Furēmutsu Zenin (JJK D&D Campaign)

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Furēmutsu Zenin[edit]

Medium humanoid (human), lawful neutral

Armor Class 24 (unarmored defense)
Hit Points (40d8 + 160)

12 (+1) 24 (+7) 18 (+4) 24 (+7) 14 (+2) 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Dex +13, Int +13
Skills Acrobatics +19, Arcana +13, History +13, Investigation +13, Sleight of Hand +10, Stealth +10
Senses passive Perception 12
Challenge 20 (25,000 XP)

Cursed Energy. Furēmutsu has cursed energy that she can use to fuel her abilities. All of her cursed energy is replenished at the end of a long rest.

Cursed Strike. When making an Unarmed Strike, Yuki may spend up to 6 Cursed Energy, adding 1d8 Necrotic damage to its damage. This may also be used when the creature hits a Nat 20. This energy persists until she hits a target or 1 minute has passed.

Cursed Armor. Yuki can spend up to 7 cursed energy to give herself temporary hit points equal to the cursed energy spent times 10 for 1 minute. She can only benefit from this feature again after 1 minute or having her temporary hit points reduced to 0


Action Name. Melee Weapon Attack: +X to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: X (1dX + X) damtype damage.

Exorcise. Yuki automatically destroys a cursed spirit within 30 ft. of her that she can see that has a CR of 3 or lower.


Martial Arts. After using the Attack action, Yuki can make one unarmed strike.

Cursed Blast of Blows (3 Curse Energy). After Yuki uses the Attack action, she can perform two unarmed strikes.

Cursed Patient Defense (3 Curse Energy). Yuki can take the Dodge action.

Cursed Wind Step ( 3 Curse Energy). Yuki can take the Disengage or Dash action and her jump distance is doubled until the end of her turn.

Nanami has 20 levels in the Jujutsu Sorcerer class.

Tokyo Jujutsu High

Design Note: These features aren't applied to the statblock, as it is up to the GM what would be best for the npc

Nanami knows three enhancements in which he can apply to his cursed technique. A technique cannot have multiple enhancements, nor can one enhancement be applied to multiple techniques.

  • Power Enhancement. Nanami can now spend up to 6 additional cursed energy on the technique to add an additional damage die to the technique per cursed energy spent.
  • Cursed Energy Economy. The cursed energy cost of the technique is now reduced by 6 (to a minimum of 1 cursed energy).
  • Distance Enhancement. Nanami can spend up to 6 additional cursed energy on the technique to add 10 feet to the range per cursed energy spent.
Specialized Technique

Design Note: This feature isn't applied to the statblock, as it is up to the GM what would be best for the npc

One of Nanami's cursed techniques will gain all of the following benefits:

Increased Damage Output. Its damage dice number will increase by 7.

Increased Reach. Its range will increase by 30 feet.

Optimized Technique. Its cursed energy cost will be halved (rounded up, minimum 1).

Nanami may change his specialized technique at the end of a week.

At the end of a short rest or long rest, Nanami may reallocate his enhancements.

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