Floating Island (3.5e Spell)

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Floating Island
Level: Librarian 9, Wizard 9
Components: V, S, M, F,
Casting time: 1 hour
Range: 100 feet +10 feet/level
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

You place one fist size platinum orb in the center of the area you are casting on and you rise the second orb up in the air chanting the words of creation. The earth starts to tremble and rises with you in the center slowly making an island floating in the sky. After the spell ends the caster can control the floating island using the platinum orb as a focus, moving it in any direction at a rate of 30 feet per turn. Caster cannot make a new floating island if the first one is still operational but he can expend it by recasting the spell. Each next use of this spell adds 10 cubic feat per caster level. Floating island can only be moved by the caster. You can have buildings made, plants grown and people living on your island but these things must be made by other means.

Special:Caster can use the orb to Teleport (only on the island, not from it and it only works if they are in the same plane) on the island any time and if the island is damaged in any way caster can restore missing portions at a rate or 10 cubic feet per round by concentrating (by using the orb), DC 25 Concentration(only works within 120ft. of ground). Further more, if the platinum orb used for moving the floating island is destroyed the caster needs to create a new one within a week or the spell ends and the island falls apart. Creating a new one costs 2,500 gold and 100 experience.

Material Component: 120,000 worth in gold for materials and gems used in a spell, also two platinum orbs worth 2,500 gold each.

Focus: Fist size platinum orb worth 2,500 gold

XP Cost: 5,000

To see the basic statistics of a newly created island click here > Floating Island

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