Feats and Class Features (Teoryran World Supplement)
Niten Ichi-ryū Feats Trees[edit]
Shoden: Itto Seiho Chuden: Kodachi Seiho Okuden: Nito Seiho Menkyo: Bojutsu Menkyo Kaiden: All the curriculum of the ryu plus have a deep knowledge of the founder teachings
- Kendo
One of the more common training weapon is the wooden sword (bokuto or bokken). Benefit:
- Bokuto counts as a sharp metal sword making D8 damage.
- Battōjutsu
Battōjutsu-meaning techniques for engaging a sword
- standing or sitting techniques
- The emphasis of training in battōjutsu is on cutting with the sword
- Battōjutsu usually incorporates multiple cuts after drawing the sword
- Daitō Itto Seiho
The Samurai runs past his foe cutting him either in the rear or splitting him in half. Usually with a Katana swung from bottum to top the attack draws the sword from the shaft under the run and without being seen.
- Benefit
- The Samurai move and attack within 10 + move.
- The samurai can attack retroactive within ”his move and attack”.
- dexterity to AC is set to a cap by 2.
- Target makes a intelligence check +samurai lore DC:16 or lose his reflex save.
- If the target makes int save he makes a ref save DC:10+ the samurai relevant BaB
- the Katana makes 1D10+1 damage instead of normal.
The Samurai gets a free dodge against attack of opportunity.
- Shōtō Kodachi Seiho
Shōtō Kodachi Seiho—Seven techniques with a wakizashi.
- Nito Seiho
Nito Seiho—Five Kenjutsu(sword techniques) with two swords corresponding to the five forms in the Water Scroll
- 1st Kenjutsu of Water
- 2nd Kenjutsu of Water
- 3rd Kenjutsu of Water
- 4th Kenjutsu of Water
- 5th Kenjutsu of Water
- Nitōjutsu
- Requires: Nito Seiho
The use of a paired katana or daitō and wakizashi or shōtō commonly referred to as nitōjutsu
- one attack
- BaB is the normal
- swords damage turn to 2d10.
- parry is impossible
- 2 +damage.
- targets ac is reduced by 2
attack of opportunity
- Bōjutsu
Bōjutsu—Twenty techniques with a staff.
- melee attacks with the staff gains 3 yard range.
- AC increases with +1.
- Attack of opportunity vs anyone within a circle of 6 yards,
Samurai Feats[edit]
- A
Special attack with + 5 move and attack.
- A
- Special attack with 5+ run on move and attack.
- A Special attack with 5+leaping move and attack.
- B
katana & wa two weapon fighi high and down,right rear and lef rear benefit:
- One extra attack, *
Katana uses normal BaB,Wa has the extra BaB from Samurai table.
- 1+ damage with both swords
- Improved B
You can switch Katana and wa under the attack, retroactive within a tenth of a second. benefit:
- initiative + 2.
- Advanced B
series of one and two weapon attacks. Benefit:
- 3D6 damage
- 1+
- C
Sitting Style You gain an attack of opportunity versus any standing attacker.
- +2 damage on Attacks Of Oppurtunity against standing targets.
- 1 yard extra attack range against standing targets
- Improved C
Sitt and raise taking force into the sword with a few stepts, against standing targed Benefit: 2 damage
- D
You strike an vital spot. If you fail you do no damage.
- C
Each hit allows one more hit, up to four. Use, first normal BaB, then Secondary Bab, then normal Babs extra attack, then Secondary Babs extra attack.
- E
Your opponent does not see your attack and this changes your AC and BaB. This represents a sort of sneak attack. You flip the sword from the belt and cut without detection and often use some sort of distracting maneuver. AC + 4, against no attacks of opportunity.
- Improved E
AC + 4, against no attacks of opportunity AC+ 2, BaB +2
- Advanced E
AC + 4 BaB +2.
- D
Move +10 and thurst attack.
Samurai Ork Feats[edit]
- Invisible Fast Attack
- benefit:Included in the class BaB.
When the Samurai attacks his weapon and his strike are invisible and extremely fast.
- Ogre Strike
- benefit:+1 damage with Katana.
- Giant Strike
- benefit:+ 2 damage with Giant Sword.
- Ogre Sword Mastery
- benefits;
- +2 BaB with Ogre Sword.
- +2 initiative with Ogre Sword
- Rage of Heaven and Earth.
- benefit;
- +2 Bab
- +2 Damage with any weapons
- limit: 2/ day
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