Hyperion's Mystic Mania Condition (Other)

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Hyperion's Mystic Mania[edit]

Taking Levels of Mania
Some special abilities and magical hazards, as well as a creature's natural traits, can lead to a special condition called Hyperion's Mystic Mania. Hyperion's Mystic Mania is measured in six levels, and an effect can give the creature one or more levels of Hyperion's Mystic Mania, as specified in the effect’s description.

Level Effect
1 The creature loses its sense of restraint, and others gain Advantage on attack rolls made against you. However, you gain 5d4 on all damage rolls.
2 The creature's mania envelops it in a magical aura, changing all damage that it deals into force damage.
3 The creature loses its sense of self, and will no longer be able to tell friend from foe. As a result, it will always attack the nearest creature to itself.
4 The creature begins to deteriorate; its Hit Point maximum is halved until it is no longer under the effects of Hyperion's Mystic Mania.
5 The creature's deterioration continues; it falls prone and its Speed is reduced to 0. It cannot get back up until it is no longer under the effects of Hyperion's Mystic Mania.
6 The creature dies in a magical explosion, dealing 30 (6d6 + 9) force damage to all creatures within a 30 ft radius. This damage will be halved if the affected creatures succeed in a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw.

If an already manic creature suffers another effect that causes mania, its current level of mania increases by the amount specified in the effect's description.
A creature suffers the effect of its current level of Mystic Mania as well as all lower levels.
An effect that removes Mystic Mania reduces its level as specified in the effect's description, with all Mystic Mania effects ending if a creature’s mania level is reduced below 1.
Finishing a long rest reduces a creature's Mystic Mania level by 1, provided that the creature is being restrained throughout the long rest's duration.

Resisting Hyperion's Mystic Mania

Resisting Hyperion's Mystic Mania: When a creature takes their first level of Mystic Mania, the DC for the save will be 15. Each time they fail a save against gaining a level of mania, the DC for their next save increases by 5 times how many levels they took.

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