Feats (Edge of Humanity Supplement)
Swordbearer Feats[edit]
The following feats are available to characters with levels in the Swordbearer classes.
Prerequisites: Must have a Strength or Dexterity score of 16 or higher. You’ve begun to study the basics of Kenjutsu, learning to use your katana with precision and fluidity in battle. You gain the following benefits:
Positive Energy Attack Feats[edit]
Prerequisites: Must have a Intelligence or Wisdom score of 16 or higher and also must have landed 3 Basic Positive Energy Attack in a single day. You have refined your ability to project Positive Energy into a focused, devastating beam. You gain the following benefits:
Body Feats[edit]
Prerequisites: Must have 16 Constitution or higher and must have reduced Negative energy damage by 6 using the Shield of Light ability at least twice in combat. Your mastery of Positive Energy allows you to create a protective aura around yourself and your allies. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must have 16 Constitution or higher and used the Rejuvenating Pulse ability at least twice in combat Your mastery over Positive Energy allows you to harness its restorative properties, healing your wounds and fortifying your body. You gain the following benefits:
Prerequisites: Must have been knocked unconscious in combat and recovered through any means, and survived the encounter. The strength of your willpower keeps you fighting even when your body falters. You refuse to stay down, drawing on reserves of inner energy to defy defeat. You gain the following benefits:
Positive Energy Feats[edit]
Prerequisites: Must have 14 Constitution or higher and have used up atleast 2/3 of your maximum positive energy rounded down in a single day. You have tapped into a deeper well of Positive Energy, allowing you to store and harness more of it. You gain the following benefits:
Soulspan Feats[edit]
Prerequisites: Must have a Constitution score of 14 or higher. Your body's resilience and connection to your soul are strengthened, allowing you to draw more Soulspan from your very being. Your Soulspan is no longer solely reliant on your lifespan, but is enhanced by your Constitution and growth as a warrior. You gain the following benefit:
For example, with a Constitution score of 16 and a proficiency bonus of +3 at level 5, your Soulspan would increase by 48 (16 × 3). |
Maleborne Feats[edit]
The following feats are available to characters with levels in the Maleborne classes.
Predatory Feats[edit]
Prerequisites: Must have a Strength and Dexterity score of 14 or higher and must have the Claws biology from the mutation list. As a bonus action, you can spend 1 NEP to leap up to 20 feet toward a creature. If you land within melee range, make a claw attack that deals an additional 1d8 damage. The target must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Prerequisites: Must have a Strength score of 14 or higher and must have the Bite biology from the mutation list. When you make a bite attack, you can choose to either grapple the target on a successful hit or deal an additional 1d6 necrotic damage if the target is below half their hit points.
Prerequisites: Must have a Strength and Dexterity score of 14 or higher and must have the Hardened Hide biology from the mutation list. As a reaction, when you are hit by an attack, you can activate your hardened hide, increasing your AC by 2 against that attack. Additionally, if the attack misses, you can deal 1d6 slashing damage to the attacker.
Prerequisites: Must have a Dexterity score of 14 or higher and must have the Wings biology from the mutation list. You can use your wings to quickly maneuver. As a bonus action, you can Dash without provoking opportunity attacks. Additionally, if you Dash through a creature's space, they must make a Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.
Prerequisites: Must have a Dexterity and Intelligence score of 14 or higher and must have the Poisonous Spit biology from the mutation list. As a reaction to being targeted by an attack, you can leap back 15 feet, avoiding the attack's range. After jumping, you can make a ranged venom spit attack against any target within 15 feet of your original position.
Prerequisites: Must have a Strength score of 14 or higher and must have the Flesh Tentacles biology from the mutation list. As a bonus action, you can lash out with your tentacles, making a melee attack with a range of 10 feet. On a hit, the target’s speed is reduced by 10 feet until the start of your next turn.
Prerequisites: Must have a Constitution score of 14 or higher and must have the Regeneration biology from the mutation list. For each specific source of damage you've been hit by, you heal additional hit points based on the number of hits: Hit once: Add 1d4 to your healing. Hit three times: Add 2d4 to your healing. Hit five times: Add 3d4 to your healing. This effect scales with each subsequent hit, up to a maximum determined by your proficiency bonus.
Prerequisites: Must have a Wisdom score of 14 or higher and must have the Nightvision biology from the mutation list. You can see through magical darkness as if it were dim light. Additionally, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks to detect hidden creatures within 60 feet.
Prerequisites: Must have a Strength score of 14 or higher and must have the Prehensile Tail biology from the mutation list. As a bonus action, you can use your tail to make a melee attack. If the target is Large or smaller, you can attempt to grapple them as part of the same attack. Also adding your proficiency to the grapple roll. |
Enhancement Feats[edit]
Prerequisites: Must have a Strength score of 14 or higher. When you attack a creature, you can spend 1 NEP to deal an additional 1d6 necrotic damage.
Prerequisites: Must have a Dexterity and Strength score of 14 or higher. You can spend 1 NEP to boost your movement speed by 20 feet until the end of your turn. Additionally, your next attack deals an extra 1d6 necrotic damage. |
Negative Energy Attack Feats[edit]
Prerequisites: Must have a Intelligence score of 14 or higher. You can use an action to unleash a flurry of necrotic bolts. Spend 2 NEP to make a ranged spell attack against up to three creatures within 30 feet. Each bolt deals 1d8 necrotic damage.
Prerequisites: Must have a Intelligence score of 14 or higher. As a bonus action, you can spend 1 NEP to fire a projectile of negative energy at a creature within 30 feet. The target must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 necrotic damage. On a successful save, the target takes half damage.
Prerequisites: Must have a Intelligence score of 16 or higher. As a bonus action, you can expend 2 NEP to release a burst of necrotic energy in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the area must make a Constitution saving throw or take 2d6 necrotic damage, half on a successful save. This damage increases by 1d6 for each additional NEP spent up to your proficiency. |
Body Feats[edit]
Prerequisites: Must have a Constitution score of 14 or higher. As a bonus action, you can spend 2 NEP to activate a defensive aura that reduces incoming damage by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus. This effect lasts until the start of your next turn, providing enhanced resilience against attacks.
Prerequisites: Must have a Dexterity score of 14 or higher. You gain an additional reaction on your turn. This reaction can be used to take any action that would normally trigger a reaction, such as an opportunity attack or to use another feature that requires a reaction. You can only use this additional reaction once per turn.
Prerequisites: Must have a Constitution and Intelligence score of 14 or more and must have taken damage from a specific source that equals 80% of your maximum hit points. When you take damage from a specific source (e.g., fire, cold), you can spend 2 NEP to gain resistance to that damage type until the start of your next turn.
Prerequisites: Must have a Constitution score of 14 or higher and must have endured combat against a human that reduced your health to at least half of your maximum hit points. Increase your Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of 20. When you are hit by a melee attack, you can spend 1 NEP to reduce the damage by half.
Prerequisites: Must have a Constitution score of 16 or higher and must have endured combat against a human that reduced your hit points to 25% or less of your maximum. When you drop to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to spend 3 NEP and drop to 1 hit point instead. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
Prerequisites: Must have a Constitution score of 18 or higher and must have succeeded in your death saving throws after enduring combat against a human that reduced your hit points to 0. When reduced to 0 hit points, you can spend 4 NEP to delay falling unconscious. You remain conscious for 1 minute or until you take damage again, whichever comes first. |
Negative Energy Feats[edit]
Prerequisites: Must have 14 Constitution or higher and have used up at least 2/3 of your maximum Negative Energy Points (NEP) in a single day. You have tapped into a deeper well of Negative Energy, allowing you to store and harness more of it. You gain the following benefits: You add your Constitution modifier an additional time when determining your NEP. Once per long rest, when you roll initiative and have no NEP remaining, you regain 2 NEP. |