Iconoclast (5e Class)

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While power and following are how the divine and supernatural ultimately become gods… deities… icons... Such seldom understand the struggles of mere mortals and are more likely to spread doom than peace and bounty leaving mortals are subjected to the whim of beings with such great power. Iconoclasts walk the path of rejection of such beings and as such become an avatar for pure mortal potential and will, devoting themselves to thwarting the gods by hunting down their followers

Creating an Iconoclast[edit]

While power and following are how the divine and supernatural ultimately become gods… deities… icons... Such seldom understand the struggles of mere mortals and are more likely to spread doom than peace and bounty leaving mortals are subjected to the whim of beings with such great power. Iconoclasts walk the path of rejection of such beings and as such become an avatar for pure mortal potential and will, devoting themselves to thwarting the gods by hunting down their followers

Quick Build

You can make an Iconoclast quickly by following these suggestions: First, either Constitution or Strength should be your highest ability score, followed by Wisdom or Charisma. Second, choose the outlander background.

Class Features

As a Iconoclast you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Iconoclast level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Iconoclast level after 1st


Armor: light and medium armor; shields
Weapons: Simple and Martial Weapons
Tools: One musical instrument of your choice
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Skills: Choose 3 from: Athletics, Acrobatics, Intimidation, Perception, Religion, or Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) One Martial Weapon or (b) Two Simple Weapons
  • (a) a relic of your former faith or (b) Explorer's Pack
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 1d4 x 10 gap in funds.

Table: The Iconoclast

Level Proficiency
Mortal Willpower Points Features
1st +2 - Unarmored Defense, Denial
2nd +2 - Bravery
3rd +2 2 Deicidal Path, Mortal Willpower
4th +2 3 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 3 Extra Attack, Know Thy Enemy
6th +3 4 Power Within
7th +3 4 Past the Lies
8th +3 5 Ability Score Improvement, Incite Rebellion
9th +4 6 Deicidal Path Feature
10th +4 7 Ultimatum
11th +4 7 Still Standing
12th +4 8 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 8 Deicidal Path Feature
14th +5 9 Cleansing
15th +5 9 Defiant Perseverance
16th +5 10 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 10 Death Defiance
18th +6 11 Deicidal Path Feature
19th +6 11 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 12 Ascended Battler

Unarmored Defense[edit]

Starting at 1st level, your body's power emanates from the beatings you have taken in the name of your cause. While unarmored, your Armor Class is equal to 10 + your Dexterity modifier + you Constitution modifier. You can still use a shield and get this benefit.


Starting at 1st level, you have strengthened your mental fortitude and have a more complete sense of self, not even the gods can tempt or fear you. You have advantage against saving throws against the charmed and frightened conditions.

At 9th level, you can use your action to end one effect on yourself that is causing you to be charmed or frightened.

At 13th level you are immune to the charmed and frightened conditions.


At 2nd level, you are excited to launch yourself into battle. You can't be surprised.

In addition, you can add your proficiency bonus to your Initiative.

Deicidal Path[edit]

Just as gods are varied in their powers and domains, an Iconoclast must be adapted to fighting the particular target of their animosity. This can range from tactics to elemental advantages. At 3rd level, choose a subclass You gain features from your subclass choice at 3rd, 9th, 13th, and 18th levels.

Mortal Willpower[edit]

You hate the gods, as such rejected their power and in doing so you have found your own.

At 3rd level, when you finish a long rest, you are able to harness the power of your own mortality. You gain a number of Mortal Willpower Points, shown on the Mortal Willpower Points column on the Iconoclast table. You can spend these points to fuel various MOrtal Willpower features. You start knowing three such features: Brute Strength, Braced Defense, and Deadly Intention. You learn more Mortal Willpower features as you gain levels in this class. When you spend a Mortal Willpower point, it is unavailable until you finish a short or long rest, at the end of which you draw all of your expended power back into yourself. You must spend at least 30 minutes of the rest meditating to regain your Mortal Willpower points.

  • Brute Strength. you can use one mortal Willpower point to succeed a Strength skill check or saving throw.
  • Braced Defenses. As a reaction you can spend one Mortal Willpower point to reduce incoming damage that you can see by your Iconoclast Level + Charisma Modifier
  • Deadly Intention. Whenever you sucessfully hit a creature, you can use a bonus action and one Mortal Willpower Point to use the maximum damage roll for that and all other damage you deal until the end of your start of your next turn

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra attack[edit]

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Know Thy Enemy[edit]

You have learned the language of the gods and the ways their followers write about them. At 5th level, you learn Celestial and one other language of your choice

Power Within[edit]

Starting at 6th level, your determination to suceed without the assistance of the divine let alone others, grows. You can use a Mortal Willpower point to add your Charisma modifier (minimum bonus of +1) or advantage to a saving throw or skill check

Past the Lies[edit]

Starting at 7th level, as one who breaks the iron grip of the divine in the world, you perceive the world with acute cynicism for the divine. You have advantage on perception, investigation, insight, arcana, and/or religion checks around places of worship and towards deities and their followers.

At 12th level, you gain these advantages against illusion magic

Incite Rebellion[edit]

Starting at 8th level, you raise your voice against that which is against you. As an action, you can expend a Mortal Willpower to give all friendly creatures within 15 ft of you the benefits of your Denial feature for the next 10 minutes. For each creature that prevents or ends an instance of charmed or frightened recover one Mortal Willpower point

Still Standing[edit]

Starting at 11th level, you reject defeat with all your being, unwilling to rest until your thirst for vengeance or anger has been quenched. When you would drop to 0 hit points, you can expend a Mortal Willpower point (no action required) to have 1 hit point instead.


Beginning at 14th level, you can use your action and one Mortal Willpower point to end one spell on yourself or on one willing creature that you touch.

Defiant Perseverance[edit]

At 15th level, after being smacked down so many times by the gods, you no longer quite feel the pain. All the carving and goring done to your body shows just how inured to pain, ascended from mortality, you have become. You gain resistance against radiant and necrotic damage

As a bonus action or reaction you can use a Mortal Willpower Point to gain resistance to a damage type of your choice for 1 minute. You cannot have more than one resistance gained in this manner. Using this feature again will replace the previous resistance with a new one.

Death Defiance[edit]

At 17th level, your willpower helps starves off the cold embrace of death. You cannot suffer instant death (as decribed in the PHB) so long as you have at least 1 Mortal Willpower point. While you make Death Saving Throws, outside influence such as damage cannot cause you to suffer a Deaty Saving Throw failure as this is a battle purely between you and deity of death. Additionally you only need to succeed one Death Saving throw to become stable.

Ascended Battler[edit]

At 20th level, your feats against the divine render you like one of their ranks, with an incredible form which renders the weak unable to raise a finger against you. Your raw power and strength exude like a pressuring aura. As an action you become the bane of the gods you gain resistance to all damage and resistances become immunities. While in this state you deal an additional 2d8 of force damage with your attacks this last for one minute. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Deicidal Paths[edit]

Faithless Slaughter[edit]

Instead of targeting a divine being, in the Path of Faithless Slaughter you direct your efforts to those who may worship regardless of if they do or not. You take from those which you've slain, reveling in bathing in their blood and innards. Your strength gathers from these kills and the spilling of blood.

First Strike[edit]

You know few to hit fast and precise. Starting 3rd level, you gain Advantage against creatures that haven't take their turn in a fight


You lust for the spillage of blood, which nourishes you in its sight and content. Starting 9th level, you gain an additional +2 bonus to attack rolls made with a weapon which you are proficient in.

Cunning Drain[edit]

Those you attack are sources to fulfill your literal bloodlust. This replenishes your killing intent and whets your power. Starting 13th level, when you score a critical hit against a creature, you cause additional damage equal to your Charisma modifier.

Expert Bleeder[edit]

Your hits are so trained to strike vulnerable spots to bleed. Starting 18th level, you land critical hits on a roll of 18-20.

In addition, whenever you score a critical hit on an attack with a weapon, the target bleeds profusely, taking additional damage equal to half of the damage from the attack at the end of its next turn.

Divine Targets[edit]

Those who follow the Path of Divine Targets have their eyes on the prize, always. They hit hard to deal with those at the top of the chain.

Dedicated Tools[edit]

At the 3rd level. You utilize weapons to their fullest in your mission for divine blood. Starting 3rd level, you may focus and imbue a weapon that you are proficient in with your power. For one minute, you may add your Charisma modifier (minimum +1) to all attack rolls. Once you use this feature, you can't do it again until you finish a short or a long rest.

Fury of the Divine[edit]

At the 9th level, you choose a Divine Target. You may choose between one of these creatures’ celestials, fiends, fey, undead, aberrations, dragons, or two subtypes of humanoid. You have a +2 bonus on your damage with weapon attacks against the creature you choose.

Ultimate Will[edit]

At 13th level, you are always under the effect of protection from evil and good against your Divine Target.

Hate for the Divine[edit]

At 18th level, once per turn, you deal additional damage against your favorite enemy equal to half your level.

(one vote)

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