Harbinger of the End (5e Background)

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Harbinger of the End[edit]

As a Harbinger of the End, you were once a fearsome Horseman of the Apocalypse, serving as an agent of cosmic destruction. The world trembled at your approach, and countless lives were lost in your wake. However, something within you awakened a sense of empathy and compassion, causing you to question your purpose. You made a choice to turn away from your former role, rejecting the path of destruction. Though you have severed your ties to your apocalyptic brethren, the echoes of your dark power and the weight of your past actions remain with you, forever shaping your journey.

As you embark on your path of redemption, questions arise, beckoning you to explore the depths of your character and motivations. What events triggered your awakening? Did a particular encounter or revelation challenge your worldview? How have your former comrades reacted to your renunciation of the apocalypse? Are you haunted by remorse, seeking to atone for the lives you once claimed? Or do you hold onto a glimmer of hope, believing that your dark powers can be channeled for good? Do you conceal your true nature, fearing judgment and rejection, or do you wear the scars of your past as a constant reminder of the path you've forsaken? As you venture forth, how will you reconcile your desire for redemption with the lingering echoes of your ominous power? The choices you make will shape not only your own destiny but also the fate of the world that once quaked at your presence.

Skill Proficiencies: Choose 2 from Arcana, Intimidation, Deception, Persuasion, Religion, or Sleight of Hand

Tool Proficiencies: One type of artisan's tools.

Languages: Any two languages of your choice

Equipment: A set of common clothes, a symbol of your former allegiance (a token or a piece of jewelry), a small knife, a set of artisan's tools, and a pouch containing 10 gold pieces.

Great Destruction[edit]

Throughout your reign as the Harbinger of the End, you unleashed a terrifying event known as the Great Destruction. This calamity left an indelible mark upon the world, forever altering the lives of those who survived. The legends recount the horrors you wrought, and the tales have been passed down through generations as cautionary reminders of your immense power

d8 Great Destruction
1 Cataclysmic Inferno. Your destructive powers once ignited a cataclysmic inferno that ravaged a sprawling city. The flames consumed everything in their path, leaving only ashes and ruin in their wake.
2 The Apocalyptic Storm. You summoned a devastating storm of unimaginable power, unleashing fierce winds, torrential rain, and deadly lightning upon a vast region. The land was left shattered and unrecognizable after the tempest subsided.
3 The Ruptured Earth. Your presence caused the very ground to tremble and split apart, causing a series of earthquakes that shattered buildings, toppled mountains, and created massive chasms that swallowed entire villages.
4 The Veil of Darkness. A shroud of impenetrable darkness descended upon a once-thriving kingdom under your influence. The sun was blotted out, and terror reigned as people lost their way and succumbed to despair.
5 The Plague Unleashed. You unleashed a virulent plague that spread like wildfire, leaving a trail of death and despair in its wake. Entire populations were decimated, and cities were left abandoned as the disease raged unchecked.
6 The Sundered Skies. Your arrival heralded a celestial catastrophe as the heavens themselves were torn asunder. Stars fell from the sky, and the moon shattered, raining shards of celestial bodies upon the land.
7 The Endless Frost. The world froze under your icy touch as an eternal winter descended upon the realm. Crops withered, lakes turned to ice, and civilizations crumbled beneath the relentless frost.
8 The Desolate Wasteland. Wherever you walked, life withered and died, leaving behind a barren wasteland devoid of vegetation and hope. Once-thriving landscapes turned into desolate, lifeless realms haunted by your presence.

Feature: Echoes of Doom[edit]

Your past as a Harbinger of the End has left a mark on the collective consciousness, and tales of your destructive power have spread far and wide. While you strive for redemption, your dark reputation precedes you, and it can evoke various reactions from those who recognize you. When entering a settlement or encountering individuals who are aware of your past, you may choose to leverage your ominous reputation. This can include gaining access to hidden information, inspiring fear in potential adversaries, or being treated with a mix of caution and respect. Your notoriety also attracts the attention of individuals who are intrigued by your past and seek to understand your journey toward redemption. They may approach you with offers of assistance, knowledge, or insights into the forces you once served.

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

d8 Personality Trait
1 I am haunted by the memory of the destruction I have caused, and I am driven to ensure it never happens again.
2 I see signs of doom in everything, but I keep my fears to myself to avoid causing panic.
3 I believe that redemption is possible for everyone, no matter how dire their actions.
4 I am stoic and composed, as I have witnessed the horrors of the end firsthand.
5 I have a dark sense of humor, finding irony in the smallest of things.
6 I am fiercely protective of those I care about, as I know the pain of losing everything.
7 I am constantly seeking knowledge to understand the nature of my former power and its origins.
8 I am plagued by visions and nightmares of the future, which drive me to take action.
d6 Ideal
1 Redemption. I strive to undo the damage caused by my past actions and seek forgiveness from those affected. (Good)
2 Preservation. I am committed to safeguarding what remains and preventing further destruction. (Lawful)
3 Balance. I believe in the natural order of the cosmos and seek to maintain a delicate equilibrium between creation and destruction. (Neutral)
4 Enlightenment. I pursue knowledge and seek to uncover the true nature of my former power and its place in the universe. (Any)
5 Vengeance. Those who once embraced the end must be held accountable, and I will be the instrument of their downfall. (Chaotic)
6 Salvation. I work tirelessly to find a way to avert the ultimate catastrophe and save all living beings. (Good)
d6 Bond
1 I am driven to protect my loved ones and ensure they do not suffer the same fate as countless others.
2 I seek out fellow Harbingers of the End, hoping to guide them toward redemption.
3 I am determined to restore a place or landmark that was destroyed by my former actions.
4 I carry a relic or artifact of immense power, one that I believe can now be used for good instead of destruction.
5 I am searching for a lost prophecy or ancient text that may hold the key to preventing future catastrophes.
6 I seek to learn the true origins and purpose of my dark power, hoping it may reveal a way to stop the end.
d6 Flaw
1 I am haunted by guilt and often second-guess my every decision.
2 I struggle to trust others, fearing that they may betray me or succumb to the same darkness I once did.
3 I am drawn to the allure of my former power, constantly tempted by the potential for immense destruction.
4 I have a morbid fascination with disaster and sometimes find myself fascinated by the suffering of others.
5 I am often focused on preventing the future, making it difficult for me to stay focused on the present.
6 I am prone to fits of rage or melancholy, as the weight of my past deeds and the impending doom can become overwhelming.
(3 votes)

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