Hopeless Romantic (5e Background)

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Hopeless Romantic[edit]

You have gone to great lengths for love, whether you were successful in your endeavors or not. You may have a spouse you would give the world to, be willing to go on entire journeys to earn your beloved's hand, or even attempt to break the laws of nature to revive your lover from the dead. Perhaps your feelings are one-sided, and you are seeking to prove your worth to someone, or you want to become famous to have a shot with a parasocial paramour. Hell, maybe your devotion isn't even single-minded (or single-targeted)and you go head over heels for most any potential sweetheart you happen upon!

Whatever the case is, you are almost ludicrously dedicated to someone. Does this dedication go both ways? Are you in a relationship with your beau, or are you still fighting for the chance? Is this your first relationship of this nature, or are you experienced in the field? How do you express your affections? Have you always been the romantic type, or did you meet someone that changed your perception of yourself? What lengths would you go to for your beau? What have you done for them before?

Skill Proficiencies: Performance and either Perception or Investigation

Tool Proficiencies: Pick 2 from one set of artisan’s tools, a musical instrument, or a language of your choice

Equipment: A token of your beloved, a notebook and writing utensil, artisan’s tools or a musical instrument, a set of common clothes, and a pouch containing 10 gp


Being a hopeless romantic is almost always, well, romantic, and oftentimes necessitates a significant NPC. Talk to your DM about what kind of parasocial options may be included in their campaign, and about exactly how far your character will go for their sweetheart. If you would prefer your character not to hold romantic feelings, the options on this table can be interpreted platonically!

d6 Beau
1 Spouse. You were lucky enough to be wed to the greatest partner on the planet. They are your world, and you would do anything to make them happy.
2 Crush. You aren’t in a relationship yet, per se, but you are eager to prove yourself to your partner-to-be that you are worth it!
3 Parasocial. So the apple of your eye doesn’t know you exist. Likely because you have never even been in the same room. That doesn’t mean that it isn’t worth a shot to try and stand out so you get a shot!
4 Lover. Your relationship may be mostly physical, but damn if it isn't a physicality you’d do anything to feel again…
5 Bozo. you don’t just have one beau, you have dozens! Every attractive person you come across, actually. From sensual strangers to cute clients, you’re a little bit in love with most anyone you meet. Maybe you have a shot with one of your new party members?
6 Friend. You’ve known your beau for quite a long time now, and know that you both care deeply for one another as companions. Maybe, though, you long for your friendship to become more of a partnership?

Feature: One of Us[edit]

Smudges of lipstick, jewelry that was clearly given by someone else, or even just that twinkling look in their eye– through experience, you have learned to recognize the signs of romantic involvement. Whether someone is open about this involvement or not, you are aware of it. This information could serve as anything from a conversation starter to blackmail depending on the context.

Alternate Feature: Stalker[edit]

Your pursuit of love is very single-minded and rather one-sided. You know everything about your beau, and have an in-depth knowledge of how to get this information. Digging through trash cans, following around corners, memorizing schedules… valuable skills, sure, but most anyone who catches you in the act will be quite alarmed— beau included.

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

Hopeless romantics have tied much of their identity to their relationship with a specific person, but they do have characteristics outside of this. Much of their connection to the world is centered around how they interact with other people, beloved or not.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I don’t much care for conversation with anyone but my beau.
2 I have trouble keeping money in my pockets instead of spending it on gifts.
3 I adore physical touch, and love sharing it with others without thinking whether it's welcome first.
4 I like to give my full attention to whatever I’m doing, and think that dedicating time to something is the best way to see results.
5 I can find something to compliment about most anyone I come across.
6 If there is a task that needs doing, I would rather do it myself than leave it unresolved, even if it isn’t my responsibility.
7 I tend to let my mind wander more often than not, and often have my head in the clouds.
8 The only thing I love as much as my beau is drama. Whether I cause it or not, witnessing it is always a pleasure.
d6 Ideal
1 Communication. Open and frank discussion is the most effective way to talk to people. (Neutral)
2 Respect. Boundaries are the cornerstone of civilized interaction. Crossing them is unthinkable. (Lawful)
3 Consideration. Thinking of others as often as I think of myself makes everybody happier. If everybody was more considerate, the world would be a better place. (Good)
4 Passion. Something filling me with emotion is good enough cause for me to pursue it, no matter what it is. (Chaotic)
5 Possession. The end goal of a relationship is to exert power over another person. (Evil)
6 Happiness. Everybody is just trying to find a source of joy, including me. (Any)
d6 Bond
1 My beau left me for another person. I don’t know what I'd do if I ever saw either of them again.
2 The place I first met my sweetheart is as precious to me as my home.
3 I have a child, but with someone other than my current beloved.
4 My beloved is deathly ill. I only have so much time to find something to help them.
5 My beau’s parents have been there for me more than my own ever were.
6 My older sibling taught me everything I know in the art of courtship.
d6 Flaw
1 I believe my lover can do no wrong and trust everyone that claims any relation to them at all.
2 I often lie to those I care about for the sake of getting their admiration and praise.
3 I am obsessed with physical appearance, both in others and myself.
4 Beau or no, I can’t help flirting with anyone who catches my eye.
5 Oftentimes I'll choose whatever option I find the most fetching or romantic, regardless of whether it's a practical decision in the slightest.
6 I would abandon everyone and everything else in a heartbeat if I thought it would please my beloved.
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