Ironbound Wanderer (5e Background)
Ironbound Wanderer[edit]
You are a traveler who has walked countless roads, crossed treacherous lands, and weathered both storms and war. Your journey has forged you into someone who understands both strength and diplomacy, capable of enduring hardships yet wise enough to speak when steel is not the answer. Whether you were a mercenary, a messenger, or a lone seeker of truth, your armor has been your second skin, and the road your teacher.
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Persuasion
Tool Proficiencies: Smith’s Tools
Equipment: A well-worn set of traveler’s clothes, a whetstone, a small iron emblem from your homeland, a Breastplate, and a pouch with 10 gp.
Feature: Hardened by the Road[edit]
Your endless travels have made you resilient to exhaustion and hardship. While wearing Medium Armor, you can ignore the first level of exhaustion caused by travel or environmental hazards, such as extreme heat or cold.
Addition Feature: Armor-forged Resilience[edit]
Your time on the road has honed both body and mind. Choose one of the following feats:
- Moderately Armored: You have trained to master the use of medium armor and shields in your way of wandering.
- Resilient (Constitution): Your endurance is unmatched, granting you an increase to Constitution and proficiency in Constitution saving throws.
Suggested Characteristics[edit]
d8 | Personality Trait |
1 | I never stay in one place for long—there’s always another road calling me. |
2 | I treat my armor and weapons with reverence; they’ve kept me alive more than once. |
3 | I have a story for every town, every road, and every battle. |
4 | I speak plainly and directly—life on the road doesn’t leave time for fancy words. |
5 | I tend to be wary of people who have never left their homeland. |
6 | Comfort and luxury make me uneasy. I prefer a hard bed under the stars. |
7 | I am slow to trust, but once earned, my loyalty is unshakable. |
8 | I believe every problem has two solutions: talking or fighting. |
d6 | Ideal |
1 | Freedom Chains—whether real or metaphorical—were made to be broken. (Chaotic) |
2 | Endurance No matter what life throws at me, I will keep moving forward. (Neutral) |
3 | Justice The road has shown me the world’s cruelty—I will stand against it. (Good) |
4 | Respect Every land, every culture, every traveler has something to teach. (Lawful) |
5 | Wealth If there’s coin to be made, the road will take me there. (Neutral) |
6 | Wanderlust The world is vast, and I intend to see all of it. (Any) |
d6 | Bond |
1 | I owe my survival to a mentor who taught me the ways of the road. |
2 | A single town or person made me feel at home—but I had to leave. I hope to return one day. |
3 | I carry a map marked with the location of a hidden treasure, secret, or lost place. |
4 | A band of travelers or mercenaries is like family to me—I will always stand by them. |
5 | I made a promise long ago that I intend to keep, no matter the cost. |
6 | I once swore an oath of vengeance, and I will not rest until it is fulfilled. |
d6 | Flaw |
1 | I have trouble forming deep attachments, knowing I’ll have to leave eventually. |
2 | I never refuse a challenge, no matter how reckless |
3 | I struggle to trust authority figures—I’ve seen too many abuse their power. |
4 | I would rather suffer in silence than admit I need help. |
5 | I have a bad habit of gambling or drinking away my earnings after a long journey. |
6 | I am haunted by something I saw or did on my travels, and it weighs on me. |
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