Geography (Thrandill Supplement)

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The largest continent in the world and the former home of the once proud Elven races now just a reminder of how far the world has fallen since the great fall. This land has the closest thing to a civilization that has begun to bud in resent years with the capital of which being located in the ancient capital city of Strafira at the base of the stralix mountain range, those who founded the new nation named it after the old fallen ruins. Another small city state has also risen in the growing forests of the fallen empire of Tugra, the name of which also being taken from the ruins in which it resides being Tugula. A more in depth explanation here


The arid deserts of Helon once ruled by immovable and indomitable Dragonborn was the last of the ancient civilizations to fall due to its residents pride and resilience. Now the remnants of the once proud people have taken to wandering the vasts deserts their pride broken but not forgotten they have now become a nomadic people with many tribes wandering endlessly until the day their foretold dragon king that would unite the tribes and resurrect the once great kingdom. A more in depth explanation here


A more in depth explanation here


The dence jungles of Basenway are home to the curious explorers and stealthy night walkers of the Tabaxi. Being one of the only civilizations not to have been destroyed by the litch in his rise to power their society has not changed too much in the many years that followed. A more in depth explanation here


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The Shattered Isles[edit]

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The Storm Rift[edit]

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Here sits the Litch in his melinium long unchallenged rule. any who dare step foot here have their lives forfeit due to the vast amounts of wild necrotic magical energies, and a variety of risen dead ranging from the most basic of skeletons and zombies to a draco litch or two. If anyone is able to survive the hordes of ravenous undead for more than a few moments will notice an obsidian spire that plunges into the sky looming over the bairn waist land below A more in depth explanation here

The Blessed Isles[edit]

This collection of floating islands were created to be a safe haven from the litches power by the gods at the very last moment before the Falling. A strong divine barrior has surrounded and protected these islands since the world fell from grace. A more in depth explanation here

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