Geography and Environment (Shekastkoré Supplement)

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The world of Shekastkoré is a vast and varied world. First to note is that the Poles are reversed. Shekastkoré has three "continents", the Rejula peninsula, the Yong Archipelego, and Jehanam

Rejula Peninsula
The Rejula Peninsula consists of six primary regions. The regions are:
  • Tufanshen
Tufanshen is in the northern part of the continent. This region in the northern sections is a vast fertile plain, but as you move farther south it becomes a desert. The main inhabitants in this region are the Sandstorm Dwarves and the 4 tribes of Plains Halflings. Between the Yong Archipelago and Tufanshen is the Tange Gozand. A strait that is filled with rocks and terrible current. Only the best of the best seafarers venture in to find the rumored Flotsam and Jetsam Market run by the Otterlings (Seafaring Halflings).
  • Batalagh
Batalagh is bordered by the Kulakuh mountains to the south, and the Red Bellows Mountains to the west. Because of it's position between these two mountain ranges, it has led to increased rainfall and fertile soil. Most of the region is a giant boggy mess. Swamps, quicksand, and bogs to the west and towards the east and southern sections is Highland farmland. This region is very rich in resources and home to the Barbarian tribes of Orcs, and to the Farming and Merchant clan of Dwarves.
  • Motalashy
Motalashy to the east, is a lush and dense tropical forest. Filled with rivers lakes and ponds, this region is a natural paradise. All of elvenkind lives here, and protect the lush Forest of Motalashy with pride. Since the "Dark Days", nearly 1500 years prior, all races of elves have learned to live together in this one area. There are two ports as well with an abundant fishing supply.This place is also home to a special band of Pirates that patrol the coasts.
  • Virani
Virani is a desolate wasteland between Loch Skydd and the Red Bellows Mountains. 1500 years before, it used to be a part of the Motalashy forest and was lush and green. But soon after the war, when the humans brought their war machines. They destroyed all the life in the region. Underneath these barren plains are the Catacombs of the Dead. Miles upon miles of Tombs and tunnels filled with death. The Deep Dwarves and their Deep Hounds hunt the undead throughout this region. On the barren wasteland the nomadic tribes of Humans try to scrape a meager existence.
  • Damesorkh
A rocky mountainous land to the West of the Red Bellows mountains. This region is filled with volcanoes and random peaks and plateaus. Filled with rich natural ore deposits, this region was perfect for the alchemists' machinations. Naturally fortified by mountains and lava this region is nigh impregnable. Large technologically advanced cities dot the unforgiving landscape. Populated by most of the humans, gnomes , and goblins, whether by slave labor or by engineers. This land has become a symbol of might and will.
  • Gurestan
the frozen tundra to the far south has ever been a true mystery to the peoples of Shekastkoré. Blocked by the Kulakuh mountains, also known as the wall of the Lichqueen, this frozen Tundra is a desolate home to the Undead and Evil. The winds are harsh and fast, and as they travel through the many jagged peaks they make a loud sound known as the Wail. On a clear night or day you can hear the Wail down in Batalagh.


  • District and large maps
The world of Shekastkoré

  • City maps
The city of Orphium

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