Isolation Dome, Greater (3.5e Spell)

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Isolation Dome, Greater
Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Components: V, S, M, F
Casting time: 1 Hour
Range: Long
Effect: A sphere of force that isolates a large expanse of terrain
Duration: 1 day./level (D)
Saving Throw: Special
Spell Resistance: None

A dome of invisible force is built around of the circumference , 50000 squared milles per spellcaster level, to the sides of the center and then up and down until the dome is complete. An Isolation Dome prevents creatures from entering or exiting and is immune to damage and magic, except for spells similar to disintegrate. When hit by a similar spell, if successful, it opens a breach in the dome that closes again within 1 hour. Abjuration spells like Antimagic Field can open a momentary rift with a successful opposed spell caster roll, which is instantly restored upon losing contact with the area of ​​effect, they are shunted harmlessly to the nearest safe space outside the guarded area if they fail. The dome can be dispelled from the focus or if the dome's caster dies. The dome also prevents intrusions from outside by magical means of teleport spells such as Dimension Door, Passwall, Teleport without Error or Plane Shift. It also prevents them from escaping the interior with magical means like in the same way as Dimensional Anchor. The caster of the spell can specify exact parameters for entering and exiting and can change them at will.

Permanency Enchantment can be applied to the focus.

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