Fortune Cards (4e Index)

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Fortune Cards are an optional collectible card supplement to 4th edition D&D.

These cards are sold in booster packs of 8 cards each - 5 common, 2 uncommon, and 1 rare.


A fortune card deck is obtained by purchasing boxes or booster packs. Currently, there are five sets: Shadow of Nentir Vale, Glory of Neverwinter, Fury of the Feywild, Spiral of Tharizdun and Drow Treachery.

A deck can be constructed by combinind all boosters from a set of fortune cards. If you instead want to use a custom deck, your may use any cards from the set but must have an exact multiple of 10 cards and have each attack, defense and tactic categories represent at least 30% of the cards (i.e. For every 10 cards, 3 must be in Attack, 3 must be in Defence, and 3 must be in Tactics.)

At the start of each encounter, all cards in a deck are shuffled. At the start of the turn, you may draw one card (discarding the one already in hand). Cards may be played at any time, and take no action to do so.

Fortune Card list[edit]

Shadows of Nentir Vale[edit]

# Rarity Name Type Power
1 C Careful Aim Attack Play when you use a Close or Area Attack Power. Omit one creature from the power's area of effect
2 U Crafty Strike Attack Play when your at-will or encounter attack power hits an enemy granting you combat advantage. You gain a +4 bonus to the power's damage roll against the enemy.
3 U Exposed Target Attack Play when you make a ranged attack. You gain a +2 bonus to the attack roll against any target that does not have cover.
4 U Fair Fight Attack Play at the start of your turn. Until the end of this turn, you gain a +2 bonus to the attack rolls of at-will powers.
5 C Full Speed Ahead! Attack Play when you charge on your turn. You gain combat advantage against the target of the charge attack.
6 R Gambler's Effort Attack Play at the start of your turn. Roll a d20 to determine this card's effect. 1-9 your attacks deal half damage. 10-20 your attacks gain a bonus to damage rolls equal to 2 + one half your level
7 R Grim Determination Attack Play at the start of your turn. You gain a bonus to your first attack roll this turn equal to the number of bloodied allies within 5 squares of you.
8 R I will avenge you! Attack Play when ally drops to 0 HP. You make a Melee or Range Basic as a Free Action
9 R Keep at it! Attack Play on your turn when you miss with an attack roll. Reroll the missed attack roll. You take damage equal to your level.
10 U Loose Rocks Attack Play when you knock an enemy prone with an attack. The enemy also takes damage equal to 2+ one-half your level. You fall prone the next time you take damage before the start of your turn.
11 R Mano A Mano Attack Play at the start of your turn. Until the end of this turn, you gain a bonus to damage rolls against enemies that have no creatures adjacent to them other than you. The bonus equals 1+one-half your level.
12 R Measured Cut Attack Play at the start of your turn. Once during your turn, you can take a minor action to gain a +2 to your next attack roll.
13 R Mind over Metal Attack Play at the start of your turn. The first attack roll you make this turn targets Will instead of the defense the attack normally targets.
14 R Outnumbered, Undaunted Attack Play at the start of your turn. You gain a bonus to your next damage roll this turn equal to the number of enemies within 2 squares of you.
15 R Overbear Attack Play when your at-will power hits a target granting combat advantage. You also knock that target prone.
16 C Phantom Ally Attack Play at the start of your turn. During this turn, you gain combat advantage against the targets of your at-will powers.
17 C Reckless Onslaught Attack Play when you miss with an attack. Reroll the attack roll. You must use the second roll, even if it's lower. You then fall prone and take damage equal to your level.
18 R Reckless Swing Attack Play when you make an attack on your turn. You gain a +2 bonus to to the attack rolls and damage rolls of that attack against targets adjacent to you. Making that attack provokes opportunity attacks.
19 C Reckless Violence Attack Play when you make an attack on your turn. You take a -2 penalty to the attack rolls and gain a +4 bonus to the damage rolls of that attack. You grant combat advantage until the start of your next turn.
20 R Stronger Together Attack Play when you make an attack on your turn. You gain a bonus to the attack roll of that attack equal to the number of allies adjacent to you.
21 U Skulkling Strike Attack Play when you attack a target while hidden. If the attack hits, you also slide the target 1 square. After the attack, you can make a Stealth check to remain hidden.
22 R Sucker Punch Attack Play when you deal damage to an enemy granting you combat advantage. That enemy takes 1d6 extra damage. On a roll of 6 you also take 6 damage.
23 R Surprise! Attack Play at the start of your turn. You gain combat advantage with your next attack this turn against an enemy that is adjacent to your ally.
24 R To the ground Attack Play on your turn when you hit a target adjacent to you. You knock the target prone. You then fall prone.
25 R Touch of Fate Attack Play when you miss every target with an at-will attack power. You gain a stroke of luck, which you can use any time before the end of the encounter.
26 R Wave of Fate Attack Play when you miss every target with an encounter attack power. You gain a Stroke of Luck, which you can use any time before the end of the encounter
27 R Balance of Fate Defense Play either when you are bloodied by an attack or when you are hit by an attack while bloodied. You gain a stroke of luck, which you can use any time before the end of the encounter. (Use a stroke of luck to reroll any one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check you make. You can only have one Stroke of Luck at a time, and you cannot use it to affect the event that granted it to you.)
28 C Beat Feet Defense Play at the start of your turn. During this turn, you can take a move action up to your speed+2. You cannot end this movement adjacent to an enemy.
29 U Coward's Boon Defense Play at the end of your turn if you did not make an attack on that turn. You gain temporary hit points equal to 3 + one-half your level.
30 C Eye for Danger Defense Play at the start of your turn. Until the start of your next turn, being flanked doesn't cause you to grant combat advantage.
31 C Gamblers Dodge Defense Play when you take damage. Roll a d20. On a roll of 10 or higher, you take half the normal damage. On a 9 or lower you take extra damage equal to your level.
32 R Gambler's Sidestep Defense Play at the start of turn. Roll a d20 to determine effect. The effect last until the start of your next turn. 1-9 take a -2 penalty on all defenses. If 10-20 take a +2 bonus to all defenses.
33 R Gambler's Solace Defense Roll a d10 or a d20. If the result is even, you gain that many temporary hit points. If it is odd, you lose that many hit points.
34 R Hang In there Defense Play at the start of your turn. Each bloodied ally within 5 squares of you gain temporary hitpoints equal to 1+One-half your level.
35 R Hold Steady Defense Play at the end of your turn if you did not move on that turn. You gain temporary hit points equal to 3 + one half your level.
36 C Inner Strength Defense Play either when you spend a healing surge or take the total defense action. You make a saving throw.
37 C Live and Let Live Defense Play at the end of your turn if you did not make an attack on that turn. You gain a +4 to all defenses until the start of your next turn.
38 U Not in the Face! Defense Play when an enemy attacks you with combat advantage. You do not grant combat advantage for that attack.
39 U Only a flesh wound Defense Play when you make a death saving throw. You gain a +5 bonus to that death saving throw.
40 R Opportunistic Fate Defense Play when an enemy makes an opportunity attack against you. You gain a stroke of luck, which you can use at any time before the end of the encounter.
41 U Painful Escape Defense Play when you take damage from an attack. You shift up to 3 squares as a free action.
42 R Reinvigorate Defense Play when you hit an enemy with an at-will attack power while you are bloodied. You regain hit-points equal to 5+one-half your level.
43 R Rejuvenating Fate Defense Play when you fail a saving throw You gain a stroke of Luck which you can use at any time before the end of the encounter
44 U Stand by me Defense Play during your turn. Until the start of your next turn, you gain a bonus to AC equal to the number of allies adjecent to you.
45 C Stand Firm Defense Play when you are pulled, pushed, slid, or teleported. You negate that movement.
46 U Stave off death Defense Play when you are dropped to 0 hit points or fewer. You lose one healing surge. You are instead reduced to 1 hit point.
47 R Unwavering Defense Play when you drop to 0 hit points or fewer. Until the end of your next turn, you remain conscious but are still dying. You cannot regain hit points until the end of your next turn.
48 C Wary Shot Defense Play when you make a ranged or area attack. That attack does not provoke opportunity attacks.
49 C Whoops! Defense Play when an attack knocks you prone. One creature adjacent to you also falls prone.
50 R Defiant Stand Tactic Play when an ally end his or her turn adjacent to two or more enemies. That ally gains temporary hit points equal to 3+ one-half your level. That ally does not grant combat advantage until the start of his or her next turn.
51 C Dependability Tactic Play when you or an ally makes a skill check or an ability check. Treat the check result as if the player had rolled a 10.
52 U Distracting Banter Tactic Play at the start of your turn. Once during your turn, you can take a move action to allow one ally within 5 squares of you to shift up to 3 squares as a free action.
53 R Fate of the Reckless Tactic Play when an enemy makes an opportunity attack against an ally. That ally gains a stroke of luck, which he or she can use at any time before the end of the encounter.
54 U Free Passage Tactic Play at the start of your turn. Whenever you move during this turn, entering squares occupied by your allies costs you no squares of movement.
55 R Gambler's Stride Tactic Play at the start of your turn. Roll a d20 to determine the card's effect. The effect lasts until the end of this turn. Roll 1-9 You are immobilized. 10-20 You gain a +4 to speed.
56 U Gang Up Tactic Play at the start of your turn. Until the start of your next turn, allies gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls against enemies that are adjacent to you.
57 U Get a Grip Tactic Play when you or an ally adjacent to you fails a saving throw. That character rerolls the saving throw.
58 R Go for It!! Tactic Play at the start of your turn. Choose one enemy adjacent to you. Until the start of your next turn, your allies gain combat advantage with charge attacks against that enemy.
59 U Hold It! Tactic Play when an enemy makes a ranged or melee attack against an ally adjacent to you. That ally gains a +2 bonus to all defenses against that attack.
60 R It's a Trap! Tactic Play when an enemy ends its turn adjacent to you. One ally within 3 squares of you shifts up to 2 squares as a free action to a square adjacent to that enemy.
61 R Kip Up Tactic Play when you or an ally is knocked prone by an enemy. That player can use a minor action on to stand up on his or her next turn.
62 U Look at me Tactic Play at the start of your turn. Until the start of your next turn, enemies that are adjacent to you grant combat advantage to your allies and you grant combat advantage to enemies that are adjacent to you.
63 C Lucky Fall Tactic Play when you or any ally takes falling damage. That character takes half damage from the fall and lands standing.
64 U Might Makes Right Tactic Play when you make an intimidate or diplomacy check. You gain a bonus to the check equal to the number of unbloodied allies adjacent to you.
65 R Mounting Trepidation Tactic Play when you make an attack that targets will or fortitude. You gain a bonus to the attack roll equal to the number of bloodied enemies within 10 squares of you (Maximum +5)
66 R One for the Team Tactic Play when you are targeted by a close or area attack. That attack automatically misses its other targets and scores a crtical hit against you.
67 C Push Through the Crowd Tactic Play at the start of your turn. Until the end of this turn, you can move through enemies spaces. Enemies that make opportunity attacks against you on this turn gain combat advantage for those attacks.
68 R Quick Feet Tactic Play when an ally adjacent to you shifts. That ally shifts 1 additional square.
69 U Reinforcement Tactic Play at the start of your turn. Once as a move action during this turn, you can shift up to 3 squares to a square adjacent to an ally.
70 R Resurgent Fate Tactic Play when a critical hit is scored against you or an ally. That character gains a Stroke of Luck, which he or she can use at any time before the end of the encounter.
71 U Risky Move Tactic Play at the start of your turn. Once as a Move action during this turn, you can shift up to your speed. At the end of this shift, roll d20. On a result of 9 or lower, you fall prone
72 U Self-Preservation Tactic Play when an ally adjacent to you takes damage from a melee attack. You shift up to 2 squares.
73 U Self Sacrifice Tactic Play when an ally adjacent to you is hit by a melee or ranged attack. That attack hits you instead.
74 R Shared Fate Tactic Play when one enemy attacks you and at least two allies on the same turn You or one of those allies gains a Stroke of Luck which that character can use at any time before the end of the encounter
75 R Shifty Moves Tactic Play at the start of your turn. During this turn, you can shift 1 square as a minor action.
76 C Trained Advance Tactic Play when an ally within 5 squares of you takes a move action to shift. You shift 1 square as a free action.
77 R Unfair Advantage Tactic Play when you or an ally knocks an enemy prone. One ally makes a basic attack against the prone enemy as a free action.
78 C Watchful Approach Tactic Play at the start of your turn. During this turn, you can take a standard action to shift up to your speed.
79 R Wear them Down Tactic Play when an ally misses an target with an at-will attack power. That target takes damage equal to 2+one-half your level.
80 R Why Me? Tactic Play when an enemy's attack damages you. You take maximum damage from the attack. One ally within 5 squares of you makes a basic attack against that enemy.
Promo 1 R One more chance Attack Play this at the start of your turn. If you have no encounter powers remaining, the first enemy you hit this turn takes 5 extra damage.
Promo 2 C Cautious Maneuver Defense Play at the start of your turn. Until the end of your turn you take half damage from Opportunity attacks against you.
Promo 3 U Impervious Defense Play when a critical hit is scored against you. The critical hit is a normal hit instead.
Promo 4 C Enduring Focus Tactic Play at the start of your turn. Until the start of your next turn, allies within 2 squares of you gain a +2 bonus to saving throws.
Promo 5 R Gambler's Eye Attack Play at the start of your turn. Roll a d20 to determine this cards effect. The effect last until the end of this turn. Roll: 1-9 Effect: You take a -2 penalty to attack rolls. Roll: 10-20 Effect: You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls.

Spiral of Tharizdun[edit]

# Rarity Name Type Power
1 C Frightening Display Attack Play when you use a close or area attack power. One creature that can see the power's area of effect takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the start of your next turn.
3 C Demoralizing Aggression Attack Play when you bloody an enemy with an attack. Enemies adjacent to you when you make the attack cannot use opportunity actions or immediate actions until the end of your turn.
8 C Strength in Numbers Attack Play at the start of your turn. You gain a bonus to damage rolls equal to the number of creatures adjacent to you now. This bonus lasts until the end of this turn.
9 C This Will Never Work Attack Play at the start of your turn. you take a -2 penalty to the first attack roll you make this turn. On a hit, the attack deals extra damage equal to your highest ability modifier.
11 U Kick the Hornet's Next. Attack Play when you hit with an attack. The attack deals extra damage equal to 1 + one-half your level. Each enemy within 2 squares of you can then shift 1 square as a free action.
12 U Desperate Gamble Attack Play when an adjacent enemy damaged you. Make an opportunity attack against that enemy. If this attack misses, you take damage equal to 1 + one-half your level.
35 C Turn the Tide Tactic Play when an ally you can see saves. You shift 1 square as a free action.
36 C Seal the Breach Tactic Play when an ally you can see takes damage. You and one ally within 5 squares of you can shift 1 square toward the damaged ally as a free action.
40 C Hue and Cry Tactic Play at the end of your turn. Until the start of your next turn, enemies adjacent to you cannot benefit from partial concealment or partial cover.
48 U Watch Out! Tactic Play when an enemy makes a ranged attack. You and one ally within 5 squares of you can each drop prone as a free action.
65 R We Can Do This Tactic Play when an ally you can see spends a healing surge. You regain hitpoints equal to half the ally's healing surge value. You then grant combat advantage until the start of your next turn.
66 C Think Again Defense Play when an enemy makes an opportunity attack against you. You gain a +4 bonus to defenses against the attack.
68 C Take Heart! Defense Play when you spend a healing surge. One ally within 5 squares of you gains a +1 bonus to all defenses until the start of your next turn.
71 U Delusions of Grandeur Defense Play at the start of your turn if you are bloodied. Until the start of your next turn, you gain a +2 bonus to Will and to saving throws.
76 R Surging Confidence Defense Play when you start your turn subject to an effect that a save can end. Make a saving throw. If you succeed, yo can also shift 1 square as a free action before you take any other actions.

Drow Treachery[edit]

This set of cards adds a new concept, known as Worth, used to keep track of your position on Drow Society. The worth value of a card is shown at the top-right corner; when the card is played or takes effect, you gain that worth.

If you are not keep tracking of worth, then it applies as a modifier to your own AC until the end of your next turn. If it would otherwise affect an ally's worth, then that ally receives that as a modifier to AC until the end of your next turn. However, the AC bonus from the worth value doesn't stack with any bonuses provided directly from the card.

# Rarity Name Type Worth Power
58 Rare Bad Dog! Treachery 1 Play when an ally summons a creature that has an at-will melee attack. The summoned creature makes the melee attack against a creature adjacent to it as a free action.
70 Rare I Think Not Treachery 2 Play when you are surprised and conscious. You are not surprised. One ally within 3 squares of you who was not surprised becomes surprised.
76 Rare Smarten Up Treachery 1 Play when an ally fails an Intelligence-, Wisdom-, or Charisma-based skill check. That ally loses 1 Worth.

External links[edit]

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