Fortune's Sacrifice (4e Power)

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Fortune's Sacrifice Fatebinder Utility 1
You loosen the strands of fate protecting you and lend them to an ally.
At-Will Star.gif Arcane, Arcane
Minor"Minor" is not in the list (Minor Action, Standard Action, Free Action, Immediate Reaction, Immediate Interrupt, Move Action, No Action) of allowed values for the "4e Power Action Type" property. Burst 10
Target: One ally
Effect: You take a -1 to all dice rolls and to one defense of your choice until the end of your next turn. The targeted ally gains +1 to all dice rolls until the end of your next turn. (for attack rolls, if the modified die number would result in a critical hit, the critical hit is resolved as though that were the number rolled.)
Sustain Minor: If you choose to sustain this power, you take an additional -1 to all dice rolls and to one defense of your choice. The targeted ally gains an additional +1 to all dice rolls. These effects are cumulative and increase each time you choose to sustain this power.
Luck-Lender: {{{buildinfo}}}

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