Gor (4e Race)
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From Zagone Studios |
Half beast, half men. Gor are the true children of Chaos.
Racial Traits |
Average Height: 5'8"-6'8" |
Average Weight: 120-222 lb. |
Ability Scores: +2 Constitution, +2 Strength or Wisdom |
Size: Medium |
Speed: 7 squares |
Vision: Low-light |
Languages: Common |
Skill Bonuses: +2 Athletics, +2 Endurance or Nature |
Bestial: You get a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy checks with animals and wild beasts. |
Beast Sense: You have a +1 racial bonus to Perception checks to track other creatures. |
Bestial Fury: You know the Bestial Fury encounter power |
Out of all beastmen, gor are closest to humans. Their appearances vary, but all seem to be an amalgamation of human and animal appendages. The base form of beastmen, possessed by the vast majority of gor, has the head and legs of a goat, and the upper torso of a man (abeit a particularly hairy and malodorous one.) They weild the savage fangs of a wolf with which to tear great chunks of flesh from their foes, and muscular and robust bodies well-suited to indulging in their primal urges. Despite their partially human nature, gor often suffer from particularly bad flea infestations.
Play a gor if you want...
- To play an evil, savage character that is fond of nature and detests civilization.
- To embrace a role that uses supernatural senses to track their foes.
- To be a member of a race that favors the Fighter, Invoker, Battlemind, Runepriest, Barbarian, Warden, Druid, and Shaman Classes.
Physical Qualities[edit]
As previously described, gor have the legs and head of a goat, torso of a man, and teeth of a wolf. As creatures of Chaos, however, the beastmen display great variations in their twisted anatomy. Some bear the head of cattle or snapping hounds. Others possess antlers, serrated blades or even stranger mutations sprouting from their heads. Sometimes, beastmen may have the head of a sheep, horse or insect, extra limbs, eye stalks, lashing tails or any other alteration of the humanoid form. One thing all true beastman have in common is their horns, without which they cannot be considered real gor. A Beastman who possesses a fine set of horns is said to be a 'True-horn', or 'True-gor,' and it is these who are the strongest and most intelligent of all gor. In beastman society, horns are the ultimate mark of rank and power, and their leaders are always those with the largest and most spectacular sets. Before going into battle, the Beastman will often sharpen their horns, or daub them with crude dye or hot blood to make them even more fearsome.
Playing a Gor[edit]
To face and play with a horde of gor is to face anarchy and mayhem. Rowdy and undisciplined, they bray, bark and bawl an unceasing cacophony that fills the hearts of men with dread. Nonetheless, gor are capable of taking to the battlefield in more or less ordered formations, a fact that many an enemy general has failed to understand until it is to late. Roving groups of gor band into tight units that march beneath banners made from the flayed hides of their foes, while others bear the captured of defeated enemies, tattered and smeared with blood and dung. The gors' raucous, bloodthirsty braying is accompanied by the atonal drones of crude pipes and horns in delibrate mockery of the bright clarion calls of the Empire's proud regimental musicians.
And yet for all their appearance of disorder, gor are not completely without subtlety of tactics. In the same way as a hunting pack of wolves, the herd instinctively tries to encircle the foe. Bands of gor flank wide, stalking through the undergrowth, animal senses keenly aware of the smell and racket of the enemy regiments. The gor are not especially stealthy, but can stay well hidden enough within the trees. Few foes can maintain their nerve in the face of a deafening, intimidating horde of gor, let alone when more of them burst from the trees having completely circumvented war machine emplacements, outflanked the disciplined battleline, and cut off any chance of escape for routing soldiers.
Maybe you have the question: why is below only standing names (not male names and female names)? That's because beastman may have the strongest ties to male. They cannot make love with others of their kind. They have do it with beasts of humans.
Gor Characteristics: furious, primal, sneaky, impulsive, instinctive, clever, proud, strong
Names: Gorthor, Goron, Malgor, Malghur, doomclaw, Rotting tongue, Kazhrak, four-horn, Razor tooth, Rarkos, Khorgor, Gorth, Sabretooth, Eyebite
Gor Adventurers[edit]
Three sample Gor adventurers are described below.
Gorgosh is a gor Fighter who is the only one left from the Gouge-horn clan. The clan's Bray-shaman wanted to call upon the voices off the Chaos gods, gaining immense knowledge that could be useful. But he made an terrible mistake and he casted a whole quarter of the clan, included himself, in the Chaos realm. And instead of the beastman now stood terrible demons. The Beastman fighted for hours until all of the beastmen were slayed. Gorgosh made his escape and now his it's goals to find the rest of the beastman, and to slay every demon he crosses.
Gorth is a Gor Shaman, he was born when the unholy moon of Morslieb was high, so he was blessed by his fellow beastmen. From his birth he found Nature quite interesting. Esspecially when he could control it. Especially when he could Corrupt it. He thirsts for knowledge and corruption. It's goals are now, find knowledge and Corrupt the Nature.
Eyebite is a gor Invoker, he worships the Chaos god Tzeentch, god of Change and sorcery. Eyebite first did all kinds of quests for Tzeentch, making him pleased. However, Eyebite doesn't like Tzeentch anymore and went worshipping Nurgle, Chaos God of pestilence. Tzeentch, furocious by this betrayal, send all kinds of demonic followers to hunt down Eyebite, making him pay.
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