Forerunner Weaponry (Halo Supplement)

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Forerunner Weaponry[edit]

(Note: Due to the many more ranged weapons than melee weapons, weapons do not add any modifier to damage unless specified to do so. Dexterity is still applied to ranged weapon attack rolls through.)

Sentinel Beam[edit]

Statistics: 2d6 (40 ft.)


Statistics: 2d4 (25 ft.) (Light)


Statistics: 2d8 (30 ft.) (Two-Handed)


Statistics: 3d6 (15 ft.) (Two-Handed)

Light Rifle[edit]

Statistics: 2d10 (60 ft.) (Two-Handed)

Binary Rifle[edit]

Statistics: 2d12 (120 ft.) (Two-Handed) (Heavy)

Incineration Cannon[edit]

Statistics: 3d8 (30 ft.) (Two-Handed) (Heavy)

Splinter Grenade[edit]

Statistics: 5d4 (20 ft.) (Special)



Grenades are a single-use item that also have an explosion radius. The radius of a grenade's explosion is 5 feet in every direction from the target's space. This would be a 15 x 15 foot cube when used on a grid.

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