Geography (Ques'terra)

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Sungarden Kingdom[edit]

Grand Plains

Dune Kingdom[edit]

Everydry Mounds

Beachbark Kingdom[edit]

Beachbark Coast

Pinewood Kingdom[edit]

Pinecone Cape

Freewater Territory[edit]

A few

Winter Fortress[edit]

Icespiral Peninsula


These are the main villages and cities of Ques'terra.


Located on the seafloor of The Depths, Atlanta is a remarkable city under the waves. Its mesmerizing architecture, crafted from corals and enchanted seashells, emanates an iridescent glow. This aquatic metropolis is home to a harmonious community of merfolk, including locathah and tritons, alongside the esteemed presence of water genasi. Atlanta's most remarkable feature is its floating market, an innovative hub for trading unique treasures and magical artifacts with the enigmatic Tortuga Town when it surfaces nearby. Flourishing trade, a thirst for arcane knowledge, and a vibrant blend of aquatic life make Atlanta a captivating destination for underwater adventurers and mystical creatures alike.

The culture of Atlanta is deeply rooted in reverence for the ocean and its secrets. The inhabitants celebrate their connection to the sea through vibrant festivals that honor sea deities and mythical creatures. Music and dance, infused with aquatic rhythms, fill the underwater chambers during these joyous gatherings. Elders pass down ancient tales, preserving the rich lore of The Depths and inspiring a deep sense of pride and unity among the city's denizens.

At the heart of Atlanta lies the breathtaking Underwater Palace, an architectural marvel that serves as the city's central seat of power and culture. Adorned with intricate carvings depicting marine life and magical symbols, the palace is a testament to the artistry and craftsmanship of the city's inhabitants. Within its glistening walls, Atlantian royalty and esteemed council members govern with wisdom and compassion, upholding traditions that have endured for generations.

The surrounding waters of Atlanta are teeming with a diverse array of aquatic life, ranging from majestic sea dragons and playful dolphins to elusive bioluminescent creatures that illuminate the depths at night. Glowing coral reefs and floating gardens of iridescent seaweeds contribute to the city's enchanting atmosphere, drawing visitors from far and wide to witness the beauty of this underwater paradise.

The merfolk and water genasi of Atlanta have fostered a deep understanding and symbiotic relationship with the neighboring marine flora and fauna. Some rare underwater plants possess healing properties, sought after by the city's skilled alchemists and healers. In return, the residents of Atlanta are careful custodians of the ocean's ecosystem, ensuring the balance and preservation of their enchanting environment.

The culture, architecture, and awe-inspiring underwater palace of Atlanta, combined with its rich biodiversity and harmonious interactions with nearby plants and animals, create an extraordinary tapestry of life beneath the waves. This aquatic enclave remains a place of wonder, where history, magic, and the mysteries of The Depths intertwine to form a captivating destination for both adventurers and seekers of beauty.


Nestled within the mystical confines of the Backwater Bog, Babaghanoush emerges as an enchanting and enigmatic town, draped in an aura of magic and intriguing secrets. The thick mist that veils this bewitching settlement lends it an air of mystery, inviting visitors to explore its wondrous charms. Here, both witches and warlocks hone their mystical arts, delving into ancient rituals and harnessing the powers of the unseen world.

Babaghanoush is renowned for its deep connection to the mystical and occult, where the townsfolk, adorned in vibrant robes and adorned with talismans, come together for gatherings under the shimmering moonlight. With enchanting chants and bubbling cauldrons, they weave spells and conjure mystical energies that echo through the bog, bringing harmony to its still waters.

At the heart of Babaghanoush stands the Witch's Coven, an ancient yet captivating structure where skilled practitioners of the mystical arts gather. Its walls are adorned with beautiful symbols, and its halls are filled with the whispers of forgotten wisdom and benevolent incantations. The witches' knowing gazes and joyous laughter welcome those who approach with an open heart.

The Backwater Bog surrounding Babaghanoush is a mesmerizing labyrinth of marshlands, teeming with diverse flora and fauna, each adding to its natural splendor. Majestic swamp creatures and playful spirits dance among the fog-laden mists, inviting adventurers to embrace the magic of the witches' domain.

The witches of Babaghanoush are revered for their talent in brewing healing potions and crafting benevolent charms, capable of bringing blessings and wonder to the lives of the townsfolk. Locals share heartwarming tales of those who have sought the witches' aid and found newfound joy and prosperity in their lives.

Amidst the tranquility of the night, melodious harmonies waft through the air, leaving a sense of wonderment and awe in those who hear them. Legend has it that these ethereal melodies are sung by the spirits of ancient witches, preserving the town's rich history and passing on their wisdom to future generations. The music seems to originate from a mystical tavern known as The Bog's Rest, hidden somewhere within the depths of the Backwater Bog.

Babaghanoush stands as a testament to the beauty of magic and the mystical wonders it brings. Its captivating marshlands, charming coven, and benevolent enchantments make it a town worth exploring for those who seek the wonders of the mystical world. Within the embrace of the Backwater Bog, Babaghanoush emanates an enchanting allure, inviting the curious to discover its treasures and embrace the essence of magic and wonder.

Burrow Falls[edit]

The Shire


Mountain town


Goblin town built on the inside of a canyon


Very average forest/coast village


Frogfolk town built on giant lilly pads

Moss Hill[edit]

Mossy rocks and trees turned into fairy village

New Coalburn[edit]

Dwarven town built by the entrance of the ruins of Old Coalburn


Criminal hotspot on the edge of the Mystic Forest


Floating city built of sandstone Anarcho-Capitalist, no real laws Lots of thieves

Saltgust Village[edit]

Beach town


Wizard city built on many floating rocks in an arch between 2 mountains

Snowfall Valley[edit]



Underground black market town

Tortuga Town[edit]

Pirate town built on the back of a dragon turtle (Tortuga) Good trade relations with Atlanta


1 giant tree turned into a huge elven metropolis

Points of Interest[edit]

The Bog's Rest[edit]

Hidden amidst the mystical allure of Babaghanoush, The Bog's Rest stands as the most beloved and popular stop for travelers venturing through the enigmatic town. Despite its initial reputation, the tavern and shop, tenderly run by a trio of kindly green hags, has become a treasured oasis for all who seek respite in this bewitching domain.

Word of mouth has spread far and wide, drawing curious wanderers and seasoned adventurers alike to the enchanting threshold of The Bog's Rest. The exterior, adorned with colorful ivy and twinkling fairy lights, beckons passersby to step inside and uncover the magical secrets it holds.

Once inside, visitors are greeted with the heartwarming scent of home-cooked delicacies and the gentle hum of harmonious melodies. The interior is adorned with captivating tapestries and shelves lined with an eclectic array of enchanted treasures. From rare trinkets to potent potions, every item lovingly curated by Agatha, Elowen, and Seraphina promises to bring delight and wonder to those who find them.

The trio of green hags, renowned for their benevolent nature and expert knowledge in mystical arts, welcome each traveler with genuine warmth and open arms. Their smiles and twinkling eyes instantly put even the most wary souls at ease. They offer advice, solace, and a listening ear to those who share their tales of adventure and mystery.

Beyond the tavern, The Bog's Rest also houses an apothecary, where travelers and locals alike seek the hags' remedies and magical concoctions. Whether it's a soothing salve for aches or a potion to grant visions of future paths, the hags' expertise and genuine care have earned them a reputation as trusted healers and wise seers.

As the sun sets over Babaghanoush, the warmth of The Bog's Rest grows, drawing in a diverse tapestry of people from near and far. Laughter and camaraderie fill the air as strangers become friends, united by the enchanting ambiance of the tavern and the magical companionship of the hags.

With tales of The Bog's Rest spreading like wildfire, the tavern has become a cherished destination for all travelers seeking a touch of magic and a place of belonging. Those who once feared Babaghanoush now find solace and enchantment within its heart, thanks to The Bog's Rest and the kind-hearted green hags who have woven a spell of hospitality and friendship in this most mystical town.

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