Heart of Terrasque (3.5e Monk Fighting Style)

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Heart of Terrasque Fighting Style

The Monk of the Heart of Terrasque Fighting Style has mastered the art of dealing massive damage through his fists.

1st-Level Skill Bonus: Intimidate

1st-Level Feat: Weapon Focus (Fist).

2nd-Level Feat: Power Attack

6th-Level Feat: Improved Critical (Fist)

6th-Level Bonus Ability: Whenever a Monk uses the Flurry of Blows special ability, critical hits deal 1 point of constitution damage. (Monsters immune to criticals or with no constitution scores are also immune to this ability.)In addition, a Monk may choose to spend two full turns studying his opponent, giving his next turn's first attack with Flurry of Blows an automatic Critical hit.

Prerequisites: Intimidate 8 Ranks, Knowledge (Nature) 6 ranks.

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