File talk:4e Race Farspawn.jpg

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Fair Use[edit]

We don't have a fair use rationale for this. Marasmusine (talk) 02:50, 30 August 2013 (MDT)

Fair Use requires that the copyright material (in this case, the card game Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game) material is not used in a way that directly affects the card game. Like how images like File:Dire Celestial Lion by Wei-Che Juan.png are okay to be transferred from one game system to another (although this may be different since D&D may compete with Guild Wars via online options, not sure one would have to ask the Copyright Office), so is this image (unless it is directly copyrighted by the artist before the card's publication then it (I believe this is the proper term, again to verify ask the Copyright Office) would rather fall under Art Property Protection). --Green Dragon (talk) 03:18, 30 August 2013 (MDT)
Ultimately the decision is yours, but we have had this discussion before. Not competing with the original source is only part of the rationale. Another part is that we are using the image for educational purposes, for criticism (i.e. reviewing) the source piece, or parodying it. I'll leave it for now, but if I find the image available at a reasonable resolution, hosted externally and legally, then I'll substitute it. Marasmusine (talk) 09:17, 30 August 2013 (MDT)
You are right, if someone could identify that we are deliberately trying to put a different image on the original piece then it could be a problem. I imagine, though, that our use is considered a new stand-alone piece so we should be okay. If we get contacted about it, though, then of course we will remove it and find an alternative. We should be okay to use this image for now. --Green Dragon (talk) 09:40, 30 August 2013 (MDT)
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