Hemorrhaging Wounds (4e Power)

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Hemorrhaging Wounds Apex Predator Utility 1
The deep wounds left by your powerful blow have begun to bleed horrifically; should they fail to stop, they'll undoubtedly prove mortal...
At-Will Star.gif Primal, Martial
Free Action The enemy you hit.
Trigger: You hit an enemy with a melee attack and score a critical hit.
Effect: The target takes 2 + your Strength modifier in damage at the start of every one of their turns (save ends).
11th Level: 4 + Strength modifier damage every turn
21st Level: 6 + Strength modifier damage every turn
Apex Predator Challenger: Whenever the victim takes periodic damage from this effect you may make a saving throw against any negative affect currently afflicting you.
Special: Whenever a target takes damage from Hemorrhaging Wounds, the DC of their saving throw to remove Hemorrhaging Wounds' effect is increased by 2.

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