Forger, Variant (5e Class)

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Forger, Variant[edit]

A forger is a war blacksmith that uses inborn magic to create items, armors, weapons and constructs. Their abilities can change the tide of war.

Quick Build[edit]

You can make a forger quickly by following these suggestions. First, Strength should be you highest ability score, followed by Charisma. Second choose the soldier background.

Class Features

As a Forger you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d12 per Forger level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + Constitution modifier per Forger level after 1st


Armor: All armors
Weapons: All weapons
Tools: Smithing Tools
Saving Throws: Strength and Charisma
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Deception, History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Persuasion, Religion, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Half Plate or (b) Chain Mail or (c) Leather
  • (a) Explorer's Pack or (b) Smith's tools
  • (a) you start with 5d4 × 10 gp or (b) A gold coin minted in an unknown land

Table: The Forger

Level Proficiency
1st +2 Conjure Weapon, Overwhelming Energy
2nd +2 Blur
3rd +2 Energy Beam, Warsmith Expertise
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Conjure Object, Comprehend Language
5th +3 Extra Attack, Disguise Self, Create Small Being
6th +3 Parry & Shield
7th +3 Bend Nature
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Disguise Others
9th +4 Energy Ball
10th +4 Banishing Smite, Forge Strike
11th +4 Create Lifeform
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, Healing Energy
13th +5 Energy Blast
14th +5 Teleport, Enhance Armor
15th +5 Energy Armor
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 Annihilation Energy, Plane Shift
18th +6
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Legendary Resistance

Forger Ability Modifiers[edit]

Forger ability save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

Forger ability attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

Your abilities function as one attack, so you can use the same ability multiple times.

You have +2 in Smith's tools.

Conjure Weapon[edit]

At 1st level, as a bonus action, you can magically call a +1 weapon you are proficient. The weapon remains until you die, or until dismissed as a bonus action. The attacks with this weapon count as magical. At 5th level Conjure Weapon can be a +2 weapon. At 10th level Conjure Weapon can be a +3 weapon. At 14th level, Conjure Weapon functions as a +4 weapon and gain new features. If the weapon is a ranged weapon like a crossbow, you can only shoot once every round, regardless of the multiattack feature. You add your Charisma modifier to your attacks. Can be used as Arcane Focus, doubles the modifier of magical attack and gains advantage on the attack.

  • Returning Weapon: If it was used as a ranged attack, the weapon appears in your hand after the attack.
  • Forger Favor: You can summon another two weapons that counts as +2 and hand them over to other creatures. The creature is proficient with the weapon. The attacks with this weapon count as magical.
  • Forger Protection: Creatures using a magical weapon (including you) in 120 ft of you gain +1 AC. You can use a reaction if one of the creatures are attacked to generate a shield around them, reducing damage equal 5x your Forger level. You can use this ability an amount of times equal to half your proficiency bonus
  • Forger Aura: Generates a passive aura of 60 ft. Friendly creatures in the aura receive +1 to attack and damage and have advantage in Strength saving throws.
  • Magical Fusion (Level 6): You can fuse a magical weapon that you are holding and attuned to if needed to your conjured weapon as long as you meet the prerequisites. If the eapon is already a plus waepon you can use its plus or the one you get with this feature. If you summon other weapons they do not gain the benefits unless they don't have need attuned and the other creature holding it can use it, you can fuse a different into a different summoned but it follows the previously stated rules.

Overwhelming Energy[edit]

At 1st level, you can use your action to make energy resonates in a free hand to engulf a creature you try to touch. Make an attack roll, on a hit the target takes 1d10 force damage and must make a DC constitution save or be stunned until the end of its next turn. At 4th level Overwhelming Energy does 2d10, 8th level Overwhelming Energy does 3d10, 14th level Overwhelming Energy does 4d10 and again at 17th level Overwhelming Energy does 5d10. You can use this feature an amount equal to your charisma modifier. You regain all uses of this feature whenever you finish a long rest.


Beginning at 2nd level, you gain the feature Blur. As a bonus action your body becomes blurred, shifting and wavering to all who can see you. For until the end of your next turn, any creature has disadvantage on attack rolls against you. An attacker is immune to this effect if it doesn’t rely on sight, as with blindsight, or can see through illusions, as with truesight. You can use this feature amount equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all uses of this feature whenever you finish a short or long rest.

Energy Beam[edit]

Beginning at 3rd level, you can use your action to fire a sustained beam of immense energy from your open palm to any target within 100 feet. Make a ranged attack roll, on a hit the target takes 1d10 force damage and its movement speed is halved until the end of your next turn. On each of your turns, you can use your action to deal 1d10 force damage to the target automatically. The damage from this feature ends if you use your action to do anything else or the target has total cover. At 8th level Energy Beam does 2d10, 12th level Energy Beam does 3d10, and again at 17th level Energy Beam does 4d10. You can use this feature an amount equal to your charisma modifier. You regain all uses of this feature whenever you finish a long rest.

Conjure object[edit]

At 4th level, you magically create any object that's equal to your size or smaller a bonus action. The object remains until you die, or until dismissed as a bonus action. The object has 30HP and 14 AC. The it cannot be used as a weapon, but can be used as a cover. At 5th level you can conjure up to 4 objects at the same time, in the same action, at level 9 the maximum objects increase to 9, the size can be the same as 3x your size it's HP is 60 and AC is 20. The objects are not magical objects, and this ability cannot be used to create copies of magical objects. The HP and AC only functions if you declare that the object is going to be used for cover.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Disguise self[edit]

At 5th level, you can change your appearance for anything you like as a bonus actions, even an inanimate object. The illusion remains until you die, or until dismissed as an full action. A creature may identify is as an illusion with an intelligence check of DC = 8 + charisma modifier + Proficiency Bonus.

Extra Attack[edit]

At 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. At 11th level, you can attack three times.

Create Small Being[edit]

At 5th level, you can create your own lifeform with max size of 5 by 5 by 5 feet, it cannot attack but can be used for espionage, search and carry items, or any other action that it could physically do. Its HP = your HP/2.

Parry & Shield[edit]

At 6th level, you gain the Parry reaction. You add your proficiency modifier to your AC against one melee attack that would hit. To do so you must see the attacker and be wielding a weapon. You may also use the "shield' feature as a bonus action once per short or long rest, where a barrier of magic force appears and protects you. Until the start of your next turn you have a +5 bonus to AC, and you take no damage from magic missile.

Bend nature[edit]

At 7th level you can bend nature itself as an action by creating or removing a 5 by 5 by 5 feet cube of the basic elements; water, air, fire, and earth. You can use it as a weapon that deals 2d6 damage of an appropriate type, or holding a creature. A creature may attempt to escape with a Strength Saving throw against your DC of 8 + proficiency bonus + your charisma modifier.

Comprehend Language[edit]

At 7th level, you gain the feature Comprehend Language. You can use this feature as an action without the components necessary for lesser beings. For 1 hour you understand the literal meaning of any spoken language that you hear. You also understand any written language that is seen, but you must be touching the surface on which the words are written. It takes about 1 minute to read one page of text. Once you've used this feature, you can't use it again until you've finished a short or long rest.

Disguise Others[edit]

At level 8th, you can disguise not only yourself, but others. It works the same as disguise self but on up to 3 other creatures as well, with the check to discern the illusion still being the same. The illusions on each disguised creature have to be discerned separately, with a check made for each of them.

Energy Ball[edit]

At 9th level, you can use your action to create a 30 ft ball of crackling energy that bursts from your hand and streaks toward any targets within 120 feet. Make a ranged attack roll, on a hit the targets takes 4d10 force damage. At 16th level, the damage of your energy ball feature increases to 6d10. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all uses of this feature whenever you finish a short or long rest.

Banishing Smite[edit]

At 10th level, you gain the feature Banishing Smite. As a bonus action you can cast Banishing Smite and the next time you hit a creature with a weapon attack before this spell ends, your weapon crackles with force, and the attack deals an extra 5d10 force damage to the target. Additionally, if this attack reduces the target to 50 hit points or fewer, you banish it. If the target is native to a different plane of existence than the one you’re on, the target disappears, returning to its home plane. If the target is native to the plane you’re on, the creature vanishes into a harmless demiplane. While there, the target is incapacitated. It remains there until the spell ends (edit not from creator: spell ends after 1 minute) at which point the target reappears in the space it left or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied. You can use this feature once per long rest.

Forge Strike[edit]

At 10th level, when you make a melee attack, you can use your bonus action to activate a stance for 1 minute.

Forger's Might: Your attacks deal 1d10 elemental damage of your choice. Choose when you activate between any damage types that isnt radiant, necrotic or force.

Create Lifeform[edit]

At 11th level, you can create a lifeform with its size equal to small, medium or Large. It's HP= player's x 2, it can attack bare handed twice with 1d12 + Strength modifier bludgeoning damage. It has 30 feet of movement, AC 22 and acts after you. You can have a maximum of two in the field at the same time. His attributes are equal to yours, except Strength and Constitution, they are 20. Uses Strength to attack. You choose the material for the construct.

  • Earth: Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage. Earth attacks and spells heal the lifeform equal to the damage dealt.
  • Fire: Immune to poison and fire. Fire attacks and spells heal the lifeform equal to the damage dealt.
  • Iron: Immune to Physic and Poison. When receive physic damage, heal equal to the damage dealt.

Healing Energy[edit]

At 12th level, you can use your action to touch a target and using your massive pool of reserve energy, floods the target with powerful energy that mends bones and closes wounds. Healing Energy restores 2d8 hit points to the target. At 16th level Healing Energy restores 4d8 hit points. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. As a bonus action you may touch one willing creature and cure them of one disease, or neutralize one poison affecting them. Alternatively you may end one status effect on them. This feature doubles the effect on constructs. You regain all uses of both features whenever you finish a long rest.

Energy Blast[edit]

At 13th level, you can use your action to generate 4 blasts of crackling energy that surround you before streaking at targets within 120 feet. You can direct them at one target or several. Each Energy Blast home in on enemies including ones you could see on the prior turn, able to go around or over obstacles. Make a ranged attack roll for each blast using your ability spell modifier bonus, on a hit each Energy Blast deals 3d4 force damage. At 18th level each Energy Blast deals 4d4.


At 14th level, you can use your movement or action to teleport, along with any equipment you are carrying, up to 120 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. If you use this as an action you can treat this ability as the teleport spell. If you teleport directly passed an enemy, you can make a surprise attack against them. You can use this feature an amount equal to your charisma modifier. You regain all uses of this feature whenever you finish a long rest.

Enhance Armor[edit]

At 14th level, as a bonus action, you can magically enhance a piece of armor. The armor transforms in a +3 armor and you can customize it's appearance. The armor gain resistance to all types of damage and heal you by 2d6 + Charisma modifier in the start of every turn. You have advantage in Strength and Constitution saving throws.

Will of the Forger[edit]

At 15th level, you can rebuild or destroy things that aren't made of flesh.

Destroy: Focus on something of your choosing, it can be worn by the target or not. If the target have stats, you make an attack with your arcane focus, causing 4d10 + your magic modifier of acid damage and inflict Corrosion, deal 2d10 acid damage each turn during three turns. If the target is destroyed, the Forger gain the ability to recreate the item or creature from thin air. Only one creature or item can be created by this feature.

Rebuild: You focus your energy on something of your choosing, healing 4d10 of life if the target is a construct or rebuilding the target if it's a building or item. If the target is a construct, gains Creation, gaining magical resistance (ignore the magical piercing of weapons) for two turns.

Forger's Might[edit]

At 15th level, you gain the ability to reinforce a weapon of your choosing or a construct that is within 150 feet. The target gain Might of the Forge for four turns.

Might of the Forge: If the target is a weapon, it receives +4 to attacks made using it, magical or not. If the target is a construct, it receives +4 on it's attacks and 2d10 pshychic damage.

Annihilation Energy[edit]

At 17th level, you can use your action to hurl your weapon at an enemy or at a point on the map within 150 feet. With a clinch of your fist or the whisper of a power word your weapon bursts into an intense energy explosion. Each enemy within a 50-foot-radius sphere must make a DC constitution save or take 20d6 force damage and be paralyzed on a failed save, or half damage and is stunned on a successful one. Your weapon automatically recalls to your hand after the action. You can use this feature amount equal to half your charisma modifier(rounded down). You regain all uses of this feature whenever you finish a long rest.

Legendary Resistance[edit]

At 20th level, if you fail a saving throw, you can choose to succeed instead. You may use this ability 2 times and must finish a long rest to use it again.

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