Godless Domain, Variant

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Godless Domain[edit]

Cleric Subclass

As a Godless Cleric, your power was not bestowed upon you by a deity, but rather you siphon it from a divine source. Perhaps you go into a trance each morning to access the same source of magic that powers the gods themselves. Or maybe you have found a way to leech power from a deity without their awareness. Regardless, you bypass the affinity of a deity yet tap into divine power.

Godless Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st divine favor, find familiar
3rd borrowed knowledge, detect thoughts
5th fear, intellect fortress
7th fabricate, Mordenkainen's private sanctum
9th awaken, contact other plane

Bonus Proficiency[edit]

At 1st level, you gain proficiency with heavy armor and smith tools.

Basic Skills of the Gods[edit]

At 1st level, you gain access to Basic Skills of the gods. Choose two of the following abilities to gain:

  • Divine Training: You gain proficiency with martial weapons.
  • Divine Speed: Your movement speed increases by 10 feet.
  • Divine Armor: You gain a +1 bonus to AC.
  • Divine Eyes: You have darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
  • Divine Knowledge: You can speak, read and write in an additional language of your choice.
  • Divine Image: You can cast disguise self at will without expending a spell slot.

Each time you finish a long rest, you may switch out one of your Basic Skills for another, gaining the new ability and losing the previous. At 14th level, you may switch out one Basic Skill when you finish a short or long rest.

Channel Divinity: Divine Gift[edit]

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to capture incoming energy from divine creatures, lessening its effect on you and storing it for your next melee attack. When you take damage from a celestial, elemental, fey, fiend or undead, you can use your reaction to deflect some damage, decreasing the damage you would take by a number of hit points equal to your proficiency bonus + twice your cleric level. Also, the first time you hit with a melee attack on your next turn, the target takes extra radiant damage equal to the number of hit points you deflected.

Harness Divine Power[edit]

At 2nd level, you can expend a use of your Channel Divinity to fuel your spells. As a free action, you double the damage or healing caused by one of your cleric spells. Additionally you heal yourself for a number of hit points equal to half the damage done.

Intermediate Skills of the Gods[edit]

At 6th level, you gain access to Intermediate Skills of the gods. Choose two of the following abilities to gain:

  • Divine Maneuver: When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can use your bonus action to make a melee weapon attack.
  • Divine Movement: You gain either a fly speed or a swim speed equal to your movement speed.
  • Divine Resistance: You have resistance to a particular damage of your choice from the following: cold, fire, lightning, thunder, acid, poison, radiant, necrotic.
  • Divine Battlesense: You cannot be surprised, and creatures cannot benefit from flanking you.
  • Divine Mind: You can telepathically communicate with any creature you can see within 60 feet of you, as long as you share at least one language. Your communication doesn't give the creature the ability to respond to you telepathically.
  • Divine Form: You can cast alter self at will without expending a spell slot.

Each time you finish a long rest, you may switch out one of your Intermediate Skills for another, gaining the new ability and losing the previous. At 14th level, you may switch out one Intermediate Skill when you finish a short or long rest.

Blessed Flesh[edit]

When you reach 8th level, you can polymorph yourself into a Starlight Apparition for a number of hours equal to your proficiency bonus. This effect does not require concentration and will end when this form's hit points reach zero, you end the effect using an action, or the time limit runs out. You do not have access to this creature's Possession feature or it's Astral Existence feature. You have access to your languages, spellcasting feature, and your Int Wis and Cha attributes. The Radiant Eruption attack uses your spell casting attack and saving throws. You may use this ability once per Long rest.

Advanced Skills of the Gods[edit]

At 17th level, you gain access to Advanced Skills of the gods. Choose two of the following abilities to gain:

  • Divine Warrior: You gain a +1 bonus to your melee weapon attacks.
  • Divine Freedom: You are always under the effects of the freedom of movement spell.
  • Divine Immunity: You are immune to one of the following effects: charmed, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned.
  • Divine Awareness: You have blindsight to a range of 10 feet.
  • Divine Psyche: You can telekinetically manipulate your surroundings. You can cast telekinesis without verbal or somatic components at will without expending a spell slot.
  • Divine Existence: You do not need to breathe, eat or sleep.

Each time you finish a short or long rest, you may switch out one of your Advanced Skills for another, gaining the new ability and losing the previous.

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