Froghemount (5e Creature)

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Medium monstrosity, lawful evil

Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20)
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.

10 (+0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 12 (+1)

Saving Throws Int +5, Wis +7, Cha +4
Skills Animal Handling +7, Perception +10
Proficiency Bonus +3
Damage Immunities lightning
Senses passive Perception 20
Languages Deep Speech, telepathy touch
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Amphibious. The froghemount can breathe both air and water.

Froghemoth Mount. The froghemount can psychically bond with a froghemoth or froghemoth elder by touching it and making a Wisdom (Animal Handling) ability check with a DC equal to the CR of the creature. On a success, the creature becomes bonded to the froghemount as its mount until the froghemount attempts to bond with another froghemoth or froghemoth elder.
While mounting its mount, the froghemount wraps three of its tentacles around the eyes of its mount, preventing it from being dismounted against its will, granting its mount immunity to lightning damage, and both the froghemount and its mount share their senses, granting both advantage on saving throws against being blinded or deafened. If a froghemount's mount is killed while the froghemount is mounting it, the froghemount takes 6d6 psychic damage and is stunned until the end of its next turn. If a froghemount is killed while mounting its mount, the froghemount's mount takes 6d6 lightning damage which ignores resistance.

Elder Mount. If the froghemount's mount is a froghemoth elder, the froghemount changes its creature type to aberration and gains a passive Perception of 22.


Laser Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 40/120 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) radiant damage.

Froghemoth Direct. The froghemount's mount moves an additional ten feet and makes one additional melee weapon attack of its choice as part of its multiattack action on its next turn.


Froghemoth Handle. In response to its mount failing a saving throw, the froghemount makes a Wisdom (Animal Handling) ability check and treats the result as its mount's saving throw.

Elder Handle. If the froghemount's mount is a froghemoth elder and a creature ends its turn within view of either the froghemount or its mount, the froghemount uses either the froghemoth elder's Alien Gaze reaction or Hypnotic Visions lair action using the froghemount's reaction.

Though similar in silhouette to a humanoid woman, the froghemount is a vile monstrosity when viewed up close. Three eyes arranged horizontally across the otherwise blank surface of its "face", a pair of sinuous tentacles emerging from each shoulder in place of arms, rubbery green skin, and a large protruding mouth covering where a human's breast would be. A froghemount's tentacles are filled with nerves meant to interface with the optic nerves in a froghemoth's eyestalk and can even be used to communicate telepathically with non-froghemoths via touch. The nerves in a froghemoth's body that make it so susceptible to shock are the same nerves that froghemounts are meant to connect to, so any electrical impulse on those nerves is translated to the froghemoth as a bonded froghemount screaming in incomprehensible agony.
Froghemounts bear many biological similarities to froghemoths, and are apparently responsible for their appearance in various realms. Froghemounts describe a race of beings fabled to have been split in two long ago for frightening the gods with their powerful minds and bodies, with the froghemounts being those ancient creatures' brains while the froghemoths are their bodies. Despite this splitting, the froghemounts maintained their connection to the froghemoths, and used them to construct mighty fortresses, advanced weapons, and starfaring ships. After many wars with various other advanced monstrous species, the ratio of brains and bodies became massively unbalanced, hence the froghemounts sent metal cylinders packed with infant froghemoths to worlds with hospitable swampy environments, hoping to establish breeding colonies of froghemoths and return their society to a state of balance before the froghemounts closed themselves off in their fortresses, waiting for the right time to reclaim the more populous froghemoths. Froghemounts that have yet to find a mount may follow adventuring parties of humanoids in secret, hoping they will find or draw out a froghemoth, and the froghemount can swoop in and claim a new body.

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