Froggage (5e Race)

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Physical Description[edit]

All Froggage look the same physically, being cabbage, which houses all internal organs, with the head and legs of a frog, but they have different marks from different encounters. They are only males, and reproduce by peeling a leaf off their backs, planting it, and a new one grows in a few weeks.


The Froggage was the product of a failed animation spell, and they have spread far and wide, reproducing at a steady rate. Now, there is a large number of them in the wild and in civilization. Since they are surprisingly hardy for their appearance, they have been used for stealth missions and for quick, easy reconnaissance.


Froggage don't build homes, they slightly burrow into the ground, covering their head in soil, so only their backs are exposed. During the winter, they burrow completely underground, freeze themselves so they can thaw in the spring, with no negative side effects.

Froggage Names[edit]

Male: All Froggage male's first name is Todd, but their title and "last name" vary.

Froggage Traits[edit]

The Froggage are a frog/cabbage mixture that is very adept at stealth.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. 30 years
Alignment. The Froggage race tends to be more Neutral, so they do not bring attention to themselves.
Size. Tiny
Speed. 20 ft. walking, 5 ft. swimming.
Armored. All Froggage have a +1 to AC .
Stealthy. All Froggage gain proficiency to Stealth
Languages. You can fully understand common, but can't write it.
Subrace. Purple Froggage

Purple Froggage[edit]

Purple. Your body's color changes to look like a purple cabbage, including your skin.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

0′ 6'' +1d4 3 lb. × (1d6) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

(2 votes)

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