Felkie (5e Race)
"Felkie are the cutest and friendliest race on Istra. If they weren't so addicted to petting, they would have conquered the world"
-Fidondra, canis ranger.
Crushingly Cute![edit]
Felkie are about 3 feet tall. They superficially resemble a kitten walking on 2 legs, only maybe more humanoid. They are often a bit round and about 40% of their height is made up by their heads. They have the fluffiest tail imaginabe, but hate to have them touched. But the most awe-inspiringly cute part of all their features is their eyes. They resemble a kitten's eyes, but slightly larger and indescribably cute. They have several "breeds" or families, and patterns including:
Maine Coon: These Felkie are known for their savage nature and wild appearance. They have Long fur on their heads, striped fur, and long bushy tails.
Abyssinian: these fun loving Felkie have light brown fur, Short hair, and large green green eyes.
Forest: Mysterious Felkie with white and brown spots and large yellow eyes. They have innate druidic abilities, and some believe that they have an alliance with the fey.
Persian: Grumpy know it alls with white poofy fur. Their eyes are either blue, green, or both.
Bombay: Black Felkie with ominous yellow eyes. They have struck a pact with an entity that gives them power over luck at the price of a piece of their life forces.
Sphynx: Hairless Felkie, easily angered by any remarks on their baldness, and generally grumpy. They live in the desert lands where they are worshipped as gods.
Fold: Bushy brown fur and portly, with slanted eyes and folded ears. Folds are driven for success. they are always looking for ways to prove and test themselves, and never give up.
Shorthair: White and gray furred with enormous hazel eyes, These Felkie are the aristocratic leaders of the race. Sadly, they are easily distracted by yarn and bells. They always strike the killing blow, always lead the charge, and always get the last word.
Blue: Robbed of their throne by Leo Kelldin, the Blues hold no alliance to anyone and find work as thieves and con artists. They are lithe and have fur the color of the sky before it rains.
Saimeese: White with black on their paws that looks like gloves and black mask like marks on their faces.
And many others, like Bengals and Angora.
The Sunrock Alliance[edit]
Felkie were created by fey as company and pets from ordinary cats. Felkie were at first content to be pets of fey beings, until Loki Bella, The first Shorthair Kingleaf, proposed that they be promoted to knights of they fey. They trained harder than any other soldier the fey had ever known. Soon their first battle came when an army of orcs tried to invade the feywild. They lost the battle disastrously causing the destruction of much of the fey forests, and were exiled. Now that they were no longer protected by the fey, they had to fend for themselves. The many clans banded together and formed the sunrock alliance. At first, the clans were all equals... Until Leo Kelldin. This Felkie was a Shorthair Kingleaf who believed that they needed a ruler, and he should be their king. And he was by no means alone! in fact, hundreds of felkie wanted to be a king. The disagreement on who ought to be king escalated until Leo declared that whoever could best him in single combat would claim the throne. That day he fought about 200 felkie and defeated all of them. Sadly his victory destroyed almost half of the best Felkie warriors, leaving them vulnerable to attack, so they purrr-suaded other kingdoms to be their allies.
On a side note, they became enemies with the Canis not because of an act of aggression, but because the canis did not find them cute.
Gold, Gods, and Glory![edit]
Felkie live by a moral code that (in short) works as follows: Respect your gods and the gods of others, and you will be rewarded by every god. Seek to please and you will be pleased. Earn respect, don't buy it. Eat to live, don't live to eat. And finally, know your place. Those who earn status do it with honor, so do not claim what is not yours! They also follow (in recent years) an unspoken societal code: Follow the king! Wealth is power and power is wealth! If you find no god, be your god! Ask, and your wish will be granted! And finally, don't let others stand if they stand in your way! This second "code" contradicts the old code, so Felkie are taking sides, and a divide is beginning to form.
Felis are fiercely loyal to their clans, often putting their clan members first, or even being downright hostile to outsiders. However, they have a soft spot for humans, and vice versa. The clans overall attitude is determined by an elected clan elder. This ritual election is is overseen at sunrock. These elders answer only to the king, who they pledge their loyalty to. Each felkie clan has a long and proud history that they believe is superior to that of all other clans.
Felkie Names[edit]
Male: Oliver, Leo, Milo, Charlie, Simba, Max, Jack, Loki, Milton, Hercules, Inky, Ron, Ted, Nox.
Female: Luna, Bella, Lucy, Lily, Nala, Chloe, Cleo, Cora, Onyx, Momo, Artemis, Carina, Freya, Evie.
Felkie Traits[edit]
Absurdy cute cats with fighting skills!!!
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2, and a score of your choice increases by 1.
Age. Felkie mature faster and live slightly shorter lives than humans, but believe that they will be reincarnated 9 times throughout their lives.
Alignment. Felkie Tend to Good alignments, and love to help people. they have no specific tendencies to law of chaos (Although most would say it depends on your breed).
Size. Felkie vary widely in height and build, from barely 3 feet to well over 4 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Also, you have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed, granted by you claws.
UNSTOPABE CUTENESS. you have advantage on Charisma (persuasion) checks.
Underestimated. You have advantage on your first attack roll each combat.
Purr-fect Landing. You always land on your feet, and take half damage from falling.
Curiosity Never Hurt Anyone. You have proficiency in the investigation skill.
Feline Bloodline. Choose 1:
Noble leader Pure white felis are believed to be destined rulers. once between long rests, you may have creatures within 15 feet of you gain temporary hit point equal to your charisma bonus.
Common Bond Often tabby striped felis have a natural bond with nature. Increase your Wisdom score by 1.
Fiery Nature Red furred Felkie believe that their fur reflects the nature of their souls. They savagely lash out at foes in battle granting a +1 to Strength.
Master Tracker Blessed with the power of tracking senses, you have proficiency in survival.
Bombay Pact The black furred bombay have a pact with an entity who can steer the winds of fortune to their own desires. Once between long rests, you may curse an enemy with disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws until the end of their next turn, or bless an ally with advantage on saving throws and attack rolls until the end of their next turn.
Scholars Eye Felis with mismatched eyes are known for their creative genius. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Blue Lineage These blue-gray colored Felkie are adept at blending in and stealing things. You have proficiency in either stealth or persuasion.
Uncrushable Resolve
Though Folds are especially known for it, many Felis have the fighting spirit of 7 dwarves! You have one additional hit dice.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.
Suggested Characteristics[edit]
When creating a Felis character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background characteristics.
d8 | Personality Trait |
1 | WhenirealygetgoingItalkrealyfastandbasickycantgetinteruptedandgoonandonforhourswithouteventakingabreath... |
2 | I feel more comfortable around cats than people. |
3 | I keep anything I find that catches my interest, even if it may be considered "sealing" or something. |
4 | I keep a necklace with the names of my ancestors with me at all times, and believe it contains their souls. |
5 | My eyes are never in one place for long. |
6 | I constantly hum battle hymns to myself. |
7 | I will murder you :) if you touch my ears one more time... |
8 | Every time is nap time! |
d6 | Ideal |
1 | Any: My clan is the most important thing to me. |
2 | Neutral: I look out for myself. Screw everyone else. |
3 | lawfull: My king and his laws are the one perfect thing in this life. |
4 | Chaotic: I believe that my whims are more important than the law, and I obey them and little else. |
5 | Good: I love to help others in every way possible. I aim to please and have been pleased in return. |
6 | Evil: Glory is the only thing that matters to me, and I will do anything to achieve it. |
d6 | Bond |
1 | The world is my home and its people are my family. I will help everyone in every way I can. |
2 | I owe loyalty to none but my clan, elders, and king. |
3 | My loyalties and bonds shift like the wind, changing to match my situations. |
4 | I am friends with a former rival who saved my life. |
5 | Strange as it may seem, I owe my life to a pack of houndfolk who saved my life |
6 | I respect a kindly clan elder who showed me the light of courage in my darkest hour. |
d6 | Flaw |
1 | Deep down I feel as though I will amount to nothing. |
2 | I am easily dist- OOH WHATS THAT!?!?!?!?!? |
3 | I am alway picking fights. |
4 | ME?!? A FLAW!?!?! NEVER!!!!! |
5 | I cannot resist petting. |
6 | I will not be proven wrong or seen in weakness. |
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