Horrid Blight (3.5e Other)
“ | Before my very eyes, the waters darkened to the color of coagulated blood. One by one, white shapes bobbed to the surface: fish slain by the tainted sea. And the smell -- the air reeked of a slaughterhouse; disease spreads like wildfire across the land. | ” |
—Unknown |
Horrid Blight is a vast, region wide disaster, with several, worsening degrees of severity. Unless protected by magic, everything in the area is affected. It slowly kills the world. Creatures become barren, no longer producing offspring. Animals sicken and die. Plants wither and rot, while disease runs rampant, corrupting all with its horrid touch.
Effects The sign of horrid blight brings unnatural sickness and strengthens existing diseases. As the sign intensifies, plagues ravage every living thing.
Faint: The save DC to resist any disease increases by 5.
Moderate: Ordinary plants begin to wither. At the start of each day, all living creatures must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or become sickened for the rest of the day. Creatures of the animal or plant type that fail a second DC 15 fortitude save take an additional 1d3 points of Constitution damage that day.
Strong: The save DC to resist any disease increases by 10. At the start of each day, all living creatures must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or become nauseated for the rest of the day. On a successful save, the creature is sickened instead. Creatures that fail a second DC 15 fortitude save take an additional 1d3 points of Constitution damage that day; the save DC for creatures of the animal or plant type is 20.
Overwhelming: The save DC to resist any disease increases by 20. At the start of each day, all living creatures must succeed on a DC 25 Fortitude save or take 1d6 Constitution damage. On a successful save, the creature takes 1d3 Constitution damage.
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