Global Event: Manifestation of the Ancients (5e Quest)
Brought to the mortal plane on chariot of flame and cinder, a projection of the most ancient of all creations ever to breathe: The Celestial Architect. Every warrior of Fae'run is hereby called upon: fight for the survival of this world lest is burn to nothingness beneath a power greater than any even the Gods could command.
The Projection is engulfed in black fire, which only gleams brighter along the shining seams where lucky blades have struck her divine body. Armour of silver scale and pale white plates that clings to her slender frame, shifts gently as if forged of liquid glass in metal's stead, as she fluidly rises, drawing a massive starlight blade from its place at her side. Vapour hisses through a stark white veil that hides her softly angled face, as two large almond shaped eyes burn into yours. Every timeline has she forged, every world and every possibility. Through the Gods, Titans, and those who dwell above, you have fought, and now at last you stand before the strongest creature known to this world and all others. This is one fight even you, will be hard pressed to win...
It is recommended that you attain the Hos'ri-ein'ri-ein_(5e_Race) plane before battling the Architect.
Projection of the Ancients[edit]
Large humanoid, neutral Armor Class 112 (scale and plate)
Damage Immunities magic Remaining Health9,401,000,014/9,801,151,204 Parties engaged in battle
(If the player is not Hos'ri-ein, they become Hos'ri-ein, and if 1) they do not wish to become Hos'ri-ein, or 2) are already Hos'ri-ein, the party gains 10 million experience; the sum of the thousand thousand souls that dwell within the Architect's body. XP)[[Category:CR30 Remaining Health9,401,000,014/9,801,151,204 Parties engaged in battle
]] Ancient Might For each foe in combat, the Architect gains 2 additional actions. Note: The Architect moves with a ponderous langour befitting of her weapons' scale. All attacks can be dodged with a successful reflex save whose DC is the amount of damage the attack would have dealt. She has five actions. All actions are recharged by using another action, unless explicitly stated otherwise. Legendary actions can be used only after 1) their requirements have been met and/or 2) two turns have elapsed. ACTIONSInspiration of Terror Melee Weapon Attack: +60 to hit, reach 15 ft., all adjacent creatures. Hit: 80 (3d20 + 15) slashing damage. If you or your allies are struck, take a -15 to all attack actions until the encounter ends. Starlight Cleave Melee Weapon Attack: +100 to hit, reach 15 ft., all adjacent creatures. Hit: 80 (5d20 + 15) slashing damage.
Ironclad Fist Black lightning ripples and curls in screaming, wailing tendrils around her forearm as she tilts back, raising her fist high overhead, and pivoting as she brings it heavily down upon you. Unarmed Attack +70 to hit, reach 10 ft. one creature in range. Effect: the target takes a reflex save using the above rules for DCHit: Crescent tongues of blinding, screeching light slash through your body, shredding flesh and bone. 54 (3d20 + 15) +13 continued damage (save ends) slashing damage. Burning Tidal Wave Immediate interrupt triggered by an opponent making a melee attack. Targets all creatures in a burst 20. Costs no actions. She slams an iron sole upon the floor, summoning a wall of writhing, ravenous flame that surges outward. Its unbending ferocity heaves you backward and swallows you whole. Target takes a reflex save (using the above rules). If you fail, you take 60 damage (3d20+15). If you succeed, fall prone. REACTIONSThe Architect has a 75% (1,2, or 3 on 1d4) chance of parrying all attacks made, taking no damage and making an attack without spending an attack action. LEGENDARY ACTIONSThe Celestial Architect can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The Celestial Architect regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn. Supreme Destruction Her silver fingers turn black as night, lit from within by a rippling, blinding star that sears your flesh despite the massive distance between you and the source of your torment. This, is her last effort when she is on the verge of defeat, for casting this takes all her strength. All creatures in a burst 5, fall prone and take the death and dying saves against a DC of 90. Death's Clarion Call She raises fingers of steel and stone to the heavens, briefly opening the myriad Gates that hold back her siblings' wrath. Shafts of light slash through the air, punching through your armour and the flesh beneath. You gaze upon the stones as your steaming life splatters across those grey plates. So this, is how you perish. Take a reflex save (using the above rules). If you fail, take the death and dying save (DC: 35+1/4 of your max health). If you succeed, take the death and dying save (DC: 35). She takes one quarter of her maximum health in damage.
Lore: (insight DC 25) The Projection is of the Celestial Architect. Those who learn of the Architect will rapidly discover that she dwells in a shadowed chamber whose vaulted ceiling glitters with pinpoint flames; gates to a thousand thousand realms forged by her spurned siblings. She lives under perpetual siege by her vengeful peers, who wage endless assault upon the realms they've forged, and those born of chance, expanding their empire. For her refusal as much as her rebellion, she is hated; it is in the unavoidable case of her defeat that she forged the Primeaelos to strengthen her creations. Loss and regret have tormented her as much as her siblings: before her eyes perished the most beloved of her creations alongside his Galactic Harvester, an insectoid craft vast as the universe itself, that crumbled beneath her siblings' siege. It was her rebellion, her refusal to assail the innocent realms, that sparked their assault, that forced them to destroy her most precious and powerful weapon: the Divine Slayer Or'Cal. Kneeling at his side, weeping tears of starlight as her heart burned to cinder, she forged the abyss, and the mortal realms as well as their entire universe, casting the Harvester and its pilot among her newborn stars. Yet Or'cal was fractured, shattered, sundered: a shard of her beloved fell to the mortal plane, where it was reborn, yet all other fragments simply faded away like embers cooling in the dark hearth. It is for his return that she waits, and in his name, that she will slay all who enter her sanctum. Neither Man nor God nor her own divine siblings will end her grief, for until he rises again, her mind is the only place that her beloved dwells. The wise pity those damnable fools who dare challenge her, for anger and grief oft prove stronger than a hunter's base desire. |
Rewards are calculated based on damage dealt:
- Tier one: 100-1000 damage: roll a d20, if the result is below 10, gain nothing. If the result is 11 or higher, you gain a temporary bonus of 1/2 strength modifier to all attacks made until the end of the day (this means that attacks usually dealing strength modifier damage now deal 1.5% strength modifier damage, or one entire strength mod in damage, then another half added.) If the result is a critical hit, you salvage Spectral Weave.
Spectral Weave A light armour crafted of soft golden light; it settles over your existing garb without discomfort or noticeable weight. AC +6, any attack that would normally knock you prone, can be canceled with an additional saving throw (i.e fail the first saving throw, and you may take another).
- Tier two: 1001-10000 damage: roll two d20, if the total is above 20, gain a temporary boost to hp and ac of half your highest modifier. This lasts until the end of the day. Additionally, your weapon now leeches one tenth of a foe's hp on the first strike; this effect does not wear off. If you roll two critical hits, you salvage Spectral Mail.
Spectral Mail Chains of woven light the hue of sunlit amber cling to the contours of your armored frame, emanating the divine power of a realm far beyond even that of the Gods. AC +15, any attack that would normally kill you can only knock you unconscious (once per day).
- Tier three: 10,001-100,000 damage: Roll 3 d20, if the result is above 30, gain all of the above benefits as well as reflecting half damage from any strike back to its source until the end of the day. If all 3 are critical hits, you salvage Spectral Plate.
Spectral Plate Thick slabs of softly glowing material not even the wisest among you could possibly identify, cover well all gaps and chinks that define mortal armor; no blade of man nor god shall pierce these divine plates. AC +45, all attacks that would normally kill you merely knock you prone unless dealing more than three times your fortitude in hp below 0.
- Tier four: 100,001-1,000,000 damage: roll 5d20. If the result is above 50, gain all the above benefits (if less, chose one), as well as gaining the ability to resurrect upon death once. If all 5 d20 are critical hits, you successfully loot the Ancient's weapon; this you may keep until time collapses or fate decrees that your life must end.
The Ancient's Blade[edit]
Gained by rolling 5 critical hits on 5 d20, this weapon has no weight save for that required to bestow it with its flawless balance. It is a longsword of some unidentifiable metal that shines with the soft luminescence of the rising moon, its edge blinding with dangerous light that promises to shear through armour and all that cowers beneath without slightest pause.
- Modifier: 10+strength modifier +1/4 level
- Damage: 30 times strength modifier.