Hono'Ari's Restful Gait (3.5e Ki Techniques)

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Hono'Ari's Restful Gait[edit]

By spending 5 ki points, as a move action, you replicate the effect of the spell remove fatigue[1]. You remove fatigue from the target (even yourself) or reduce exhaustion to fatigue (and the target needs only one hour of rest to negate the fatigue). A rested target doesn't gain any bonus.

By spending 8 ki points you may replicate lesser restoration, as a full-round action.

By spending 11 ki points you may replicate restoration, as a full round action. It cures only 3d4 temporary ability damage, and it restores 3d4 points permanently drained from a single ability score (your choice if more than one is drained). All the other effects apply.

You may affect yourself with this technique.

This counts as a supernatural ability.

  1. Book of Exalted Deeds

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