Gobalins (3.5e Race)
Gobalin (Gobalins)[edit]
“ | A Treatise on Gobalins:
” |
—As recorded by Awd the Gobalin., Titles collected by Awd included as of this writing. Priest of Kevin, Collector of Spoons and Spoon like Objects, A People. Consumer of Bread, Plenipotentiary of Goblin Rights, (Pending). |
Gobalins; Definition; A race of sentient creatures that are taller than Gnomes, cleverer than Humans, heavier than 4 standard bottles of Dwarven mead, imbued with amazing skin coloring that spans the breadth of known colors, who possess, each singularly, a skill that is part of their soul, and who, each in turn, collect things.
Gobalins; Definition; Everyone Else. Annoying, malicious, little f****rs that make life hell for every other race. A bunch of thieves, liars, vandals, murderers, kidnappers, and demon spawn.
Also: #(&*#%$)(*(&)(*_#&)(&$()*%)_$##*((()#*)$#_)(*)* Bastards.
All Gobalins have one specific skill they are incredibally good at. Other races often compare this to each Gobalin specializing in that skill. This is inaccurate, as it is a racial ability that every Gobalin has.
For example, Lurk is extremely good at making shovels, while Gretchen is amazing at raising Gobalin children, whereas Blort makes the best honey tarts on the planet. This special ability is how Gobalin society and towns work.
Gobalins believe in the concept of "The Thing". This concept influenced their understanding of personal property, ownership, family life, government, and their place in the world.
The Basics of "The Thing".
The only things a being can own is their name, their titles, their collection, and what they can carry.
All Gobalins have a personal collection of things. These collections are sacred and no true Gobalin will ever take from another Gobalin's collection.
All Gobalins have one "Thing" (skill) they are very good at. When enough Gobalins get together a Gobalin Town forms, and works because there are enough Gobalins to keep the Town functioning.
The idea of "Nothing" scares the dickens out of Gobalins.
The worst punishment imposed upon a Gobalin would be taking their "Things". I.E. Their name, their titles, and their collection. This punishment is reserved for the most heinous of crimes, and all Gobalins would rather die than be forced to have "Nothing."
Gobalins know that owning some "Thing" is a fallacy. If you cannot hold onto a "Thing" then it is not "Your Thing." This is what causes distrust of Gobalins from the other races. To a Gobalin, if they need a pair of scissors for something, they go get a pair of Scissors, use it, and when they don't need it anymore they leave it wherever they were at when they finished with them. To other races, this is the Gobalin stealing a pair of scissors and then discarding them maliciously. To a Gobalin they got the "Thing" they needed and when they didn't need it they left it for someone else to find who may need it.
Some Gobalins understand the concept of "Property and Ownership" that the other races follow. These are usually Gobalins who have spent time among other races such as Adventurers, Diplomats, and all Hob-Gobalins.
Gobalins have a very loose concept of family and marriage. When a Gobalin fancies another Gobalin, or several, they form a household together. Children born from these unions are raised by the community, usually by those Gobalins who are "Very Good" at raising Gobalin children.
If it happens that those in a household lose interest they declare such, take their collection, and leave. This is normal and amicable and Gobalins don't make a big deal about it.
Since Gobalins are raised by the community most Gobalins never know who their parents actually are. Fortunately Gobalins who are closely related will never be attracted to each other so inbreeding is rare.
Gobalin Types[edit]
Gobalins of Earthe' are very similar to Goblins and Goblin-Like creatures on other prime material worlds. The four known extant types of Earthe' Gobalins all stem from one main Goblinoid race. Earthe' Gobalins were never an "Evil" race, they just have unique perspectives on life, ownership, governance, religion, and social/family structures.
There are 4 known types of Gobalins that exist on Earthe'.
- Gobs: The most common type of Gobalin. Small creatures with oddly colored, leathery, skin; wild, multicolored hair; sharp jagged teeth; and an insatiable need to question reality. These resemble standard Goblins from other Prime Material Worlds.
- Kobs: The second most common type of Gobalin. These creatures have a more ratlike face and are the only Gobalins that have a tail. They live to Mine and know exactly what their place in reality is. These resemble Kobolds from other Prime Material Worlds.
- Nobs: Nobs are rare, occuring once in every thousand births. They are blue skinned Gobalins granted psionic ability. Otherwise they have the same Outlook as Gobs. These resemble Blue Goblins from some Prime Material Worlds. They are not Norkers nor Nilbogs.
- Hobs: Hobs are not born, but rather made. When a collection of Gobalins get's large enough one of their kind metamorphosizes into the larger and smarter Hob-Gobalin that Leads the group. This is quite normal to Gobalins, and they are constantly amazed at other races not being able to do this. These resemble Hobgoblins from other Prime Material Worlds, but are not a seperate race on Earthe'.
Physical Description[edit]
Gobalins are small bipedal creatures with wild hair, odd colored skin, sharp jagged teeth, small flat noses, with large and creepy eyes.
Gobalins do not have facial or body hair. Only Kobs have tails. Hobs are taller, heavier, stronger, and smarter than Gobs, Nobs, and Kobs.
- Gobs
- Skin Colors: Any but Blue
- Hair Colors: Any but Blue
- Eye Colors: Any but Blue.
- Kobs
- Skin Colors: Dark Hues of Green, Brown, Yellow
- Hair Colors: Any but Blue
- Eye Colors: Red, Yellow, Orange
- Nobs
- Skin Colors: Blue
- Hair Colors: Blue
- Eye Colors: Blue
- Hobs
- Skin Colors: Browns with Yellow patches
- Hair Colors: Any but Blue
- Eye Colors: Bronze or Gold
Gobalins are often at odds with other races mainly due to Gobalins understanding of Personal Property being a Fallacy.
Sometimes a Gobalin Town will have a very competent Hob Leader who invokes Hob Laws when the populace interacts with other races. This often involves serious oaths, and a lot of intimidation as most Gobalins cannot wrap their minds around such a concept, but they do understand punishment and reward.
For other Gobalin towns conflict with the other races is inevitable, and often results in a destroyed Goblin Town, and a bunch of Gobalin refugees.
Humans can tolerate Gobalins and are usually the first ones to work with the Hob Leader to mitigate the usualy disasterous interactions. Humans can often hire out certain Gobalins who have specific "Thing they are good at." With mutual benefit.
Elves do not tolerate Gobalins in their borders. Outside of Elven Lands Elves are quick to show the dangers of taking Elven things, often ending with a Gobalin's head on a spike.
Dwarves work well with Kobs, and they both have traditions that span centuries of cooperation. All other Gobalins are viewed with distrust, and are not allowed withing Dwarven Lands.
Gnomes have a love/hate relationship with Gobalins. They understand the Gobalin perspective, and can, with patience, work with a nearby Gobalin Town to Mutual Benefit. However even the Patience of Gnomes is tested by Gobalins who don't play along.
Orcs deal with Gobalins like they deal with everything else. If the Gobalins can't follow "Ork Lands, Ork Laws" then the Orks will react Violently.
Volanci do not interact with Gobalins often, but they do understand their viewpoint better than other races, since Volanci society is centered around the "Good of the Creche". Harpies find Gobalin meat tough and stringy and will generally leave them alone.
Scaled Folk often see Gobalins like they see every other race; Food.
Atami (Spirit Folk) view Gobalins as influenced by mischevious spirits and treat them carefully. They often prefer to "bribe" the Gobalins with food or supplies so the temptation to take Atami things is minimized.
Hengeyokai view Gobalins as a cursed race and don't deal with them if at all possible.
Trölls view Gobalins as pests, but will often let them be unless the Gobalins intrude on Tröll sacred places or steal from Ancestral Shrines. Then Gobalin is back on the menu.
Hin view Gobalins as weird distant cousins. They are not allowed anywhere near Hin villages, farms, or towns. They do allow Gobalins to access rivers, ponds, and lakes, as well as open lands, but always keep an eye on them.
If Alignment is used Gobs are Chaotic, Nobs are Neutral, Kobs and Hobs are Lawful.
If Alignment is not used:
Gobs are Obsessive and Distracted.
Nobs are Obsessive and Focused.
Kobs are Obsessive and Agorophobic.
Hobs are Patient and Commanding.
Gobalins do not have their own "Lands" Per se. They have Goblin Towns. When A large enough group of Gobalins come together they start building a village that can grow into a small city populated by thousands of Gobalins. It doesn't matter the size of the settlement, they are all called Goblin Towns. The largest known Goblin Town on Earthe' is War-Saw north east of the Human Kingdom of Danzig-Kasubiski.
Work in progress.
The Gobalin language is known as Bodan.
Though Bodan stems from the First Language (Basra) of Earthe', created by the Goddess of Language, it has unique characteristics that make it quite difficult for non Gobalins to learn.
Some of these oddities in Bodan are as follows:
Bodan does not have seperate words for colors, instead color is described as "of something". Example: That Orks skin was like the Grumbly River Frog's skin found by the River Glant.
Bodan borrows words from other languages often, and often means something different from the parent language. Example: Parent Language: Coat. A outer garment worn for warmth or status. Bodan: Coat. The "Thing" that covers something else. Coat could mean blanket, tent, tarp, or even clouds.
Gobalins from other regions will always be able to understand Bodan spoken by Gobalins from different regions. Sages believe this is a gift to the race by the Goddess of Language. Gobalins just take it for granted.
Gobalins are given names throughout their life. They have a Birth Name, a Childhood Name, an Adult Name, a Professional Name, and Household Names. Gobalins are very proud of their names, and love to be asked what their name is, as it gives them bragging rights to have lots of them, and the story behind each one.
Part of a Gobalin's name is also the titles they have earned. These are descriptors that can indicate their social standing, the Goblin Town they are from, their favorit food, their "Thing they are really good at", and any Deed others know them by. Gobalins names tend to be created from interesting sounds instead of actual words.
Awd, Slird, Daw, Elx, Clotna, Zreentx, Duiqa, Voinx, Dave.
Gobalin Names with Titles Examples:
Blorto Egg Thrower, Main Dad of the Household of Glinda's Purple House, Wanted by the Elves of Albion for Burglary, Personage of great repute according to his Neighbor, Excellent maker of socks.
Racial Traits[edit]
- Ability Modifiers: -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity: When in social situations with other races Gobs suffer a -2 to Social Skill checks.
- Type: Humanoid: Goblinoid Subtype:
- Size: Small: +1 bonus to AC, +1 bonus to attack rolls, +4 on Hide Checks, -4 Penalty on Grappling Checks, and can only lift 3/4 of weight for Medium sized Creatures.
- Movement: Gobs base land speed is 30 feet:
- Perception: Darkvision 60 feet.
- Hearing: Twice humans. +1 to perception checks that are sound based.
- Smell: Thrice as good as humans.
- Taste: Gobs can eat just about anything without an ick factor.
- Weapons: Gobs can use all simple weapons.
- Good at One Thing: All Gobalins have one thing that they are extremely good at. Gobs may choose one profession or craft and gain an automatic success (take 20) for that skill once per day, and gain a +1 bonus to use that skill per level. However all other skills can not be affected by a Critical Success Roll (20) and their Critical Failure Roll is (1 through 3). This only applies to Skills.
- Racial Skill Bonus: +4 Racial bonus on Move Silently and Ride Checks. Gobs usually use giant rodents as mounts.
- Collection: All Gobalins have an innate need to collect something. This can be anything from Spoons, Mouse Feet, Colors, Wordz, Feathers, to Plaster Casts of Footprints. Gobalins cannot escape this. It is within their genetics, and they will get extremely anxious if they have not collected their thing within a reasonable amount of time.
- Automatic Languages: Bodan, Common. Bonus Languages: Trade, Human, Orc, Gnome, Elf, Dwarf, Hin, Scaled Folk.
- Favored Class: Rogue.
- Level Adjustment: 0
- Ability Modifiers: -2 Strength, +2 Constitution. Kobs are Agoriphobic and suffer a -2 to all actions when above ground.
- Type: Humanoid: Goblinoid Subtype:
- Size: Small: +1 bonus to AC, +1 bonus to attack rolls, +4 on Hide Checks, -4 Penalty on Grappling Checks, and can only lift 3/4 of weight for Medium sized Creatures.
- Movement: Gobs base land speed is 30 feet:
- Perception: Darkvision 90 feet.
- Hearing: Twice humans. +1 to perception checks that are sound based.
- Smell: Thrice as good as humans.
- Taste: Kobs prefer Savory and Sweet foods, and dislike anything that is Sour, Bitter, or Spicy.
- Weapons: Kobs can use all simple weapons, and have Weapon Focus: Picks
- Good at One Thing: All Gobalins have one thing that they are extremely good at. Gobs may choose one profession or craft and gain an automatic success (take 20) for that skill once per day, and gain a +1 bonus to use that skill per level. However all other skills can not be affected by a Critical Success Roll (20) and their Critical Failure Roll is (1 through 3). This only applies to Skills.
- Racial Skill Bonus: +4 Racial bonus on Move Silently and Mining Checks. Kobs usually use giant lizards as mounts.
- Collection: All Gobalins have an innate need to collect something. This can be anything from Spoons, Mouse Feet, Colors, Wordz, Feathers, to Plaster Casts of Footprints. Gobalins cannot escape this. It is within their genetics, and they will get extremely anxious if they have not collected their thing within a reasonable amount of time.
- Automatic Languages: Bodan, Common. Bonus Languages: Trade, Human, Orc, Gnome, Dwarf, Scaled Folk, Draconic, Undercommon.
- Favored Class: Sorcerer.
- Level Adjustment: 0
- Ability Modifiers: -2 Strength, +2 Intelligence. When in social situations with other races Gobs suffer a -2 to Social Skill checks.
- Type: Humanoid: Goblinoid Subtype: Psionic Subtype:
- Size: Small: +1 bonus to AC, +1 bonus to attack rolls, +4 on Hide Checks, -4 Penalty on Grappling Checks, and can only lift 3/4 of weight for Medium sized Creatures.
- Movement: Nobs base land speed is 30 feet:
- Perception: Darkvision 60 feet.
- Hearing: Twice humans. +1 to perception checks that are sound based.
- Smell: Thrice as good as humans.
- Taste: Nobs can eat just about anything without an ick factor.
- Weapons: Nobs can use all simple weapons.
- Good at One Thing: All Gobalins have one thing that they are extremely good at. Gobs may choose one profession or craft and gain an automatic success (take 20) for that skill once per day, and gain a +1 bonus to use that skill per level. However all other skills can not be affected by a Critical Success Roll (20) and their Critical Failure Roll is (1 through 3). This only applies to Skills.
- Racial Skill Bonus: +4 Racial bonus on Move Silently and Ride Checks. Nobs usually use Wargs as mounts.
- Collection: All Gobalins have an innate need to collect something. This can be anything from Spoons, Mouse Feet, Colors, Wordz, Feathers, to Plaster Casts of Footprints. Gobalins cannot escape this. It is within their genetics, and they will get extremely anxious if they have not collected their thing within a reasonable amount of time.
- Psi-Like Ability: All Nobs are Psionic. Manifester Level is HD or Class based. DC is Intelligence Based.
- NPC Nobs Gain: 1/Day SRD:Detect Psionics: 3/Day SRD:Energy Ray: 3/Day SRD:Far Hand:
- Automatic Languages: Bodan, Common. Bonus Languages: Trade, Human, Orc, Gnome, Elf, Dwarf, Hin, Winged Folk, Atami, Hengeyokai
- Favored Class: Wilder or Psion
- Level Adjustment: 1
- Ability Modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 Intelligence: When in social situations with other races Hobs suffer a -2 to Social Skill checks.
- Type: Humanoid: Goblinoid Subtype:
- Size: Medium:
- Movement: Hobs base land speed is 30 feet:
- Perception: Darkvision 60 feet.
- Hearing: Twice humans. +1 to perception checks that are sound based.
- Smell: Thrice as good as humans.
- Taste: Hobs can eat just about anything without an ick factor.
- Weapons: Hobs can use all simple weapons.
- Good at One Thing: All Gobalins have one thing that they are extremely good at. Gobs may choose one profession or craft and gain an automatic success (take 20) for that skill once per day, and gain a +1 bonus to use that skill per level. However all other skills can not be affected by a Critical Success Roll (20) and their Critical Failure Roll is (1 through 3). This only applies to Skills.
- Racial Skill Bonus: +4 Racial bonus on Diplomancy, Sense Motive, and Intimidate when dealing with the other Gobalin types.
- Collection: All Gobalins have an innate need to collect something. This can be anything from Spoons, Mouse Feet, Colors, Wordz, Feathers, to Plaster Casts of Footprints. Gobalins cannot escape this. It is within their genetics, and they will get extremely anxious if they have not collected their thing within a reasonable amount of time.
- Feats: SRD:Leadership
- Automatic Languages: Bodan, Common. Bonus Languages: Trade, Human, Orc, Gnome, Elf, Dwarf, Hin, Scaled Folk.
- Favored Class: Fighter
- Level Adjustment: +1
Vital Statistics[edit]
Gobs, Kobs, & Nobs[edit]
Adulthood | Simple | Moderate | Complex |
8 years | +2 | +3 | +4 |
Middle Age1 | Old2 | Venerable3 | Maximum Age | |
25 years | 40 years | 60 years | +2d10 years | |
Gender | Base Height | Height Modifier | Base Weight | Weight Modifier |
Male | 3’ 0” | +/-1d6 | 45 lb. | × (1d10) lb. |
Female | 3’ 0” | +/-1d6 | 45 lb. | × (2d10) lb. |
Adulthood | Simple | Moderate | Complex |
12 years | +1 | +2 | +3 |
Middle Age1 | Old2 | Venerable3 | Maximum Age | |
30 years | 50 years | 70 years | +2d10 years | |
Gender | Base Height | Height Modifier | Base Weight | Weight Modifier |
Male | 5’ 6” | +/-1d6 | 150 lb. | × (5d12) lb. |
Female | 5’ 6” | +/-1d6 | 150 lb. | × (4d12) lb. |
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