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“ they say your trigger event is the worst day of your life, as you have to go through such a traumatic event that your flight or fight response is pushed all the way and then some” - Taylor “Skitter” Hebert

Background: As a parahuman you have to go through an incredibly traumatic event to gain your powers, as powers aren't free and the broken are the ones who gain them. -Skitter notorious villain(wanted to be a hero) Creating a Parahuman: Hit Dice: your hit die is a D10 Hit Points: Lv.1: 10 plus con modifier, Lv.2-20: 1D10 (or 6) plus your con modifier Proficiency: Armor: light and medium armor and shields Weapons: all weapons Skills: Strength, dexterity, and constitution Abilities: three of any

Name’s: a parahuman has two names there real name and there hero/Villain/Cape name NOTE: a cape is a shorthand for parahuman

Starting equipment: A hero suit (quick or armored) A weapon ( any) (note the weapon must have a feature to be non-lethal)

Leveling: 1st, a power and archetype 2nd, extra attack 3rd, secondary power 4th, ability score improvement 5th, fighting style 6th, power enhancement 7th, secondary power enhancement 8th, ability score improvement 9th, theme song 10th, powers true form 11th, voice of devastation 12th, hero/villain’s endless war 13th, ability score improvement 14th,----- 15th, second wind 16th,----- 17th,----- 18th, ability score improvement 19th, power of devastation 20th, endless Power Tables: roll a D4 on a 1.Table A: Useful, 2-3.Table B: Powerful, 4.Table C: Super Powerful

Power: Role on a power table of your or dm’s choice

Archetype: Chose a heroic or villainous archetype

Extra attack: Attack a second time per-turn

Secondary power: Role from the power table Fighting style: Chose one of five fighting styles to aid you in combat

Power/Secondary Power Enhancement: Your powers down side lowers in effect such as twice the amount of times you can use your power in a minute, or if say you get disadvantage for half the time your power is active its now ⅓ as long that sort of thing

Theme Song: When the DM plays your theme song you have advantage and one free 20 ONLY while its playing

Powers True Form: Your power no longer has its drawback

Voice of Devastation: A nagging feeling to do wrong and evil or good and just make a DC10 CON save or the DM takes control of your character until you succeed

Hero/Villain’s Endless War: You gain a rival and every time you beat them you gain one us of advantage

Second Wind: When reduced to 0hp you roll a 1D20 and if you land a 10 or up you don’t roll death saves and your back to full HP

Power of Devastation: Roll a D6 for the Doomed or apocalypse power charts

Endless: You stop aging and your HP doubles

Ability Score Improvement: You have 2 points to spend on stats


Stalker: +2 to Dex mod

Tank: +2 to Con mod

Support: +2 to Wis mod

Image: +2 to Cha mod

Mind full: +2 to Int mod

Jack of all triads: You gain two extra proficiencies of your choice

Betrayed: +1 to all modifiers

Fighting styles: Archery. You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons. Defense. While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. Dueling. When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon. Great Weapon Fighting. When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit. Two-Weapon Fighting. When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.


Table A: Useful 1-2.Danger sense, Thinker 3-4.Keen sight, Blaster 5-6.Creature collector, Master 7-8.Minor beastial shape, Changer 9-10.Radar, Thinker

Table B: Powerful 1-2.Robotic master, Tinker 3-4.Teleportation, Mover 5-6.Beast Shape, Changer 7-8.Elemental, Shaker/Blaster 9-10.Invisibility, Stranger 11-12.Flight, Mover 13-14.Super Strength, Brute 15-16.Master of the Simple Minded, Master 17-18.Lucky, Breaker 19-20.Armor Master, Tinker

Table C: Super Powerful 1-2.Bio Master, Tinker 3-4.True Beast Shape, Changer 5-6.BeastMaster, Master 7-8.Master, Master 9-10.Trump, Trump

Doomed: 1-2.Cataclysm, Shaker 3-4.Doomed Might, Brute 5-6.Disaster, Shaker

Apocalypse: 1-2.Trumped, Trump 3-4.World Breaker, Shaker/Breaker 5-6.Future Sight, Thinker

Danger Sense: Automatically succeed on perception

Keen Sight: +3 to hit with a ranged weapon

Creature collector: you can command tiny or small creatures of CR ½ at most

Minor beast shape: a form of polymorph that can be up to a small CR1/8 creature

Radar: you know the general direction and location of people or objects

Robotic master: you can make incredible robots, expensive and takes time

Teleportation: you can move up to 200 ft instantly, cool down of 30 seconds

Beast Shape: you can use polymorph up to a CR3 creature, only once a minute

Elemental: you have elemental powers that do 2D20 damage you chose your element

Invisibility: you have advantage on stealth checks for 3 minutes and do surprise attacks, a cool down of 12 minutes

Flight: you have a flying speed of 60ft

Super Strength: your strength is 30 for 5 minutes, cool down of 1 minute

Master of simple minded: you can command anything with a 9 or less in intelligence, only up to 5, or if bugs and other such things about 20

Lucky: you have advantage, you have disadvantage for half the time its been active as a cool down

Armor Master: you can make stupidly good armor, takes a stupid amount of resource not time though

Bio master: you can make beasts and monsters and heal with your power, you can only control 3 creatures at a time.

True beast shape: true polymorph once and hour

Beast master: you can command any creature under CR 5, only up to 5

Master: you can command anything with a intelligence under 15, only up to 5

Trump: you can gain a power every 1D6 months, you gain double the drawbacks

Cataclysm: you command storms

Doomed Might: you can make a field of death

Disaster: you can make and control disasters

Trumped: you gain powers every 1D20 Days

World Breaker: you cause a natural world destroying wave

Future Sight: you know what will happen before it happens

Robot: Roll a D20 for stats and such, 1D20 HP

Beast: Roll a D20 for stats and such, 1D12 HP

Armor: Roll a D20 and add an intelligence mod and wisdom mod