Infinite Sky (5e Campaign Setting)

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Rating: 1 / 5
This is a very minimal page, most likely a Stub. Please help expand this.

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The White Citadel,(Source)

Infinite Sky[edit]

Campaign Setting Information[edit]

Players Guide

A small section about how classes fit into Infinite Sky.
Descriptions of how the various races figure into the world of Infinite sky and what place they have assumed in the geography and society.
Various doohickeys and weapons available to anyone, anywhere (except for things that don't have arms. Be glad, that means that you won't come across a samurai octopus with eight swords.).
Spells & Magic
Info on custom spell lists or additional spells available for spellcasters.

The World of Infinite Sky

The World & Locales
The land of Infinite Sky and the nations, cultures, and peoples within it.

Dungeon Master's Guide

Certain and important people (or unimportant) that you might meet during the campaign.
The Universal symbols of power, good, and evil.

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