Geography and Environment (The Legend of Zelda Supplement)
Planar Hyrule[edit]
- Royal Hylians are native to Castle Hyrule, while the commoners live in the Market and Kakoriko villiage. the Lon Lon Ranch is owned by a small family of Hylians.
- Gorons are native to Goron City
- Zora's are native to Zora's Domain and Lake Hylia {River Zora's are native to the rivers connecting the two}
- Kokiri are native in the Kokiri Forest (Skull kids live in the lost woods}
- Deku Shrubs are native in the lost woods and sometimes venture towards the Great Deku Tree
Planar Traits
* Normal Gravity
* Normal Time
* Alterable Morphic
* No elemental or energy traits ( Except where noted}
* MIldly Neutral aligned
* Normal magic
Sacred Realm Entrances
- the Temple of Time in Hyrule Castle
- the Forest Temple in the lost woods
- 25 mile radius from the temple has the Positive energy trait.
- the Fire Temple inside the volcano atop Death Mountain
- 25 mile radius from the temple has the Fire energy trait
- the Water Temple at Lake Hylia
- 25 mile radius from the temple has the Water Energy Trait
Entrances to Termina
- Zora's Domain at the bottom of the lake where the Shrine to Jabu-Jabu is located.
- Somewhere in the Lost Woods ( no accurate location exists)
Vile Realm Entrance
- Somewhere in Desert Colossus ( no accurate location exists).
- Terminians are native to Clock town. a small family owns the Romani Ranch
- Ikanish are native to Ikana Valley and the Stone Towers
- Gorons are native to Snowhead and the Goron Shrine
- Zoras are native to the Great Bay and Zora Hall
- Deku Shrubs are native to Deku Palace and Woodfall.
Planar Traits
* Normal Gravity
* Repeating (Read below)
* Alterable Morphic
* No Elemental Energy Traits
* Mildly Neutral aligned
* Normal Magic
Time in Termina is separated into three day segments called seasons. every season starts off the same regardless of what happened the season before it. if, for example, the entire world where destroyed at the end of the third day, by the start of the first day of the new season everything resets itself. memories are wiped, damages repaired. the only thing that changes is the date.
people with arcane magical prowess may notice the resetting of the seasons. typically Divine spell-casters do notice the change. also those from outside the plane notice the resetting. normal people dont remember any significant information of the season before it, other then the date. in many cases, people remember significant events like childbirth, a death in the family ( if the death does not reset itself; see table below} but usually they dont remember that the season restarts itself.
Death In Termina
death is a rare commodity in termina seeing as how the resetting of the plane resurrects any who died in the last season. there are however those rare moments that a terminian does die. roll a D% to determine if a character, creature, object, or artifact that has been killed, and not died of natural causes, to see if they remain dead.
1-99 = resurrects at the start of the next season
100= dead for good
typically those who die of natural causes stay dead. although living in Termina does enhance the life expectancy of any living thing by 60 years
Hyrule Entrance
* Clock Town
VIle Realm Entrances
* Snowhead Temple
* Stone Tower Temple
* Woofall temple
* Great Bay Temple
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