Goblin Weapon Proficiency (4e Feat)

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Goblin Weapon Proficiency [Racial, Heroic]

You gain proficiency with Urukhai Pick-axe, the Scimitar, the Falchion, and the Glaive, and gain a +2 bonus to damage with them.
Prerequisite: You must be a goblin, or a goblin-orc.
Benefit: Your inherent Goblin ancestry gives you the ability to wield some weapons more effectively than others. You gain proficiency with Urukhai Pick-axe, the Scimitar, the Falchion, and the Glaive. When you use the Falchion, Glaive or Scimitar, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls using the weapon. When you use the Urukhai Pick-axe, you gain a +1/2/3 scaling feat bonus to damage rolls using the weapon.

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