Hellraiser (5e Subclass)

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Fighter Archetype: Hellraiser[edit]

The Hellraiser is an infernal commander, well-versed in summoning devils and in battle tactics, as well as with armed combat. They are best used to turn the tides of battle through cunning and confusing tactics. A firm hand and quick mind are required to effectively control the naturally clever devils. The Hellraiser uses his infernal taints to summon devils, as opposed to spellcasting. They are not necessarily evil, but they are much reviled due to an aura of corruption that seems to hang off them. They also often exhibit a slight disdain for holy objects, as the evil nature of the forces they collaborate with is infectious.

Bonus Proficiencies[edit]

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill, and you learn to speak, read, and write Infernal.

Infernal Taint[edit]

Infernal Taint Starting at 3rd level, you learn how to summon infernal powers to shape your body into a demonic form, manifesting an infernal taint. An infernal taint is a visible transformation in your body, that grants you hellish powers.

Manifesting Taint. When you gain this feature, you learn how to manifest two infernal taints from the Taint Options list on your body. The taint continues manifested on you until you finish a long rest. Each time you gain a level in this class, you can replace one taint you know with a different one.

Black Magic. For each taint you manifest, you learn a black magic associated with it. You can use each black magic you know once, being able to do it again after you complete a short or long rest.

Infernal Soldier[edit]

At 3rd level, you gain the ability to summon the forces of hell. As an action, you can summon a devil. You choose the devil’s type, which must be one imp or a number of lemures equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). The devil appears in an unoccupied space that you can see within range 90 feet. The devil disappears after 1 minute, or when it drops to 0 hit points.

On each of your turns, you can try to issue a verbal command to all devils summoned with this feature, as a bonus action. It obeys the command if the likely outcome is in accordance with its desires, especially if the result would draw you toward evil. Otherwise, you must make a Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion) check contested by its Wisdom (Insight) check. If your check fails, the devil becomes immune to your verbal commands for the duration of the summoning, though it can still carry out your commands if it chooses. If your check succeeds, the devil carries out your command—such as “attack my enemies,” “explore the room ahead,” or “bear this message to the queen”—until it completes the activity, at which point it returns to you to report having done so.

The devil is unfriendly toward you and your companions. Roll initiative for the devil, which has its own turns. It is under the DM control and acts according to its nature on each of its turns, which might result in its attacking you if it thinks it can prevail, or trying to tempt you to undertake an evil act in exchange for limited service.

You can use this feature twice, and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.

Rally Forces[edit]

At 7th level, you learn to manifest your taint to empower your infernal soldiers. When a fiend (devil) summoned by you, that you can see within 60 feet of you, hit a creature with an attack, you can use your reaction to grant a bonus to the fiend's damage. The bonus equals 1 + your Charisma modifier (minimum of +2).

In addition, you manifest a new taint of your choice from the Infernal Taint feature (for a total of three).

Damned Warrior[edit]

By 10th level the corruption on your blood permanently alters you. When you gain this feature, roll 1d6 and on the Corruption Table to see what kind of trait you develop. Moreover, you may now use Infernal Soldier to summon one of any fiend (devil) creature with a CR of 3 or less.

In addition, you manifest a new taint of your choice from the Infernal Taint feature (for a total of four).

Corruption Table
d6 Corruption
1 You grow a long, thin and pointy tail. You can use it as a hand, but cannot use it in combat.
2 You grow beard-like spiked tendrils on your chin.
3 Retractile black spikes protrude from your spinal column.
4 The flesh vanishes from half of your face, letting only muscles and bone.
5 One long horn made of a strange crimson metal appears on the center of your forehead.
6 Your legs turn into black furred goat legs.

Controled Corruption[edit]

At 15th level, you can manifest each black magic you know from your Infernal Taint feature twice, rather than once, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.

In addition, you manifest a new taint of your choice from the Infernal Taint feature (for a total of five).

Unholy Lieutenant[edit]

At 18th level, you learn how to summon hell lords. You can spend one use of your Infernal Soldier feature to cast the infernal calling spell. When you use this feature any fiend summoned by you is friendly and obey your orders with no tests required, for the duration of the spell.

Once you use this feature, you can't do it again until you finish a long rest.

Taint Options[edit]

Here are taint options for the Infernal Taint feature. They are all magical effects. If a black magic related to a taint requires a saving throw, your black magic save DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.

Devil's Tongue. Your grow a long forked tongue. While manifesting this taint, you have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks and Dexterity (Deception) checks.

  • Black Magic. You can invoke this black magic as a bonus action to utter curses in infernal for 1 minute, until you’re incapacitated or until you cast a spell that requires verbal components. As a bonus action, while uttering theses curses, you can choose a creature you can see within 60 feet of you to curse. While cursed, the creature has disadvantage on the next attack roll, saving throw, or ability check it makes, until the end of its next turn.

Evil Eye. Your eyes became inky black or bright red. While manifesting this taint, you can see trough magical darkness, up to a range of 30 feet.

  • Black Magic. When a creature you can see ends its turn within 30 feet of you, you can use your reaction to invoke this black magic and force the creature to make a Wisdom saving throw. Unless the save succeeds, the creature is frightened by you for 1 minute. The effect ends if the frightened creature takes any damage or if someone else uses an action to calm down the creature.

Corrupted Flesh. Your skin assumes a scaled texture.While manifesting this taint, you have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned, and you have resistance against poison damage.

  • Black Magic. You can invoke your black magic to explode any devil you invoked, banishing it back to hell, as an action. Choose up to three summoned devils to explode, within 60 feet range of you. Each creature on a 20-foot radius of the devil must make a Dexterity saving throw, or take 1d8 of fire damage.

Eldritch Horns. You grow a pair of horns with carved runes on it. While manifesting this taint, you gain telepathy in a range up to 30 feet and advantage in Wisdom (Insight) checks.

  • Black Magic. As an action, you can invoke your black magic to temporarily summon one familiar, that take a form of an imp. The imp uses the same rules and options for a familiar conjured by the find familiar spell. The imp summoned by this spell can telepathically communicate with you and share their visual or auditory senses while they are within 1 mile of you. As a bonus action, if the imp is within 100 feet of you, you can allow it to use its reaction to make one attack, using your proficiency bonus. The imp return to the nine hells after 1 hour.

Immolation Aura. A constant flaming aura engulfs you. While manifesting this taint, you can't be frightened while it can see an allied creature within 30 feet of it. Any melee weapon attack you make deal extra 1 fire damage and you shed bright light 5-feet and dim light 5 feet. You can deactivate the aura with a bonus action.

  • Black Magic. In addition, when you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can invoke your black magic to summon a damned soul to a body. When you slay a humanoid, you can raise its corpse as a devil. The devil has the statistics of the ghoul, presented on the Monsters Manual, though it is a fiend (devil) instead of a undead. When the devil appears, it gains temporary hit points equal to half your fighter level. Roll initiative for the devil, which has its own turns. It obeys your verbal commands, and it gains a special bonus to its attack rolls equal to your devil modifier (minimum of +0). The devil remains in your service for 1 hour, at which point it returns to hell.

Terror Wings. You grow a pair of bat wings, that you can use to reduce any falling damage you take by a number equal twice your fighter level. Also, your wings are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier instead of the damage normal for an unarmed strike.

  • Black Magic. In addition, you can invoke your black magic as a bonus action to use your wings to fly, with a speed of 30 feet, for 10 minutes.

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