Fighter/Mage (3.5e Optimized Character Build)
A basic Fighter/Mage that uses feats to make up the difference.
PHB & Complete Arcane
Game Rule Components[edit]
Core books only. Should be viable in any campain.
Spells, Powers, Soulmelds, Stances, etc...[edit]
Starting Ability Scores (Before Racial Adjustments): In order:
Int(13+), Con, Dex(13+), Str
Race (Templates): Human (not required).
Starting Racial Traits:
ECL | Class/HD/LA | Base Attack Bonus |
Saving Throws | Feats | Class Features |
Special | ||
Fort | Ref | Will | ||||||
1st | Wizard-1 | +0 | +0 | +0 | +2 | Dodge, Practised Spellcaster, Combat Expertise | Familiar, Scribe Scroll | 4 Ranks of Spellcraft |
2nd | Fighter-1 | +1 | +2 | +0 | +2 | Weapon Focus(any), | All Armour Proficiency, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Bonus Fighter Feat | |
3rd | Fighter-2 | +2 | +3 | +0 | +2 | Mobility, +Feat, | Bonus Fighter Feat | 3rd-lvl feat |
4th | Wizard-2 | +3 | +3 | +0 | +3 | |||
5th | Wizard-3 | +3 | +4 | +1 | +3 | 2nd lvl Spells | ||
6th | Fighter-3 | +4 | +4 | +2 | +4 | Spring Attack | 6th-lvl feat | |
7th | Fighter-4 | +5 | +5 | +2 | +4 | Weapon Specialization | Bonus Fighter Feat | |
8th | Wizard-4 | +6 | +5 | +2 | +5 | |||
9th | Wizard-5 | +6 | +5 | +2 | +5 | +2 Bonus Feats | 3rd lvl Spells & Bonus Feat | 9th-lvl feat |
10th | Wizard-6 | +7/+1 | +6 | +3 | +6 | |||
11th | Wizard-7 | +7/+1 | +6 | +3 | +6 | 4th lvl Spells | ||
12th | Wizard-8 | +8/+2 | +6 | +3 | +7 | Bonus Feat | 12th-lvl feat | |
13th | Wizard-9 | +8/+2 | +7 | +4 | +7 | 5th lvl Spells | ||
14th | Wizard-10 | +9/+3 | +7 | +4 | +8 | Bonus Feat | Bonus Feat | |
15th | Wizard-11 | +9/+3 | +7 | +4 | +8 | Bonus Feat | 6th lvl Spells | 15th-lvl feat |
Other Components[edit]
4 Ranks of Spellcraft for Practised Spellcaster; Concentration should also be taken to help defuse spell missfires in combat (Spring Attack helps this too).
I left the Bonus Feat open at 3rd level (the rest don't qualify yet), so as to leave the Metamagic option open. If your DM will let you, take Battle Caster at 3rd level (or sooner if possible).
This is a basic fighter/mage setup intended to be built as a 1st or 2nd level character. (Most campaigns I've been in start players at 1st-4th level). The starting level, as just a 1st level Wizard, has a good survival rate due to Dodge & Combat Expertise. With Spring Attack, you can jump in, attack, and jump back out... So: Cast, Spring Attack (with spell), jump back out. If stats are not good enough, skip Str and focus on Dex. This works defensively with Combat Expertise and offensively with bonuses to-hit with range attacks (like spells). This gives your mage decent (very good for a mage) combat abilities, and a good chunk of HPs to help in the toughening. Yes, you miss out on 4 levels of spellcasting, so your spells are slightly lower level vs a pure mage; however, Practiced Spellcaster allows you to keep your 'caster level' for range/damage/targets etc. (Surpassing your wizard level as soon as you take the 1st level in fighter).
Munchkin-Size Me[edit]
There are lots of ways to power-up this build, more Fighter levels would do that. OR a level in cleric/druid (or Paladin instead of fighter) for some Divine Metamagic...
But I Hate Munchkins :p
Side Notes[edit]
I've left most of the feats free for a player to customize to style.
If you give up Cleave then drop Power Attack too (perhaps go into the Whirlwind feat instead, since you're not far off...)
Low reflex save. Spell failure is an issue if you wear armour (and you CAN wear Full Plate). Battle Caster is the answer if allowed (you might be forced to take a level in Spellsword to get it).
DM Counters[edit]
Shouldn't be needed. As a mutilclassed character, this will never be as strong as a straight fighter would, and will lag behind a pure wizard in spells (although not caster level). With Battle Caster, the AC jumps making this a very tough wizard, but still behind the others.
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