Flavor Cantrip (3.5e Spell)

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Transmutation [Gives food or drink a better or different flavor]
Level: Bard 0 Sor 0 Wiz 0 Clr 0 Dru 0
Components: V S
Casting time: 1 Swift Action
Range: 25 Feet
Target: Up to 3 servings of Food, or 1 full Bottle of Wine, Ale, Cider, Juice, Tea, or other flavored drink.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This cantrip enables the caster to give the object a superior or better or different flavor. Thus, mush can be made to taste as if it were lobster bisque, but the dweomer does not actually affect quality or wholesomeness. Spoiled food remains spoiled; a poisoned drink would still be deadly (though a tell-tale taste of the poison may be masked in this fashion).

The verbal component is a muttered lip-smacking sound; the somatic gesture is a shaking motion.