Greatsword of Wrath (Weapon)

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Greatsword of Wrath (Weapon)

Weapon (greatsword), legendary (requires attunement by a barbarian on the Path of the Infernal Berserker)

The Greatsword of Wrath is a finely crafted blade, etched with infernal runes that glow with fiery energy when wielded by those who have embraced their infernal heritage. This weapon grows in power when wielded by an Infernal Berserker, feeding off the user’s rage and demonic energy. Properties

   Weapon Type: Martial Melee Weapon
   Damage: 2d6 slashing
   Properties: Heavy, two-handed
   Weight: 6 lbs

Special Abilities

   Infernal Wrath: While raging, if the wielder has activated their Demonic Rage feature, this greatsword deals an additional 1d6 fire damage on each successful melee weapon attack. This extra damage reflects the wielder’s fiery anger manifesting through the weapon.
   Hellish Strength: While wielding this greatsword, and when in Demonic Rage, the wielder’s Strength score increases by 2 (up to a maximum of 22), further enhancing their ability to hit and deal damage in combat.
   Demonic Resistance: While transformed by Demonic Rage, the wielder gains resistance to necrotic damage. The runes on the sword flare when necrotic damage is resisted, creating a barrier of demonic energy around the user.
   Flaming Burst: When the wielder critically hits with the Greatsword of Wrath, the target takes an additional 2d6 fire damage on top of the normal critical hit damage.


To attune to the Greatsword of Wrath, the wielder must be a barbarian following the Path of the Infernal Berserker and must undergo a ritual during which they embrace their demonic heritage. This involves spending a long rest in meditation, channeling their infernal powers into the blade. Cursed Nature

The Greatsword of Wrath is cursed with the weight of infernal anger. Once attuned to this weapon, the wielder is susceptible to fits of rage and must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 15) after each use of the Infernal Wrath ability. On a failure, the wielder becomes hostile to all creatures around them for 1 minute or until the rage ends.


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