Greater Shadow Abjuration (Pathfinder Spell)

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Greater Shadow Abjuration

School illusion (shadow); Level Sorcerer/Wizard 8
Casting Time Standard action
Components V, S
Range see text

Duration see text
Saving Throw Will disbelief (if interacted with), see text; Spell Resistance see text
As shadow abjuration, except that it duplicates any abjuration spell from the sorcerer/wizard spell list of 7th level or lower. Additionally, the duplicates spell is three-fifths (60%) real, instead of only 20% real, and so has a 60% likelihood of functioning normally if disbelieved (or has 60% of the effect, in the case of damaging spells and enhancements to AC, damage reduction, or energy resistance).

Original Source Necromancers of the Northwest's Advanced Arcana.

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