt, or perhaps they simply have too much energy to be safely contained. Regardless of why, the Elfs of Jing Ling accept their gifts, and use it to make little trinkets that they bundle up once a year and gift to the children of the world, using their natural stealth to sneak the trinkets into houses among other gifts that are already present, a tradition that has survived since the Elf saint, Nicholas, founded Jing Ling millennia ago.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Arctic Born. You have resistance to cold damage. You also naturally acclimate to cold environments and high altitudes, even if you’ve never been to either. This includes elevations above 20,000 feet.
Light Steps. Your footsteps are so light that you can walk atop snow and similar surfaces as though it were solid ground, letting you ignore difficult terrain composed of such surfaces. This also prevents your footsteps from making noise, giving you proficiency in Stealth.
Tinker.. You have proficiency with artisan tools (tinker's tools). Using those tools, you can spend 1 hour, or 4 hours during your Elf trance period, and 10 gp worth of materials to construct a Tiny clockwork device (AC 5, 1 hp). The device ceases to function after 24 hours (unless you spend 1 hour repairing it to keep the device functioning), or when you use your action to dismantle it; at that time, you can reclaim the materials used to create it. You can have up to three such devices active at a time. When you create a device, choose one of the following options:

  • Clockwork Toy. This toy is a clockwork animal, monster, or person, such as a reindeer, penguin, polar bear, yeti, or elf. When placed on the ground, the toy moves 5 feet across the ground on each of your turns in a random direction. It makes noises as appropriate to the creature it represents.
  • Fire Starter. The device produces a miniature flame, which you can use to light a candle, torch, or campfire. Using the device requires your action.
  • Music Box. When opened, this music box plays a single song at a moderate volume. The box stops playing when it reaches the song's end or when it is closed.
  • At your DM's discretion, you may make other objects with effects similar in power to these. The Prestidigitation cantrip is a good baseline for such effects.
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