Glabrezu - Type III Demon (2.5e Creature)

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Glabrezu - Type III Demon
Climate/Terrain: Abyss
Frequency: Uncommon
Organization: Group
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Carnivore
Intelligence: Average
Treasure: D
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Number Appearing: 1-3 or 1-6
Armor Class: -4
Movement: 9"
Hit Dice: 10
THAC0: 10
Number of Attacks: 5
Damage/Attack: 2-12 / 2-12 / 1-3 / 1-3 / 2-5
Special Attacks: See Below
Special Defenses: See Below
Magic Resistance: 60%
Size: L (9 1/2' tall)
Moral: Champion (16-17)
XP Value: 4458 xp

Glabrezu - Type III Demon Description[edit]

Towering to well over nine feet in height, this not unusual kind of demon has a ghastly appearance, being broad and strong-looking covered with a wrinkled hide, with a head much like a goat-horned dog, pincers instead of normal hands, and a small pair of human arms protruding from its chest. Normal attacks will affect this demon type. It causes darkness in a 10' radius when it so wills. Additional abilities, any one of which can be performed at will, are: fear, levitate, cause pyrotechnics, polymorph self, telekinese, gate in another demon of types I-III (roll for which type)(30% chance of success).

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