NPCs (Pandlechron Supplement)

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Gallery of Notable People[edit]

The following list describes notable NPCs in the Pandlechron setting:

Name Race Levels Description
Aliartis Human Cleric 6 Aliartis is a professional scroll maker in Sapparizan.
Archmage Coeus Half-Celestial Aasimar Wizard 7 Loremaster 19 Archmage 5 Archmage Coeus is the General in Sapparizan and has become extremely arrogant about his bloodline.
Bellerophon Human Paladin 15 Bellerophon is the hero that killed the Chimera God.
Malira Elf Ranger 2, Monk 4, Psionic Fist 3 PLEASE EDIT AND ADD A DESCRIPTION
Moro Half-Giant Paladin of Tyranny 3, Monk 3, Psionic Fist 7 PLEASE EDIT AND ADD A DESCRIPTION
Ophion Ancient Green Dragon Cleric 1 Unholy Ravager of Tiamat 5 Ophion is a powerful Green Dragon that follows Tiamat with unerring conviction.

Generic NPCs[edit]

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Excuse me, but you have no right to speak. Feel fortunate that I even addressed you.
Archmage Coeus
This page is part of the

Pandlechron Campaign Setting