Glace (5e Deity)

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Alignment. Chaotic Good
Domains. Ice, Friendship
Divine Rank. Greater Deity

Glace was one of the 10 elemental deities created by Barensu and was set to rule the domain of ice. Since no mortals were in the northern or southern most areas of An'evor Glace had very few followers and none dedicated to just her until a young adventurer founded a city down below the frozen line that separated her domain and the rest of An'evor. She immediately greeted the young girl that arrived on her shores and gifted her with a lance of pure ice so cold it could freeze fire. As more and more people started arriving to the settlement Glace soon found people who worshiped her and called her not just a goddess but a friend.

Glace almost always lives in that ancient city and appears in the mortal eyes as a girl with knee length white hair dressed in white clothes.

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