Imitator (5e Class)

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All they do is copy the abilities of those that have passed.

Creating a imitator[edit]

Quick Build

You can make a imitator quickly by following these suggestions. First, DEX should be your highest ability score so you have higher AC, since they don’t have any abilities when starting you need survivability, followed by WIS.

5e Class Features

name= Imitator

summary= They imitate the abilities of those that have passed

hd= d8

spellcasting= half

armor= none

weapons= none

tools= none

saves= none

skills= none

items= a simple weapon, an explorers pack, light armor, an arcane focus.


You can copy the abilities of those that passed away, you can try to learn their abilities. Say you try to copy the level 1 ability of a rogue, but you already have another level 1 ability copied, then you have to choose what ability you want. You can have 1 ability for every level copied. Yes, they can copy the abilities of monsters as well, if a monster has a challenge rating of 4 the ability you copy will count as a level 4 ability.

Any active ability gained trough this feature that has a limited amount of uses can be used once per long rest (this includes divine smite, and other active abilities using spellslots, ki points etc…), when an ability can be used unlimited amount of times you can also use it an unlimited amount of times.

Rather than choosing a race you can copy one, you can only have one race copied at a time.

You don’t gain feat from leveling up, you have to copy them from creatures, but remember a feat counts as an ability copied.

You also have to copy proficiencies… but in the end you can be proficient with everything…

This can also copy spells, the amount of spells copied is equal to half your level in this class (rounded up), at the 2nd level you can have level 1 spells, at the 5th level 2, at the 9th you can have level 3, at the 13 you can have level 4 and on level 17 you can have level 5 spells, you can cast each of these spells once per long rest. You can also have cantrips copied, you can only have 1 copied, spells and cantrips don’t count towards the amount of abilities known.

Your spellcasting ability for these spells is wisdom.

When copying an ability from a creature, the DM give you one for each of the following from the creature that you try to copy from, of which you can choose one: Stat, the stat of a creature (this way you can get over 20 on your main stats). Proficiency, something the creature has proficiency in. Spell or cantrip, if the creature has any. Passive, a passive ability from the creature. Active, an active ability from the creature (actions, bonus actions, reactions, legendary actions, mythic actions, lair actions or region effects. Resistance, resistance or immunity if the creature has any. Language, a language the creature can speak. Movement or vision, either one of them. Race, they can change their race this way.

The ability to imitate can be used once per long rest. And you gain 1 level of exhaustion by doing so.

Everything in some way affects your appearance.


You can’t multiclass with this class.

(one vote)

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