Fanmade Devils (Chainsaw Man Supplement)
Innate Techniques[edit]
This is where all the non-canon/fanmade devils will be listed, so you may put any kind of devil here. Most of these are not made by the original creators of the class, so don't expect for them to be constantly monitored or changed by them.
Anarchy Devil[edit]
As the Anarchy Devil, you are manifest wrath against those that rule over you, unbridled inhibition. Incarnations of the Anarchy devil vary greatly from each other. Common similarities between incarnations are broken chains, torn flags and hammers.
Size. Your size can vary from Medium to Huge.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Fight the Power. The more powerful the enemy the harder you fight. For each level higher than you your target is, you gain +1 to damage against that enemy
Of Fear and Hate. For each creature Charmed by you, you gain fear levels equal to their Charisma Modifier. Creatures Charmed by you are considered Chaotic Evil and do not consider the consequences of their actions.
Oppression is Futile. You have advantage on Strength, Dexterity and Charisma Saving Throws.
You start with 30 Fear Levels.
Break Control You are corrosive to anything resembling order. Anything within 120ft morphs, Flags burn, badges melt. Any creature within 120ft must make a Wisdom Saving throw or become Charmed by your presence. If their Level or CR is greater than your Charisma Modifier they can repeat this saving throw at the end of their turn, otherwise this effect lasts a number of days up to your Charisma Modifier. You have advantage in Persuasion checks to convert neutral parties within this area. No uses required.
- Seeds of Revolt
200 Fear Levels
You rally your rebels. As an action for one use, any creature, that can understand you, within 60 feet must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be allied to you for 1 minute. If the target is Charmed by you they have disadvantage. While in this state, it views you as an ally and hostile to anything you designate the enemy. The target may repeat the saving throw at the end of their turns, ending the effect on a success.
- Start A Riot
400 Fear Levels
You can whip your anarchists into a frenzy. As a bonus action for two uses, all creatures you have Charmed within 30 feet become enraged. They are resistant to non-magical Slashing, Bludgeoning and Piercing damage and deal an extra Xd8 damage (X is your charisma Modifier). They will also take 1d8 Psychic damage once per turn that they deal damage. They are immune to Psychic damage from other sources and the conditions Charm, Sleep, Frightened and Stunned, unless you are the source.
- Feeding Fire
600 Fear Levels
You unleash a wave of Psychic energy. As an action for two uses, release a burst of psychic energy in a 30-foot cone. All creatures in this area must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, they take 4d10 fire damage (8d10 if they are hostile to you) and are stunned until the end of their next turn. On a successful save, they take half damage and are not stunned.
- Tear down the Wall
800 Fear Levels
You are a force no building can withstand. You now count as a siege weapon and deal double damage to structures. For one use you can deal triple the damage to structures. Your AC can also be 11 + Strength Modifier + Charisma Modifier.
- Price of Freedom
1000 Fear Levels
Who knows what was lost in all the chaos. When you take damage that would reduce you to 0 hit points you can consume one creature who is charmed by you. You regain as many hit points as the creature had at the time. This effect does not require any uses but does reduce your fear level as it consumes an anarchist.
- Systematic breakdown
1200 Fear Levels
Nobody tells you what to do. You have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) Checks. For three uses, any creature whose level or CR is lower than yours, that can see you, must make a Wisdom Saving throw on a failure they are Frightened of you. The DC of this check increases by 1, for every creature who is Frightened within 20 feet of the creature starting from the creature furthest from you. If the Saving Throw roll is less than your Charisma Modifier the creature is instead Charmed by you.
- Break the Chains
1400 Fear Levels
The force of your words will not be swayed. You are immune to the Charmed condition. Your followers now have advantage on Wisdom and Charisma saving throws against influence that is not yours. You can spend two uses to negate anything that would Restrain, Paralyse, Petrify or Stun you and become immune to that condition until the beginning of your next turn.
- Burn Effigy
1600 Fear Levels
You are a fire, and do two things spread and burn. Your melee damage increases by two tiers and you deal an additional 8d6 fire damage. When you land a hit, your target must make a Wisdom Saving throw or be Charmed by you. Creatures charmed this way deal an additional 2d6 fire damage. They can repeat the saving throw at the end of their turn.
- No Gods or Masters
1800 Fear Levels
You do not recognise the authority man or devil. For 3 uses, a number of targets up to your Charisma Modifier lose access to their contracts for 1 minute. If you target a devil whose fear level is higher than yours they can make a Charisma Saving throw to dispel the effect at the start of their turn. A devil whose level is lower than yours instead rolls at disadvantage at the end of their turn.
- Manifest Destiny
2000 Fear Levels
You can be whatever you want... literally. In your final form even the laws of nature and devils need not apply to you. For ten uses you burn away your own reality for a number of turns up to your Charisma Modifier. You gain Legendary Resistances up to your Charisma Modifier. Your damage ignores all resistances, and treats immunity as resistance. You are not affected by terrain conditions. Your Critical Hit range is increased up to Charisma Modifier.
Kusarigama Devil[edit]
- Devil Biology
The Kusarigama Devil takes the form of a long slithering group of twisted chains with sickles hanging off of it that it uses to pull itself along and attack its targets. It has one giant bladed sickle with a jaw on one end acting as its head, with a giant weighted ball serving as its rear.
Size. The Kusarigama Devil is large enough to wrap around a car if it so wanted. Your size is large.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 40ft walking, and a 40ft climbing speed.
Chained. Due to your limbs being composed of lengthy chains, your reach has increased. Your natural weapon attacks and unarmed strikes have a range of 15 feet.
Sickle Hands. You can use your Kusarigama to attack your victims. You have proficiency in these natural weapons that deal 1d12 piercing or bludgeoning damage per hit.
Counter Weight. Once per turn when you miss a Kusarigama attack on a creature, you may use your reaction to perform a second attack at disadvantage on the same target. On a hit the creature will take 1d6 piercing or bludgeoning damage.
You start with 30 Fear Levels.
- Ensnare
When landing a critical hit with your Kusarigama, you may then make a grapple check against the target.
- Singe
200 Fear Levels
After making a bludgeoning attack with your Kusarigama, you may make a grapple check as a bonus action to grab at the target. On a successful check the target is grappled. Alternatively, you may attempt to grapple the target’s weapon. Upon a successful grapple check, the target’s weapon is restrained, causing all attacks with that weapon to be made at disadvantage until they break the restraint. A creature may make an athletics check at the beginning of their next turn to break the hold, ending the condition on success.
- Shinobi Tactics
400 Fear Levels
Being a weapon used historically by ninja and shinobi, the Kusarigama Devil retains many of their tactics. You may make the hide, disengage, or dash action as a bonus action on your turns.
Additionally, once per turn when attacking with advantage, you may make a sneak attack adding an additional 3d6 damage to the attack matching the damage type of the weapon.
- Drag
600 Fear Levels
While you are grappling a target or have them restrained, you may spend 2 Devil Power to pull them 10ft towards you as a free action.
- Close Jab
800 Fear Levels
When attacking a creature within 5ft, you may make an additional weapon attack as a bonus action.
- Elongated Chains
1000 Fear Levels
Your Kusarigama now have a reach of 25ft. You may also spend 2 Devil Power to add an additional 10ft reach for the next minute.
- Quickened Reflexes
1200 Fear Levels
Your body allows you to bend and scatter quickly to avoid harm. You gain evasion on Dexterity saving throws.
Additionally, when a creature targets you with a melee weapon attack, you may use a reaction to make a contesting attack roll. Rolling higher than your target will result in them being disarmed of their weapon, or restrained in the case of an unarmed strike. On an even roll or below, the attack roll lands but deals half damage. You gain an additional reaction exclusively for this feature.
- Abduction
1400 Fear Levels
You may attack your target in an attempt to drag them away. As an action, choose a creature within your Kusarigama’s reach. They must make a Strength saving throw or be dragged back with you and placed anywhere within 5ft around you and take 2 rolls of your Kusarigama damage + sneak attack damage as piercing damage and be restrained. On successful save, targets are unaffected. If using this feature while hidden, targets must make the save at disadvantage and take half damage on a successful save.
- Assassinate
1600 Fear Levels
You may make one additional attack when taking the attack action on your turn. Additional damage when landing a sneak attack increases from 3d6 to 5d6. Additionally your Kusarigama damage increases to 2d12.
- Continuous Impalement
1800 Fear Levels
After landing a sneak attack on your turn. You may spend 2 Devil Power to use sneak attack an additional time, so long as you landed the attack roll.
- From the Shadows
2000 Fear Levels
All sneak attack damage dice increase from d6 to d8. Your kusarigama’s reach increases by an additional 10ft, and your elongated chains feature now doubles its reach instead of increasing it by 10ft. Additionally, when attacking a target with advantage, your crit range increases to 18-20. Finally, when attacking from advantage, you may roll three times instead of twice to determine if your attack lands.
Rejection Devil[edit]
- Devil Biology
The Rejection Devil represents the primal fear of being cast out by society, loved ones, or even oneself. It takes the form of a “perfect” sneering face on a serpent-like body, moving in an insectoid fashion with ten humanoid legs. - Made by, MyMainGoalistoBust
Size. The Rejection Devil is a large creature with a serpent-like body. Your size is large.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 40 feet.
Inescapable Disdain. You emanate an aura of rejection. Creatures within 10 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw or be unable to willingly move closer to you for 1 minute. On a successful save, they are immune to this effect for 24 hours. This ability cannot be turned off.
Unseen Rebuke. The spectral hands you summon are extensions of your will to reject. As a reaction to being targeted by an attack or spell, you can use one of your hands to impose disadvantage on the attack roll or force a creature casting a spell to make a Wisdom saving throw or lose concentration.
Perfected Form. Your serpentine body and humanoid legs make you difficult to pin down. You have advantage on saving throws against being restrained or grappled. Additionally, you have advantage on all Charisma-based skill checks due to your unnerving, "perfect" appearance.
You start with 100 Fear Levels.
- Aura of Rejection
An aura of rejection surrounds you, making it difficult for creatures to approach or remain near you. Any creature that starts its turn within 10 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw or be forced to move at least 10 feet away from you on its turn. On a successful save, the creature is unaffected but still feels a strong urge to avoid you.
- Crushing Dismissal
200 Fear Levels
As an action for one use, you can summon one of your spectral hands to point at a creature within 30 feet. The target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is pushed 30 feet away from you and takes 7d6 force damage if it collides with a solid surface. If the creature succeeds on the save, it is only pushed 10 feet and takes no damage.
- Unyielding Refusal
400 Fear Levels
As an action for one use, you can use both spectral hands to target up to two creatures within 60 feet. Each target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, each creature is restrained by an invisible force for 1 minute, taking 8d6 psychic damage. The restrained condition can be ended by a successful Strength saving throw at the end of each of the creature’s turns. On a successful save, the creature is not restrained and takes half damage.
- Imposing Force
600 Fear Levels
As an action for two uses, you can generate a wave of crushing pressure in a 30-foot radius around you. All creatures within this area must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, creatures take 9d6 force damage and are knocked prone. On a successful save, creatures take half damage and are not knocked prone.
- Crushing Presence
800 Fear Levels
As an action for two uses, you can exert a terrifying presence that fills the minds of all creatures within a 60-foot radius. Each creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 10d6 psychic damage and is frightened for 1 minute. The frightened condition can be ended by a successful Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of the creature’s turns. On a successful save, a creature takes half damage and is not frightened.
- Inevitable Rejection
1000 Fear Levels
As an action for two uses, you can summon a spectral hand to grab a creature within 60 feet. The target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 11d6 force damage and is paralyzed for 1 minute. The paralysis can be ended by a successful Strength saving throw at the end of each of the creature’s turns. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage and is not paralyzed.
- All-Encompassing Rejection
1200 Fear Levels
As an action for three uses, you can create a massive barrier of rejection that radiates from you in a 60-foot radius. All creatures within this area must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, creatures are pushed 50 feet away from you, taking 12d6 force damage if they collide with a solid surface. On a successful save, creatures are only pushed 20 feet and take no damage.
- Overwhelming Disdain
1400 Fear Levels
As an action for three uses, you can release a powerful wave of rejection, targeting all creatures within a 100-foot line. Each creature in this line must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, creatures take 13d6 force damage and are knocked back 30 feet. On a successful save, creatures take half damage and are not knocked back.
- Absolute Rejection
1600 Fear Levels
As an action for three uses, you can summon a giant spectral hand to crush a creature within 60 feet. The target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 14d6 force damage and is restrained for 1 minute. The restrained condition can be ended by a successful Strength saving throw at the end of each of the creature’s turns. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage and is not restrained.
- Total Isolation
‘’’1800 Fear Levels’’’
As an action for four uses, you can create a sphere of rejection around a creature within 60 feet. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is isolated in an impenetrable sphere of force for 1 minute, taking 15d6 psychic damage at the start of each of its turns. The sphere can only be ended early by a successful Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of the creature’s turns.
- Ultimate Rejection
2000 Fear Levels
As an action for four uses, you can summon both spectral hands to crush a creature within 60 feet. The target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 16d6 force damage and is petrified for 1 minute. The petrification can be ended by a successful Strength saving throw at the end of each of the creature’s turns. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage and is not petrified.
Suffocation Devil[edit]
- Devil Biology
The Suffocation Devil is a terrifying embodiment of one of humanity's most primal fears: the fear of being unable to breathe. It takes the form of a large, slumped man with elongated limbs and fingers, lacking a mouth, and instead breathing through numerous small pipes emerging from its back. - Made by, MyMainGoalistoBust
Size. The Suffocation Devil is a large creature, with a grotesque and slumped appearance. Your size is large.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Airless Presence. The air around you is thin and oppressive. You have a 15-foot aura of suffocation around you. Any creature that starts its turn in this aura must make a Constitution saving throw or begin suffocating. The creature can survive for a number of rounds equal to its Constitution modifier (minimum 1 round). After this time, it falls unconscious and is dying. This ability cannot be turned off.
Oxygen Filtration. Your body automatically filters the air through your back-pipes. You are immune to all harmful gases, airborne toxins, and conditions that would suffocate or choke a creature. Additionally, you can breathe normally in any environment.
Berserk Adrenaline. When you drop to half your maximum hit points, you become filled with adrenaline. Your movement speed increases by 10 feet, you gain advantage on all attack rolls, and you can make an additional melee attack as a bonus action on each of your turns. This state lasts until your hit points are restored above half or you are reduced to 0 hit points.
You start with 100 Fear Levels.
- Lingering Asphyxiation
The air you’ve drained lingers. When you use an ability that removes oxygen, the area remains suffocating for 1 minute, even if you leave.
- Silent Suffocation
200 Fear Levels
As an action, you can remove all oxygen from a 20-foot radius sphere centered on a point you can see within 60 feet. All creatures within this sphere must make a Constitution saving throw or begin suffocating, as per the suffocation rules. This condition lasts as long as they remain within the sphere and for 1 minute after they leave it. Creatures that succeed on the save do not begin suffocating but still feel short of breath, having disadvantage on all Strength and Dexterity checks for the duration. This effect takes one use.
- Crushing Vacuum
400 Fear Levels
As an action, you can create a vacuum in a 30-foot cone. All creatures within the cone must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, creatures take 5d6 force damage, are pulled 10 feet towards you, and begin suffocating. On a successful save, creatures take half damage and are not pulled or suffocated. This effect takes one use.
- Berserker’s Wrath
600 Fear Levels
As an action, you can unleash a terrifying scream through your back-pipes, despite lacking a mouth. All creatures within a 60-foot radius must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, creatures take 6d6 psychic damage, become paralyzed for 1 minute, and begin suffocating. The paralysis can be ended by a successful Constitution saving throw at the end of each of the creature's turns. On a successful save, creatures take half damage and are not paralyzed or suffocating. This effect takes two uses.
- Airless Cage
800 Fear Levels
As an action, you can trap a single creature within an airless cage of force, locking them in a suffocating prison. The creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 7d6 force damage, is restrained, and begins suffocating. The creature remains in the cage for 1 minute, but can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns to escape. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage and is not restrained or suffocating. This effect takes two uses.
- Vacuum Implosion
1000 Fear Levels
As an action, you can create an implosion of air around you in a 40-foot radius. All creatures within this area must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, creatures take 8d6 force damage, are pulled 20 feet toward you, and begin suffocating. On a successful save, creatures take half damage, are not pulled, and do not begin suffocating. This effect takes two uses.
- Oxygen Theft
1200 Fear Levels
As an action, you can siphon the oxygen from a specific creature’s lungs. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 9d6 necrotic damage, is stunned for 1 minute, and begins suffocating. The stunned condition can be ended by making a successful Constitution saving throw at the end of each creature's turn. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage and is not stunned or suffocating. This effect takes three uses.
- Abyssal Breath
1400 Fear Levels
As an action, you can unleash a torrent of suffocating air in a 60-foot cone. All creatures in the area must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, creatures take 6d10 necrotic damage and begin suffocating. On a successful save, creatures take half damage and do not suffocate. This effect takes three uses.
- Desperate Despair
1600 Fear Levels
As an action, you can flood your body with an overwhelming surge of adrenaline and terror, unleashing a devastating wave of energy. All creatures within a 60-foot radius must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, creatures take 10d10 necrotic damage and are paralyzed for 1 minute. The paralysis can be ended by a successful Constitution saving throw at the end of each of the creature's turns. On a successful save, creatures take half damage and are not paralyzed. This effect takes three uses.
- Endless Suffocation
1800 Fear Levels
As an action, you can create a massive airless void in a 100-foot radius. All creatures within the void must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, creatures take 10d12 necrotic damage, are stunned, and begin suffocating. The stunned condition can be ended by making a successful Constitution saving throw at the end of each creature’s turn. On a successful save, creatures take half damage and are not stunned or suffocating. This effect takes four uses.
- Bane of Breath
2000 Fear Levels
As an action, you can remove the breath from an entire battlefield. All creatures within a 150-foot radius must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, creatures take 12d12 necrotic damage, are paralyzed for 1 minute, and begin suffocating. The paralysis and suffocation can be ended by a successful Constitution saving throw at the end of each creature’s turn. On a successful save, creatures take half damage and are not paralyzed or suffocating. This effect takes four uses.