Firefighter (5e'24 Background)

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This is a revised version of Firefighter (5e Background) for use with the 2024 edition of the PHB.


A single-acting fire pump used to fight fires, c1600.

Ability Scores: Strength, Wisdom, Constitution

Feat: Resilient (PHB p. 206)

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Perception

Tool Proficiencies: Choose one kind of Gaming Set (see chapter 6)

Equipment: Choose A or B: (A) Gaming Set (same as above), Bucket, Crowbar, Rope, Handaxe, Traveler's Clothes, Signal Whistle, 37 GP; or (B) 50 GP

You were a member of a city fire brigade, always on call, ready to rush out to burning buildings with buckets and pumps. You may have been part of a large, well-equipped team in a large city, or possibly the sole warden of a smaller town. Some fire brigades operated for profit – selling insurance marks – whilst others were funded by the city council or philanthropic groups. You have had experiences facing uncontrolled fires, and dealing with the aftermath of destruction and lost lives.

(one vote)

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