Path of the Force Warrior (5e Subclass)

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Path of the Force Warrior[edit]

Barbarian Subclass

Barbarians who follow the Path of the Force Warrior harness the power of the Force, blending disciplined mastery of this mystical energy with their primal fury to attain true mastery. Unlike typical barbarians, they do not simply rage—they enter a trance-like state, allowing them to commune directly with the Force. Through rigorous training in ancient combat forms, they strive for balance, seeking harmony between their inner rage and the power of the Force. However, the temptation of the Dark Side often lingers, and some of these warriors inevitably fall to its seductive pull.

Force Blade

Starting at 3rd level, whenever you enter in rage, you can manifest on an empty hand a blade of pure force energy. This weapon has the statistics of a longsword, but it causes radiant damage, rather than slashing. The blade has also the thrown (20/40) property, returning to your hand at the end of your turn. The blade can be ressumoned as a Bonus Action.

From Fighting

Also at 3rd level, you can master a form, a method of fighting with the force blade. You know a single form below, but you can retrain your chosen form, replacing with another, whenever you gain a new Force Warrior feature.

You can choose between the options below:

Shii-Cho Form. When you rage and as a Bonus Action after hitting a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can attempt to shove or disarm that target.
Makashi. When you use Reckless Attack and there's a single hostile creature within 5 feet, that creature don't attack you with Advantage. While in this form, you can't be disarmed.
Soresu. While wielding the Force Blade, you have resistance to ranged attacks and to the damage of spells. In addition, ranged attacks against you have Disadvantage.
Ataru. When you rage and as a Bonus Action in each turn, you can move up to half your movement speed without provoking opportunity attacks. (This adds to the movement from the Instinctive Pounce optional feature).
Shien/Djem So. Choose either Shien or Djem So when you enter rage. While in Shien, you add your Rage Damage bonus to your AC and whenever a ranged attack against you misses, it can be redirected towards its attacker as a reaction, using the same attack bonus. Deflecting and redirecting spell attacks requires the force blade. While in Djem, you add your Rage Damage bonus to your attacks and you roll an additional d20 when rolling with Advantage your attacks. You can swap between stances with a Bonus Action.
Niman. (6th Level). As part of the same Bonus Action you used to rage or as a Bonus Action in each turn, you can activate one of your Force Powers.
Juyo. Once per turn when you have Advantage on an attack, you can use a Bonus Action to forgo that Advantage and make an Additional attack as part of the Attack action. You don't need to use a Bonus Action if you had just entered in rage.
Force Powers

Starting at 6th level, your comprehension of the force grows, as you start to develop force powers. You gain a number of force points equal to twice your proficiency bonus whenever you finish a long rest, and you regain half your force points, rounded down, during a short rest, if you spend at least 30 minutes meditating during that rest.

The save DC for your Force powers is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier. Force powers count as spells, therefore can't be used during rage. As an Action, you can use these points in the following ways:

Force Push/Pull. You can spend 1+ force points to either push an object or creature using an Action. An object held or a creature can make a Constitutions saving throw to resist. The object is moved 10 feet per point spent, and the size is medium, +1 category per point spent. Alternatively, you can choose an additional target per point spent.
Force Jump. You can spend 1 force point to gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed until the end of your next turn.
Force Dash. You can spend 1 force point to triple your movement speed until the end of your next turn. Your movement speed don't provoke opportunity attacks for the duration.
Force Path

At 10th level, you are finally at the crossroads of the force mastery. Choose between the dark or light side of the force:

Light Side. While raging, you gain immunity to the charmed and frightened condition. In addition, you can spend force points as an Action to regain 5 hit points per force point spent.
Dark Side. On the turn you enter rage, you can make one additional attack as part of your Attack action. In addition, you gain two additional force powers: Force Strangle and Force Lightning.
Force Strangle. When you use the Force Push, you can also grapple a target until the start of your next turn. You can spend 1 additional force point (no Action required) to retain the grapple. In addition, while grappled by force or by telekinesis (Niman form), the target is suffocating.
Force Lightning. You can spend 1 force point to mimic the effects of Witch Bolt.
Form Mastery

At 14th level, you reach the peak in your form fighting. You gain one of the following benefits, depending on the chosen form:

Shii-Cho Form. When you succeed on a Shove or Disarming attempt, you can instantly follow up with a melee weapon attack (no action required)

Makashi. When benefiting from your Makashi form, whenever the creature within 5 feet makes an attack against you and misses, you can make an attack against it as a reaction.
Soresu. While wielding the Force Blade, you are immune to the damage of ranged spell attacks and spells that require a Dexterity saving throw and target a single creature.
Ataru. During your rage, you can move through the spaces of other creatures unhindered. Any creature you move through must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, or take damage equal to your Rage Damage bonus. The damage type is the same of the melee weapon you are wielding. A creature can suffer this damage once per turn.
Shien/Djem So. While in Shien, you can use your Redirect reaction without requiring a reaction. While in Djem, when you miss an attack you can use a Reaction to reroll it.
Niman. You can spend 5 force points to cast the spell Telekinesis once you enter in rage. Cast in this way it does not require concentration, and you can control the telekinetic hand once per turn. In addition, using your Force Powers during your rage cost 1 less point.
Vaapad (Requires Juyo). During rage, attacks against you no longer have Advantage due to Reckless Attack.
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